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MemberOvomorphAug-11-2017 12:42 PM

Alien: Hope for the future - is the survival-horror project with elements of tactics.This is not a commercial , fan project, which is being developed by one man ,me. 

Engine: Unity3d.

In the process of developing: 6 months.

Survival - it is all clear. You need to survive. To find some supplies for you and other colonists. To avoid xenomorphs etc. 

Horror - it is all clear even here.A small colony on the edge of a galaxy, alien organisms threatening all livings in the colony.And every day the situation is becoming worse. 

Elements of Tactics - you will face some situations with different solutions. For example - you will need to barricade a specific territory (to stay safe for 1 night) or you can defend this territory from Xenomorphs.Your and your colonists life will depend on right positioning of defenders and which approaches will they barricade. 

The game got nothing in common with the plot of the canonical book "River of Pain".

The story is about doings which are taking place in "Hadly's Hope" colony , before and during xenomorph incident. 

In the main campaign your will be playing as on of the colonists who didn't figure in films,games etc. 

Also there will be additional missions where you will play as others colony members.The first three of them will come out before main campaign and you will be able to play them in demo. 

The game is only of 10-12% of it develepment.For me - the story is a main thing ,but animation, graphics, sound, light and gameplay are not layed aside.All will be updated as soon as possible. 

Link in Patreon:


56 Replies


MemberOvomorphSep-28-2017 2:00 AM

@dk Thank you very much. 

If issues with copyright to be resolved and there will be though some financing, at least donations, a game will be on consoles.

Movie fan

MemberFacehuggerSep-29-2017 7:53 AM

Really? Yes!

Can't wait to get this game ;)

Obsession is a Power, not a Curse ;)


MemberOvomorphOct-08-2017 6:09 AM

Chamber of intensive therapy.


MemberOvomorphNov-16-2017 1:10 AM

And here comes the new trailer


MemberDeaconNov-16-2017 6:35 AM

Amazing... what a lot of Effort has gone into the detail of this, considering its a Small Project, this is the kind of idea that would make a great game, especially if its done in the style of Survival Horror, like Alien Isolation but with a bit more action and weapons....  

I certainly look forwards to more development on this Project and Well Done ;)

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphDec-24-2017 8:37 AM


Not optimized mini demo, for check on powerful pc. just like that it is possible and to run about on medium-high settings) Only 64 bit.


MemberOvomorphFeb-17-2018 3:29 AM

There now and big news) Level for a demo is completely finished. (now to show everything, naturally I won't be) More we aren't distracted by it) there will be not so many Place, but nevertheless: About twenty rooms, apart from the small rooms adjoining to big, corridors (two and a half floors), tunnels, ventilyation, etc.

The report on work in a week. 
The most part of time was occupied by the test of operability of colony. What everything correctly would work, a door hasn't pinched anywhere, Through textures didn't pass, etc.

Work with a sound, at each room the soundtrack is carried out (Pipes hoot, steam rustles, computers click, etc.). On the general background noise of the winds Acheron.

In some places the atmosphere of colony is finished, different recognizable objects, etc. are added.

At the moment all forces go and cutscenes and smoother of animation of NPS.

All thanks for attention, I hope to be pleasant to monitor to you the project, and all of you will wait for the full first act)
And I remind that if someone has a desire and an opportunity to help the project, it is possible to pass to Patreon and to support there, to thereby accelerate and improve development of a game)



MemberPraetorianFeb-17-2018 1:02 PM

Great news IIapagokc

You continue to make us all very proud :-)


MemberOvomorphMay-21-2018 8:47 AM

here a demo I left 0.5 versions not so long ago. The translation not really and many bugs, but it is possible to pass in the different ways.


Also in group it is possible to watch new videos tests: A game for Xenomorph from the first person, control of the Jordans tractor, etc.

You can support the project here: 


MemberOvomorphOct-18-2018 11:41 PM

 Small demo - shooting gallery it is available on our Patreon to all.
If brakes, put settings below. There are bugs that in the first shot weapon is not visible, or firing without sound right after reload, it is solved. Controls: wasd, Shift run, R recharge, Q on/off motion tracker. Also consider option to become our patron, your support is very necessary to the project.


MemberOvomorphDec-03-2018 5:59 AM

The first display of almost finished Alien, textures still will work, and I will be engaged in animation. how to you this creation? to meet in a dark corridor it will be cheerful?)
You can support the project here:


MemberChestbursterDec-03-2018 9:52 AM

WOW! Looks amazing! I like the details: arm blades, fingers and anthropomorphic legs.


to meet in a dark corridor it will be cheerful?


Sure. Meet with Pulse Rifle. ;)


MemberPraetorianDec-03-2018 10:21 AM

Your xenomorph is great and the detail on the walls is perfect. Thank you for the work.


MemberPraetorianDec-04-2018 12:09 AM

wow IIapagokc! The xeno modelling is incredible!

Looks perfectly like the Hadley Hope variant    

Top work!


MemberPraetorianDec-04-2018 12:10 AM

Im going to 'sticky' this in the Alien forum so its always at the top of the forum posts for members to see. 

Your dedication to this project is an inspiration to us all!


MemberTrilobiteDec-04-2018 7:22 PM

From what I can see, it looks somewhat like Isolation- that is a compliment!


MemberDeaconDec-05-2018 4:00 PM

Nice to see the Project Coming along Nicely

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphDec-09-2018 12:38 AM


MemberTrilobiteDec-09-2018 1:16 AM

That teaser is great!


MemberOvomorphJan-24-2019 12:51 AM

Long ago there were no news) Work is well under way. The bar in colony is completely changed, almost  completed. A lot of work is done over an external part of colony: more correct sizes and distances are exposed. A lot of work with textures of the earth is done. quality of textures 4k, pools and traces are added. I will soon show the updated corridors of colony) all thanks for attention)
You can support the project here:


MemberOvomorphJan-30-2019 8:35 PM

New models and textures of the street, corridors of colony, character. 
If to be pleasant to you the project, support it for any sum according to the reference, your help is necessary for project life, all thanks.


MemberOvomorphFeb-13-2019 10:20 AM

Work, over the main exterior of colony is finished.
If you want, you can support the project here:
#AlienHopeforthefuture #Alien


MemberOvomorphFeb-18-2019 4:51 AM

Xeonomorph in Hadleys Hope)


MemberOvomorphOct-20-2019 2:05 PM

A new, introductory trailer for Alien: Hope for the future.


MemberDeaconOct-20-2019 2:35 PM

For a Small Production/Fan Game the Effort, Time and Labor of Love put into this is OUTSTANDING...

This would make such a Interesting Game......

I always felt the Hadleys Hope Outbreak Warranted a Survival Horror Game ;)

Keep up the Good Work ;)

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


AdminEngineerJan-22-2020 12:13 PM

Really thrilled to see this game nearing completion!

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
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