Okay,a show of hands please....
MemberPraetorianSep-03-2017 1:28 PMWhile i must admit I'm more than a little biased,the Alien franchise is probably the only film franchise I like all films front to back(i'm NOT counting the Alien vs. Predator movies.)I've grown up as a long time fan with Aliens being what got me hooked(it's my all time favorite movie.)Own a bunch of the kenner action figures from my youth.Saw Alien Resurrection at the tender age of 7 in theaters.While i don't care much for the film now as i previously stated,summer 2004 was a great summer for me who was 14 at the time,everyone had all there eyes on Spider Man2(it's a much better movie any way lol)Aliens and predators finally fighting on the big screen was a dream come true,even if the results were mediocre at best.The announcement of Prometheus(loved then and still love now)was what truly had my attention in 2012.Once again the world had there eyes on super hero films like the Avengers(if be honest,i don't like it)and The Dark Knight Rises,they didn't mean to me what Ridley Scott's return to the Alien franchise did.Now it's 2017,the world is still drooling over super heroes(liked Spider-Man Homecoming,not as much as Alien Covenant,Alien was better than Spider-Man this time.)The worlds taste in films remains stuck in super hero mode.I on the other hand remain a loyal (if not stubborn)Alien fan.Not much outside this series matters to me.How many of you feel the same?
Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for
Capt Torgo
MemberFacehuggerSep-06-2017 10:20 AMAllow me to defend the AVP films as I love them for what they are. Too bad so many Alien fans seem to treat them as a whipping boy. So for me there are Seven awesome films and the most recent abomination I won't count as #8. Dark knight was well done but most studios can't replicate that quality wether it's a hero or horror. They(studio) elites live in a bubble and just have very poor management when evaluating creative talent, imo.
MemberPraetorianSep-06-2017 10:36 AMAs I sit here, continuing to build ALIEN: Manticore towards it's conclusion, I've been pondering the influences that show in it.
I have to admit, there is some influence from AvP, the pyramid structure. Well, insofar as the 'feel' of being in the dark, possibly alone, and not really knowing which way is out while Nasty Things are out and about.
Frankly, the folks in AvP had a MUCH easier time of it than what I'm putting my characters through. :D
Oh, and my characters don't have any friendly Predators to help them out.
AvP-R...I don't hate it, there's bits and pieces I do like about it. EG; I did enjoy the rainy street scene where the aliens were picking off soldiers, to me that stated how excellent they are at stalking, using available cover to hide behind, and how sneaky/stealthy they are.
In the end, I take the AvP movies as pure Stand-Alone works, action films with some cool things to complicate matters and give some fear-thrill.
But I don't really consider them to be ALIEN in feel, tone or substance.
MemberNeomorphSep-09-2017 2:47 AMMaybe I am dumb as F but I am not really sure what the topic of this post is. There are different movies that I like. I usually watch zombie movies (the Night of. . . movies are good) or action movies (Kill Bill for example for some reason it is good that they only did 2 or else it would have been like the Friday the 13TH kind of thing). Some of the Star Wars movies are good Empire is my favorite among those. Episode 2 and 3 among the prequels are alright but The Phantom Menace is just boring.
“The ONLY super hero I support is The Tick!”
How about the Batman movies that Tim Burton did (1989, and 1992)? I like those movies, not really a fan of the rest although I got to admit that I liked the Batman Forever when I was younger.
MemberChestbursterSep-09-2017 6:35 AMMay be a bit off but speaking of Superhero movies i'd love to see one with this guy. ;)
- Smoking
- Drinking
- Chauvinist
- Bad mannered
- Absolutely political incorrect
- Makes Deadpool look like a kindergarten kid
I loved the original comics.
Eine Theorie die nicht auf Etwas solidem basiert ist für gewöhnlich nur Geschwätz.
MemberPraetorianSep-09-2017 10:40 AMOkay, yeah, Loba...an exception I'll make to the Superhero genre. A friend showed me a few comics in her collection regarding him beating the tar out of Superman as if it were a schoolyard bully deal.
He is pretty seriously badass.
That and he wiped out every other member of his own species JUST so he alone could be Unique.
MemberChestbursterSep-09-2017 12:58 PMIf i am totally honest, i watched Alien on a pirated VHS in about 1982 and i loved it. Although not as much as a friend of the time. i suspected he got his views from his older brother with the pirate VHS. Anyways Aliens came and along with Predator and commando i loved those 80s action flicks. Stallone even Arnie.
Something stuck with Aliens but later would prefer Alien and also respect the others after all they are in a universe i love. it was about done as avP / AVpr approached.
Anyways Prometheus got me back. seriously. like nothing else. the universe opened up and i was excited.
Prometheus saved the Franchise. Hopefully one day i wil say RS saved the franchise i love ?????????????
Take This.... This is the blood of our lord