Alien: Awakening (The claustrophobic film)

MemberPraetorianJul-31-2017 2:50 AMAti's topic An Alien War Film – David Demaret got me thinking about what happens if FOX gives Ridley Scott a reduced the budget for Covenant.
It will likely force him to write a smaller scale story, probably centred around the Covenant ship. Small budget films can be great, forcing the writers and production crew to be creative and not rely on special FX and bombastic sound and visuals to blow the viewer away *cough* Transformers & Avengers *cough*.
If this is the case it'll probably follow the route of a character driven thriller akin to the original Alien.
Perhaps not a bad thing, a return to roots and origins of what made the franchise great! Hazaa
But, the claustrophobic xeno-stalking thriller has been done already in Alien, Alien3 and the Alien: Isolation game. This dread experience would need a large overhaul to breath fresh ideas, shock and fears into the viewers. What can be done to scare us that hasn't been done already in these offerings?
The typical Xenomorph life cycle, although brilliant in its dread culmination from egg to xeno-killing machine, has been done. We know what to expect, and have become somewhat complacent and conditioned to it.
So I ask, if Awakening is forced down that path what could be done to spice up the life-cycle and offer NEW and terrifying threats from the Xenomorph?
One idea:
A hunter-killer Facehugger. No more hiding in air-ducts or closets, this little beast would leave the egg and actively hunt down hosts to either impregnate them, or flush them out of hiding for the Xenomorph. This would add a whole new level threat, nowhere would be safe, no camping!
something like this royal facehugger design.
2. Neomorph spore cadavers
Where do the spore pods come from in Covenant? What if when a Neomorph dies their body decays and erupts in new spores. Potentially every time you kill a Neomorph you potentially breed many more than that one. That's a whole new threat! at the very least it leads to areas of contagion where you cant retreat too. Need to keep moving.
3. Eggmorphing
It hasn't officially made it into a film yet. Perhaps Awakening can finally offer us one of the most horrifying experience yet
4. The Hive curator
An arachnid xenomorph that is found only in developed Hives. The Curator silently slinks about as it builds the secreted resin hive formations, webs up hosts, defends and move the eggs, tends to a Queen. I wouldn't want to find myself in a hive now!
What are your ideas!!??

MemberNeomorphAug-01-2017 8:09 AMBD, again we don't have enough information about the xeno so it is all speculation at this point. we don't know what limitations the xeno has in terms of energy. how many victims can it transform? was its limit 2-3 at most hence why lambert and parker are simply killed? the xeno certainly seems to take its time with them so was the xeno aware it could no longer complete its part of the egg morphing process and was now just eliminating potential threats to the brett/ dallas eggs? or if it had 1 more left in it was it simply a case of lambert and parker being together so it kills them as looking at the fact there were 2 that they posed a potentially a greater collective threat? knowing there is at least 1 more possible host alive, so it could afford to kill those 2 and still have 1 more potential victim?
at this point in time unfortunately as I pointed out it is all speculation but it is fun to theorise about this stuff