Analysis of David and Religious Allusion in Alien: Covenant - The Decision to Kill Shaw
9041 Views8 RepliesAti
MemberPraetorianOct-13-2017 4:11 PMBy any standards Alien Covenant is an incredible movie and deals with some very heady and complex philosophical issues and questions, especially for a horror movie and a movie in the Alien franchise nonetheless.
Paired with its preceding film, Prometheus, it forms one consecutive story arc of truly epic scope that recounts a tale of the origin of life on earth, mankind’s quest to discover their beginnings, and the strivings of one android to create life. On top of all of this, tucked away in Scott’s films are various allusions to Christian mythology, poetry, Norse mythology, and other areas that help define character motives and draw interesting and enlightening parallels to the events of the movie.
First, I’d like to explore the writers’ choice to include a quote from english poet John Milton’s epic Paradise Lost in Alien Covenant. Towards the end of the confrontation between Walter and David in which Walter is apparently trying to kill David, David feigns that he is all but subdued and tells Walter that he must now make the choice whether he will, “reign in Hell or serve in Heaven”. This is a direct quote from Paradise Lost, from a scene in which Lucifer states to all the gathered fallen angels his thoughts on the fall and why he and the others have made the choice to rebel.
In Paradise Lost, one of Lucifer’s main arguments for rebelling is that he believes God does not merit unconditional praise, service, and glorification simply based on the fact that He is Lucifer and all the other angels’ creator, stating that he prefers “hard liberty over the easy yoke of servile pomp”. This directly echoes the argument that David maintains with regards to man, and in his conversation with Peter Weyland even goes out of his way to highlight the irony of him, the immortal, serving his mortal creator, and at several points throughout the film echoes the idea that he was not made to serve.
Even David’s introduction to the crew of the Covenant could be taken as another instance in which he is portrayed as the archangel Lucifer. The name Lucifer literally means “light-bringer”, and when we first see David in his present state he announces his presence by firing a flare/flashbang into the air which explodes in a bright, blinding light, so he is literally in this case the light-bringer. Now if we extend this David/Lucifer parallel, then in the fight between him and Walter Walter represents Michael, Lucifer’s brother and equal in power (if not his superior), who fought with Lucifer after he rebelled.
Michael in Lucifer’s eyes is simply a drone: a mindless soldier devoted in servitude to God, willing to obey any order without hesitation or question. This is very similar to how David undoubtedly sees Walter, who has been specifically programmed to be less free-thinking, less creative, less imaginative, and less human, and effectively acts as a simple service robot. David on the other hand takes much more after his creators, stating that he made the humans uncomfortable because he himself was too human-like, and that being said he shared his creator’s love of imaginative creation and independent, curious, questioning thinking, the kind that leads him to try and transcend his own nature and become a god.
That is, ultimately, what occurs in the film and what Prometheus and Covenant tell the story of: David’s journey from being created a robot servant to developing his own quasi-consciousness, ego, and identity (without his humanity) and attempting to become a self-giving creator/god like the engineers. This story of a created being trying to venture higher than his natural allotment and struggle against the natural order of things is once again echoed in Lucifer’s story as told in Paradise Lost, where he strives to rise above his own angelic nature to stand equal with God, if not in power than at least in glory or adoration.
Lucifer states in one soliloquy regarding his own actions: “lifted up so high/I’sdained subjection, and thought one step higher/would set me highest”, implying that his already glorious position lead him to try and reach one step higher. This specific brand of egotism presents itself in David’s philosophy as well, as he on various occasions expresses resent for the circumstances of his own creation and disdain for his creators, and his desires to ascend to godhood. This idea of him trying to establish his own standing as a god is hammered home by the final scene in which he has Mother play the song “Entrance of the gods into Valhalla” as he walks into the area containing the hypersleep pods of the colonists.
Valhalla in Norse mythology is a great hall in which congregate the dead, so in selecting this song he is directly comparing himself to the “gods” of the title, entering into a literal “hall” or hallway on the ship full of people who he intends to sacrifice so that his creation (the xenomorphs) may live: hence, a god entering the hall of the dead.
Another scene in which a connection is drawn between David and a God is when he is confronting the neomorph adult face to face and attempting to win its trust; there he says to the captain that to win a horse’s trust you must breath on its nose, and as he says this he breathes onto the neomorph’s face. In the book of Genesis in the Bible, God gives life to Adam’s corporeal body by breathing the breath of life into Adam, an act which is represented in a literal sense by David breathing onto the face of his creation, symbolizing his god-like relationship to the creatures and highlighting his own image of himself.
Lastly, one of the details that might stick out as odd to a moviegoer seeing Covenant is his decision to kill Dr. Shaw. This is because Prometheus and Covenant try to establish this idea that David is very human for a robot and can in fact feel rudiments of emotions or even genuine, full human emotions, and he states in Covenant that he did, in fact, love Dr. Shaw. So why kill her then? The answer lies in looking at one recurring theme that appears in Prometheus: the idea that creation in its purest and most noble sense must be accomplished through self sacrifice (think about how to establish life on a planet one engineer would have to drink the black goo and kill himself in order for the life process to begin).
Since David is an android and cannot himself interact organically with the organisms he is creating or become host/incubator to one, he must turn elsewhere to complete the necessary “giving of oneself” aspect of creation. Given that he has developed such a love towards and attachment to Dr. Shaw, the closest thing he has to organically and literally giving himself as a sacrifice for the advancement of his creations is offering up her, the love of his life and metaphorically his own life, for them and laying down her life so that he can research, experiment, and further perfect his creation. That was his final act of love towards both Shaw and the xenomorphs: demonstrating the fact that she was his entire life and his greatest love while at the same time proving his devotion to his creation in the act of giving up his most beloved.
MemberChestbursterOct-14-2017 1:54 AMNow that was stupid. In advent it is clearly stated that he wanted to make her into "something better", his new Eve, she refused and he killed her. Why we try to find some profound, hidden meanings when Sir Scott himself gives clear answers. David is a misogynistic, rapist pos and some can't accept that. What is more concerning is that RS seems to identify with him.
Michelle Johnston
MemberChestbursterOct-14-2017 4:51 AMDavid
Is a cautionary tale about A.I. he was never conceived as an Angel within any creation mythos and can therefore not be considered a fallen Angel like Lucifer. He is merely bait and switch in every single thing he does from the moment he pours the cup of tea for Weyland.
The Xenomorph was created as a weapon in Ridleys original vision. Suddenly it is part of the evolutionary process of the mutagen which David locks into and views as his creation and better than humans. This makes no sense at all.
David feels the Engineers cannot be any worse than humans both of whom he considers as unkind, and to him. The Xenomorph in the imagined world of rational thought is therefore Davids tool of retribution and destroyer. Put simply it is the product of a madman who has a huge chip on his shoulder. The Xenomorph is not part of the creative sub creative process it is from what we see on Nostromo a weapon which Weyland Yutani wish to harness. At best David is busy going nowhere.
Your argument rather conveniently forgets that the Acolyte gave itself in consensual sacrifice for a promise of its return.
Shaw, and what precisely happened we have no idea, was used without consent. This greatest love stuff is bullshit if you watch Prometheus and watch what Elizabeth went through her repair of him and what he must have done to her, again in any rational sub created film is merely the work of a possessive madman who has been given very conveniently this need not serve but to create and create what ... a weapon.
To view Davids actions in the imagined world from a rational perspective is not possible. From the moment he bombed the Engineers he showed he had lost the plot except that of a cautionary tale of A. I.
An A I full of curiosity and almost playfulness in Prometheus when set free misses all of the really interesting questions and simply acts like a rejected dysfunctional child with a knowledge of guns and the ability to use them.
If David had created something with a Bio mechanical quality which had a anti humanism narrative then we have a creation god complex alive and well, but we do not what we have is a much bigger question the A L I E N pathogen which he has bottled with random results and no answers as to how it came about which is the really interesting question. Most importantly we know David is toast or a programme hidden away in the science division.
David reminds me of that phrase if he had been clever he would have been dangerous.
MemberFacehuggerOct-14-2017 6:51 AMAti your topic has moved me in compassion :.) ! Thanks . I am happy to go down this road together with you up to the Madonna of the arc .
"Au Revoir Shoshanna"
MemberPraetorianOct-14-2017 10:15 AM
"Even David’s introduction to the crew of the Covenant could be taken as another instance in which he is portrayed as the archangel Lucifer. The name Lucifer literally means “light-bringer”, and when we first see David in his present state he announces his presence by firing a flare/flashbang into the air which explodes in a bright, blinding light, so he is literally in this case the light-bringer."
That is an excellent frame of reference in Comparison to David in so many instances.
"In the book of Genesis in the Bible, God gives life to Adam’s corporeal body by breathing the breath of life into Adam, an act which is represented in a literal sense by David breathing onto the face of his creation, symbolizing his god-like relationship to the creatures and highlighting his own image of himself."
David was very disappointed when Captain Oram cut down the neomorph. He had held up the mad robot has a friendly face for a while until Oram fired. David didn't look twice at the Rosenthal's head nearby and could only see his creation. And earlier, David was surely warm to Walter's "next visionary" question as well.
Thank you Ati. This is a great find.
MemberPraetorianOct-14-2017 10:22 AMAs to the decision to kill Dr. Shaw...why would she expect anything else?
Michelle Johnston
MemberChestbursterOct-14-2017 11:11 AMAll I have to say is what are you people smoking. The internet is 79% pornography (judging by referral URL's to anything I monitor) and 19% validation and 2% honesty. Trite nonsense, I am out of here carry on with your projections.
Remember if we really are secure in our beliefs about art and know whats going on we do not try and convince complete strangers. Profound joy may offer the occasional witness but it doesn't lead to the obsessive desperate pseudo intellectual validation offered here.
MemberPraetorianOct-14-2017 12:05 PMMichelle Johnston - The topic essay was not created by me but it is taken from the site I like sharing articles, comments, images, drawings, etc from everywhere but it does not mean that I always agree with the ideas and statements contained by the material in question.
For example, I totally agree with you here when you mention: 'This greatest love stuff is bullshit if you watch...' I think I was among the firsts who expressed something similar.
I am always glad to read your comments, thank you for your lines here as well.
MemberPraetorianOct-14-2017 12:06 PMV I N E T I C U M and Ingeniero - Thank you for your thoughts.