Advent And Phobos Now ONLINE !

MemberFacehuggerAug-06-2017 3:07 AMWARNING: Advent very gross!
1) Advent
2) Phobos

MemberOvomorphAug-06-2017 4:41 AMDavid is truly dead.Last time we see him is when he puts Shaw to sleep in the prologue.And then fuck up Walter too...
2 of the best characters.
Hope he returns with the juggernauts from the extended scene

MemberFacehuggerAug-06-2017 5:17 AMVery interesting... Would it have helped to put some of the Advent moments into the film? Possibly...

MemberFacehuggerAug-06-2017 5:39 AMIf the movie's ending was like the novel's, we could've had Advent play as David begins transmitting. I think the ending would've been a much more interesting setup for the sequel.
I just feel like only the fans will see this and therefore it was wasted opportunity. Or was it?

MemberChestbursterAug-06-2017 5:41 AMWell i must admit i am EXTREMELY grateful for that link.
I loved every second of "Advent" and i am going to break it down to its last molecule. Finally some answers and something to get stuck into.
Many Many Thanks.
Take This.... This is the blood of our lord

MemberXenomorphAug-06-2017 5:46 AMThank you!!!
"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

MemberFacehuggerAug-06-2017 9:40 AMCome on Big Dave, give it your best shot!
Reaction time is a factor in this test.

MemberFacehuggerAug-06-2017 12:05 PM@ MU/TH/UR great stuff!
Did anyone spot Brett in Phobos?

MemberFacehuggerAug-06-2017 12:30 PMNice, thanks for sharing.
Interesting bit at the end:
Priority one
Establish colony on planet surface
All other considerations secondary
Crew non-expendable.
Scary that they have that last part, they really are a horrible company lol.

MemberChestbursterAug-06-2017 1:32 PMLOVED Advent so much. ...I've got a sinking feeling Daniels isn't going to make it to Awakening...
Phobos was pretty cool too! Did Daniels, Walter and Tennessee have to stay longer for further tests, because they showed the least amount of fear?

Lawrence of Arabia
MemberChestbursterAug-06-2017 1:33 PMVivisectedEngineer Told ya about Daniels! XD Poor Walter.
"The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts."

Lawrence of Arabia
MemberChestbursterAug-06-2017 1:33 PMAdvent was very much worth the purchase alone. So much learnt.
"The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts."

MemberChestbursterAug-06-2017 1:48 PMPoor Walter indeed! Well, at least I can console myself over the probable loss of Daniels by looking forward to Walter's sad realization. Should make for some compelling character development. Plus, David keeps getting more interesting by the minute.
Which digital purchase included Advent?? I'll admit, sadly I had to watch a tiny, low quality upload on youtube :(

Lawrence of Arabia
MemberChestbursterAug-06-2017 2:04 PMVivisectedEngineer I'd suggest Vudu, not only do you get the digital copy with featurettes but they send you the Wal-Mart edition in the mail!
"The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts."

MemberChestbursterAug-06-2017 2:37 PMLots of great stuff in the Advent message.
Remove the scenes from the movie from it, and edit more in the style of the movie, and this would have made an awesome epilogue placed right at the end of the movie before the credits roll.
That is where it will be viewed every time I watch the movie from now on.

MemberChestbursterAug-06-2017 9:34 PMYou know, I also thought of something a little ironic in Phobos. As I recall, when asked, Faris said the aspect she found most disturbing was "not being able too get away".
Yet she winds up being the one who traps Karine in the medbay with the neomorph.
Why did Faris think she herself was any less likely to be infected than Karine? Sure Ledward may have puked on Karine's shoulder...but his back had sprayed blood directly in Faris' face... she was at least equally in need of quarantine.
Easier to inflict your own worst fear on someone else, I suppose.

MemberPraetorianAug-06-2017 11:13 PMwhy the hell wasn't this in the film! This is what was missing from Covenant to make it GREAT. David is a terrifying antagonist with one hell of a sinister agenda.
David was a bit too high and mighty in Prometheus/Covenant. In this, he is just downright scary and insane.
Prior to this I felt that if you ran into David in a dark alley he would probably offer you a cup of tea before stabbing you with his flute. All quiet cleanly. Now im not so sure

MemberChestbursterAug-07-2017 6:30 AMFantastic stuff...i couldn't hold out.
DEFINITELY would've helped A:C to have included portions of "Advent" at the end of the film. Don't know what fool edited it out (probably the same one that edited out the engineer conversation with David when they first meet in Prometheus).

MemberChestbursterAug-07-2017 9:08 AM"Prior to this I felt that if you ran into David in a dark alley he would probably offer you a cup of tea before stabbing you with his flute. All quiet cleanly. Now im not so sure"
Lol, I had always placed David very firmly in the "Let's not meet" category. Do you ever find that some book or movie scenes prey on your imagination and keep you awake at night with this: O_O; sort of facial expression? (Game of Thrones does that to me a lot, lol).
Well, in the early days of my Covenant obsession, imagining Dr. Shaw's final days with David on Planet 4 cost me a lot of sleep!
Imagine the existential dread of being utterly alone, light years from another human being, combined with being at the mercy of a Dr. Mengele-esque sociopath, completely unsympathetic to human needs or ethics.
David would really be the worst of both worlds.
...He's increasingly mesmerizing on screen! But if I met someone who remotely reminded me of him IRL, I'd run screaming lol.
Advent was great! Why didn't they include it in the film? ...I guess they probably wanted to wait until we had all just barely recovered from our initial trauma over the David-Shaw situation, so they could maximize the amount of sleep we all lose...? lol.

AdminPraetorianAug-09-2017 8:26 AMGuys, if people want to watch those videos they should buy the DVD/Blu-Ray. Please don't post links here. Fox has removed them anyways.