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Alien Covenant Origins Novel - The Firsts

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MemberPraetorianOct-03-2017 1:29 PM

'The Alien: Covenant Origins novel states earlier that Walter is the first Walter. Also here that David is the first David.'

'Makes me wonder if it took 7 failures that was scrapped because they didn’t pass the testing before getting to the 1 successful synthetic that could be mass produced?'

13 Replies


MemberPraetorianOct-03-2017 2:24 PM

Hi Ati. Do you know where is the above corporate interface is active?

Corporate Timeline No Longer Available

I noticed the website is no longer available and the domain forwards to the "Official Alien Movies Fan Hub".

Yes, the number of David and Walter androids in 2104 was a huge revelation to me in the novel.

No mass-produced plastic faces (beginning in 2042) like what was alluded to in the now-unavailable corporate timeline (David model evolution below).


MemberChestbursterOct-03-2017 4:07 PM

It's interesting that they say that the David project was rushed in order to be finished in time for the Prometheus project - thus hinting at him not being tested properly. He was therefore flawed and the reason for the project's failure (and also for the Covenant project's failure)?


MemberPraetorianOct-03-2017 4:45 PM


'Do you know where is the above corporate interface is active?'

Don't know but that's true that the weyland site throws us to the official alienuniverse site. Probably they took it down because of the contradictions /?/ or they are planning something new, etc.

I think the info of it was copied to other sites, blogs, etc.

Oh, I've just found it for you. :D

Here you are:

I hope this is what you are looking for.


MemberPraetorianOct-03-2017 8:11 PM

Thank you Ati for the link...that is really nice tumblr account.

I was thinking along the same lines and wishing for a new launch of the Weyland Industries timeline, updated with the new material. That would be OK after a blackout. There were definitely contradictions in the timeline in relation to the new material from ADF.


MemberPraetorianOct-03-2017 8:16 PM

I believe you are correct in the rush past testing theory regarding the androids chli.

It was obvious that Peter Weyland got a question from David 8 he didn't expect in the first moments of his synthetic existence.


MemberFacehuggerOct-03-2017 8:50 PM


Very interesting the first Android concept. David is defective, we know him, but Walter does not know him well enough. We could only understand his nature and really feel feelings for Daniels (like a child at elementary schools who refuse to declare himself). I can both believe that it is the exact opposition, both good and bad. He can create it because the devil taught him (he was not a human being to play flute, but a machine), he needs more time to widen his arbitrariness. It's bad in a good way


"Au Revoir Shoshanna"


MemberDeaconOct-04-2017 6:36 AM

Again this just shows us the Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen approach and not sticking to set down History that the Marketing Provided... so we have a story that is in-coherent to what we have before.

Simply is too FLAWED....

Goes in the Face of the TED Talk Viral, and shows really bad writing, i have to fear for the Authenticity of the Franchise now.

The Theory and Idea i had for David was better and would have fitted and its what i began to explore in my Prometheus 2 which set up a 3rd movie but also explored what i called OPERATION ROOK

I was going to explore that there was more to Peter Weyland Creating David because Weyland wanted to show he could be as a GOD and create Synthetic Life.... Oh no...

I had the theory that David 1 Prototype would have his Memories and Experiences Saved and Uploaded to Each New David Model, with every Advancement that each Model Made Technologically.

So that the Prototypes would be Weylands Personnel David and allowed more Free-will but would also by the time of Prometheus have amassed 70 years of Memories and Experiences.

What makes a Soul?

The Spirit that contains our Personality, our Morality and Memories that lives on after we DIE?

Or is our GOOD SOUL determined by our upbringing and experiences, that will effect what kind of person we become... Kind, or Cruel...

Do we just simply turn to Dust when we die, that our Memories and Experiences are just stored in our Memory so our Brain is just a Advanced Biological Computer and when we die.. this stored information is gone.... and our Bodies then stop working and over time become but dust and bone.

If this is the case... then its our Memories and Experiences stored in our brains that effect our Moral Compass and these are what give us a SOUL....

Under this analysis then indeed DAVID could also have a SOUL

I was going to explore, and i had mentioned on here a number of times... that Weyland wanted to be Immortal he did not wish to die...

His Agenda?  Create a Synthetic Humanoid that would be so Life-Like, and So more Advanced, and then create a way to Store the Emotions and Memories of these Androids so they can be uploaded.

But Weyland also had plans to Upload his own SOUL so to speak, and his Ultimate Agenda would have been to Create the Perfect Synthetic Life, and ability to then Upload Weylands Emotions, Ambitions, Memories and Experiences into it.

And Weyland had indeed planned this, he had created a AI Program called Operation Rook, but the transfer of Human Memories to AI and then into AI Robots had Flaws,  it was not working correct... became erratic and flawed.

So eventually Weyland had to turn to FAITH... well Dr Shaws findings in that meeting our makers would save him...

My Prometheus 2 ended with the attempt to Activate operation Rook, and would have explored the Influence of Weylands AI being behind the Company and its Agenda, as well as Davids too.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconOct-04-2017 6:40 AM

But this story they are giving now i feel is flawed...

So David is the First... yes... but then now they kept this David from conception 2025 all the way to what we have in Prometheus, and so every new model has improvements, but yet Emotionally are in-superior to the first.

This does not look like any Evolution of Synthetics, it makes little sense... only way makes sense is if David 1 has his AI uploaded to each New Improvement.

This is something i hoped we could see in the next movie... as maybe the Covenant has Spare Parts for Walter, and so David could either repair himself... or build a Spare Walter and then Upload himself into the Walter Model with plenty of time to do so...

The Removal of the Weyland Site is a disappointment, it appears  instead of following groundwork laid out, they just brush stuff under the carpet so people cant see the inconsistencies as they make it all up as they go along approach it appears they are taking.

I find it flawed that what... they Rushed David 8? when David 8 is David 1?  I would say 65 years of Development is NO RUSH?

Unless Alas now we are to see the Weyland and David Prologue as being actually set much latter than the 2023 TED Talk...

But Weyland in the Prologue looks a good 50 years younger than the Prometheus Weyland... and so they could always push that the David Model came out in the 2040's instead.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberPraetorianOct-04-2017 11:01 AM

"So eventually Weyland had to turn to FAITH... well Dr Shaws findings in that meeting our makers would save him..."

That is a wonderful point BigDave. Peter Weyland had invested so much in "there's nothing" in regards to an afterlife but clearly had faith in Dr. Shaw and Dr. Holloway's theory. Excellent point.

We all can be very weak when offered what we want to hear.


MemberDeaconOct-04-2017 1:41 PM

Its one of the most fundamental and interesting Questions..

Death, the after life...

You can be sure many Atheist  who choose not to believe in a God or After Life, will start to turn to Faith, or Pray in a GOD when Death is knocking at their Door or a Loved ones.

Because the Fear of their being Nothing in the End, is something Dreadful and so hoping for a Afterlife gives you something to cling onto.

I feel this is similar to what happened with Mr Weyland...  i was proposing for My Prometheus 2 that indeed Weyland was working on his own way to Cheat Death.  But having not been successful, he then turned to Dr Shaws GODS.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberPraetorianOct-04-2017 4:23 PM


David - first - eight - Walter - first, not first.... zzzzzzz

I can't follow... :D :D


MemberPraetorianOct-04-2017 4:24 PM

Ingeniero - 'Thank you Ati for the link...that is really nice tumblr account.'

Indeed. :D


MemberDeaconOct-05-2017 5:17 AM

Indeed seems they are Redacting the whole History that Prometheus laid down... i fear once they have made their prequels to Alien and we go and watch Prometheus... then Prometheus will make less sense... especially the TED 2023 Viral

Shocking that those working on the Movies etc, really dont do their homework...

The Back Ground marketing for Prometheus gave us that Peter Weyland was born in 1990,  if we look at the Prologue in Alien Covenant then Peter Weyland would look 45-50 years old.

When the First David was activated in the year 2025, and so Weyland would be 35 but he looked older than that in AC..

I wonder now if they are Changing the History of David, so that actually that Prologue Scene would have taken place around the year 2040-2050 Ball Park?

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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