A:C Blu Ray & DVD release dates (Australia, France, Germany, UK)

MemberChestbursterJul-13-2017 10:17 AMGutted :( I was all set for an early August release.
September 18 seems an age away - looks like i will be using Kodi until September then ;)
Take This.... This is the blood of our lord

AVP fan
MemberOvomorphJul-13-2017 4:55 PMIn Spain is also 13 of september like France, I think It is "early" with other films I waited about 6 months

MemberDeaconJul-13-2017 5:18 PMOh dear....
How Tempting is it to Purchase the Australian on now...
Mind you i am not sure my Blu-ray players are Multi-Region?
i know the DVD is different one... like Region 4 and UK is 2
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberChestbursterJul-14-2017 1:01 PMHas anyone looked into the extras ??
I seen there was a few different versions which have associated goodies?
Wondering if anyone has their heart set on a particular version?
Hope mine will be a free 2000 page Engineer Bible with so many answers we dont have enough questions ;)
Maybe on the directors cut lol
Take This.... This is the blood of our lord