MemberPraetorianOct-10-2017 12:33 PMI know that some members of the site find strange and surprising the possibility that David killed and reanimated some Engineers. In one of my previous topics I had shared some lines by David claiming that he can do that.
In one of the comments by concept artist Matt Hatton I have found something more bizarre regarding Elizabeth Shaw's fate.
Hatton: 'It wasn't just adults that David 'explored'. Here's a study of an Engineer child. The inference is, what did he do to get the musculature and then skeleton study? Yeesh!...'
--------: '...it's clear, and these are that much more unsettling when we see renderings of the Engineer children... diabolical.'
Hatton: 'But here's the zinger. If he's already killed everyone in the metropolis, he might be reviving them (we saw this in the previous film) or cultivating them specifically for his 'work'! Same with the different 'conflicting' drawings of Shaw. They could be different Shaws, or the same Shaw revived and reconstructed to be pulled apart again. Or maybe even worse...'
--------: "...reconstructed to be pulled apart again"... would mean her fate was even worse than we've seen or imagined... treading into some unspeakable places, where even my imagination was afraid to go!'
Do you know why these lines can be so important?
If Hatton confirms that it is possible that we see a Shaw clone in Alien Covenant, it can't be stated that Elizabeth is dead. In other words, the character can be brought back, Shaw might return in the next Alien movie.
For the full comment section, visit Hatton's instagram page:

MemberPraetorianOct-17-2017 1:11 PMGavin - 'Rather than a Shaw clone, I like the idea that Shaw was never dead and that David cloned her while she remained in hypersleep somewhere hidden on Planet 4.'
Yes, I had the same idea some months ago. Only the real Shaw!
'Narratively for Awakening, it could work well with Walter discovering the real Shaw as the Engineers arrive.'
And the title Awakening could work as well - in spite of the fact that I think I'm not the only one who doesn't like this title.
I hope they'll choose this storyline.

MemberNeomorphOct-23-2017 5:55 PMif im right then the different drawings of shaw were done by david himself and r not just concept art that never got into the film. this would definitely lead to the thought that there were multiple versions of shaw to experiment on and he may not have actually killed the original. even for a synthetic the actual process of creating a grave sight yet not burying the body seems a little out of place, as david himself is methodical in everything he does. the original shaw may be in the grave, unharmed by david and he experimented on clones?
I wouldn't bring her back though. for me its too late for her character to have any real impact now as I feel theyv missed that opportunity for the shaw character plus wev already had the 'resurrection' plot in AR. time to kill daniels now (hopefully) and move on

MemberXenomorphOct-23-2017 6:14 PMHow about..: She is still alive and in the grave buried! Being kept alive with drugs...maybe a small light, small bit of air and water a waste tube............. David is just testing her resilience.
I remember a 70's movie..buried alive..or something...man that movie gave me nightmares even to this day.
Can't imagine her mental condition ....buried alive in a coffin for 10 years...hope she isn't claustrophobic!! Smothered and unable to move 24/7.
Maybe in a hundred years David will pop back to Planet 4 dig her up and ask how she is?

MemberPraetorianOct-23-2017 6:29 PMMonsterZero - 'She is still alive and in the grave buried!'
Believe it or not, I thought something similar: she is in the grave, she is still alive - but in a cryo chamber. David put the chamber in the grave...
We don't see the cryo pods of the pilot room in Covenant - perhaps it was intentional.