MemberFacehuggerOct-12-2017 12:04 PM
Was it confirmed that Planet 4 was the engineers homeworld? Or was it simply a planet where "they" (The bio engineered engineers) came from?
If it was their homeworld, I often wonder why it was so sparsely populated.
The wheat field they walked through didn't look big enough to sustain more than a small village, let alone a huge city
But, it got me thinking
The planet seemed to have a very turbulent and stormy atmosphere, with storms lasting for days/weeks/months
Given the Engineers ability to build massive monuments (pyramids mounds) out of stone, with technology integrated into the structure, is it possible they actually live underground?
They have very pale skin, after all.
I'm wondering perhaps if that city David bombed was simply the main gathering area for worship, a bit like the Vatican here on Earth.
MemberPraetorianOct-12-2017 1:13 PM'Was it confirmed that Planet 4 was the engineers homeworld?'
Yes, it was. It was confirmed by the official Alien Universe website:
'David’s Lab: Engineers
Humanity’s predecessors, the Engineers, understood the dangers of a weapon mankind was never meant to possess. But David is not a man. With a stolen ship and a broken mind, he takes the legacy of the Engineers, and their home world, and uses their knowledge to put his dark plans into motion.'
MemberFacehuggerOct-12-2017 2:07 PMWho knows, maybe everyone has the homeworld thing backwards. Maybe Planet 4 is where the original beings stayed, and all of the other Engineer types we've seen or thought up were evolved from Planet 4 and left to be more technologically advanced and what not.
MemberXenomorphOct-12-2017 3:20 PMYup. I've long said this.
Advanced civilizations wouldn't live on the surface....too dangerous(radiation/asteroids/weather/spys/etc.....).
Earthling's are broadcasting their strengths/weaknesses across the universe....any aliens can easily spot a weak backwards society as they stand naked before the galaxy...just ripe for the picking.
MemberFacehuggerOct-12-2017 4:26 PM“Who knows, maybe everyone has the homeworld thing backwards.”
The more I think on this, the more intriguing I find it. What if Planet 4 is the origin of mankind? One of the big questions asked in AC is where did the wheat come from. What if it came from Planet 4 and was part of its naturally occurring plant life. We see lots of architectural references to what is seen on Earth, but what if those influences did not come from earthly visitations, but were in fact influences originating from Engineer civilisation. By flipping things on their head, one question that stood out was could the idea of an afterlife originated from the Engineers. If the Engineers were considered gods by ancient humans, then would’nt it makes sense that individuals seeded from engineers could be chosen as a ruling class, such as roman emperors, or kings. In some traditions when a king dies they were expected ascend to the heavens and go to the gods, and so go on to an afterlife.
MemberTrilobiteOct-12-2017 9:30 PMPlanet 4, or Paradise, was NOT the Engineers home world. The closest term viable to what Planet 4 was to/for the Engineers is a 'colony'.
MemberFacehuggerOct-12-2017 9:57 PMWhen they say 'their' home world, they aren't specifying whether it's all of the Engineers or just the ones we've seen. Also 'home world' does not mean that it's the only world.
MemberXenomorphOct-12-2017 11:58 PMThe heads carved on the mountains we see in Covenant seem to indicate that indeed planet 4, not Earth, was the one seeded in the opening scene from Prometheus.
It means planet 4 is not their initial home world but, at best, their current home world. Could it be that LV223 was their original world they abandoned after some mishaps with the black goo?
"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"