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The Chest-Burster Dog from Alien 3

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MemberPraetorianOct-23-2017 7:04 PM


'The famous and absolutely terrifying chest-burster dog from early drafts of Alien 3.

The footage was dropped. DROPPED! Can you believe that?'

Image, gif, text are taken from:

/Alien King illustration for Sideshow Collectibles by grimchild/

Source: grimchild

7 Replies


MemberTrilobiteOct-23-2017 8:36 PM

What a cute dog and footage! Would like to see WTF was on its head when it was trotting away.


MemberPraetorianOct-23-2017 9:08 PM

dk - An Alien head:


MemberPraetorianOct-23-2017 9:08 PM

'Obviously Alien 3 does indeed have some CGI work within it, but anyone who knows the film will be very aware that it mostly looks weak and unnatural. I can only imagine how bad an early 90s CGI baby Runner would have looked as it sprinted away covered in blood and guts. So… like any top quality effects team would do in this situation, they explored every possible option, INCLUDING building a suit for an actual dog! In this case a Whippet.

Whippets are very slender dogs, which would have been a perfect choice to place under a rubber suit. They are also gentle, quiet and not prone to barking, which would have also been useful on set. There aren’t many pictures of this plan in action out there, but the ones that have surfaced reveal it was one of the more crazy ideas in the history of cinema. That’s a seriously cute dog, but I think it’s contemplating killing everyone involved, after a long hot shower!

When the dog moved in full costume it basically just scuttled along quite happily in an adorable kind of way, probably heading towards a bowl of dog food off camera. Menacing it was not. The idea was abandoned, and the pooch returned to normal life, blissfully unaware he or she almost found Hollywood stardom!'


MemberFacehuggerOct-23-2017 9:24 PM

I have been a dog guy for my entire life. I like dogs more than most people.  And they like me - so it works...  So I have an issue with Alien 3 in that the Rottweiler would have killed itself (acid spray) trying to remove the alien.  Dogs fight to the death, and a Rott would not have succome to a neck squeeze, it would have bit the hell out of a throat invador... thoughts? 



MemberTrilobiteOct-23-2017 9:51 PM

Spearfish I have always been a dog guy and completely agree with your comment with the Rotti too (fist bump).

Ati I agree the dog appeared to be trotting to where it was called- probably food, a great reward. The pics and footage is adorable. The video doesn't really look like it moves with a sense of urgency so maybe that was a reason it was cut ( a spooked cat may have been better). At least there was no wagging tail. 

I actually forgave the CGI because I liked the movie as a whole. My understanding was that there was a decent amount of pracical effects for the Alien. It seems the CGI Alien scenes had a general green look to them.



MemberDeaconOct-24-2017 7:21 AM

I can see why it was dropped it does not look like a Xenomorph, especially the last few Frames, the first part would be passable and could have been edited to just this shot.

I think they could have Re-shot this and tried to encourage the Dog to make a different movement,  like at the equivalent of a Fast Jog Pace for Humans.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberPraetorianOct-24-2017 10:19 AM

dk - In my previous comment you can't find my words but lines from the source indicated. However, more or less I agree with them. And with BigDave as well.

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