MemberTrilobiteOct-18-2017 9:34 PMImagine waking up, doing your routine to go to work, getting to and arriving at work. Those are the parameters. The scenario ends when you step out of the vehicle or whatever mode of transportation you utilize. If you work from home, it could work. If you don't have a job, it can still work- just be creative. It is intended to be inclusive. This could get interesting. I will start in the following post. After that, go for it!
Remember that quotes from the franchise movies are all in play.

MemberTrilobiteOct-18-2017 9:34 PMAlarm clock sounds- “All right, sweethearts, what are you waiting for? Breakfast in bed?” Apone, Aliens

MemberTrilobiteOct-19-2017 12:40 AMIRaptus Well played! Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. That's the spirit!

MemberPraetorianOct-19-2017 2:12 AMMe getting up for work.Drake"They ain't paying us enough for this man"
Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for

MemberChestbursterOct-19-2017 9:27 AMToday's a day off. I should go to the gym... well, "I havent' finished my coffee. It's the only thing good on this ship"
Not a map, an invitation

MemberPraetorianOct-19-2017 3:06 PMNoooooo!
Don't talk to me it, its too early in the morning!!
Much better
Alright, Im off to work, cya dear

MemberPraetorianOct-19-2017 5:08 PMdk hahaha so.....was I meant to turn left at Jupiter?
Working hard, or hardly working....you decide
I like this topic, its great fun

MemberTrilobiteOct-19-2017 5:18 PMIRaptus LOL- a great snip of "Going Nowhere Fast"!
I already broke my own rules in the OP so we will just adlib. It still ends upon arriving to work, but there can be stops and turns along the way :)

MemberPraetorianOct-20-2017 5:09 PMHeading into town to do some shopping
damn small supermarket parking, How I am supposed to get the baby stroller out!!!

MemberTrilobiteOct-20-2017 5:17 PMGotta pick up the staples. I won't have time after work. Um- here is the shopping list:

MemberTrilobiteOct-21-2017 12:43 AMThey still haven't completed the parking lot and west wall. I feel like a total stranger here. Time to go back home and give it another go tomorrow....fin?

MemberPraetorianOct-21-2017 1:51 AMFin.
I guess it wouldnt be a good Alien story unless something got fired out of an airlock...so without further adieu
...and a swig of Jack as a night cap