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The Queen of Venus
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MemberFacehuggerJan-21-2018 7:16 AM

Ridley wants to amaze and to do so you have to forget all the imagination, we have news about the lake on Origae_6.
In the Master class he claims to want to see him, Daniels' hope that turns into horror, he says he'll get there, but then everything will change.

In Alien Covenant David produces eggs thanks to shaw's female ovules , what happens if Daniels receives an improved mutation of what killed Shaw by divulging a Human Queen.
a project concerning the perfect genome, from a Human Queen egg to a Biomechanical Engineer guest.

Question not to be underestimated, because David tells the Weyland-Yutani that the crew has died, except Daniels and Tennessee? Do you want to keep them alive? Tennessee could be the new protagonist of the story, maybe meeting an evolved Daniels face to face.


"Au Revoir Shoshanna"

34 Replies


MemberDeaconJan-27-2018 1:27 PM

That is a good point, if the Engineers are so close to us DNA wise, i also fail to see much a of a difference between a Engineer and a Human, i can only assume that Human Reproduction is more suited, but is this due to the slight difference in Reproduction?  (Do Engineer Females have limited birth cycles, does their off springs gestation time take much longer than the Humans 40 Weeks?).

Or is Human Egg Cells or DNA actually something that just produces something more closer to what David was trying to achieve...  I would have assumed a Face Hugger + Engineer/Human, a Trillobite + Engineer/Human and Black Goo + Engineer/Human would not really provide much difference in the resulting Mutation/Organism.  I would actually have thought a Engineer infection/gestation would produce the more superior specimen.

Also indeed the point about Characters is good too, because the Set-up now for Daniels could be just merely a Plot Device like Shaw was, which means building up a NEW set of Human Characters in the next movie and then asking how do they do this and have them take a key role or appear in the NEXT TWO movies... or surely its not a case of Build up New Characters to then discard them every movie.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberNeomorphJan-29-2018 8:21 AM


I disagree about Tenessee, what are his character traits other than joking sometimes and having a hat? If he is the best friends of Branson I totally missed that because I never got any hint of that in the movie, what I mean is that the movie was very bad at picturing that. Daniels, what was she about except for wanting to build a cabin at the lake? This is not a dis to you as a person but what I am saying is that the characterizations in AC were very poor.


MemberNeomorphJan-29-2018 8:23 AM


I still dislike Shaw, she was naive and stupid. Daniels was better as a character because at least she was not written like that although she was too anonymous as far as her character traits were concerned. For some strange reasons the characters have been lacking since AR. Sometimes I am wondering how they were able to get them right in 1 to 3 but became failures since Resurrection. There got to be something that they can do to improve on that aspect of the movie otherwise it is fucked. Right now there is no one to support


MemberFacehuggerJan-29-2018 1:07 PM

I can understand that the characters are not enough, it would be a film not a TV series so everything becomes complicated to process it, we could see only the key characters in action, those who face the plot in the film, characters like Ledward who smokes and pollutes paradise is punished or Ankor who adjusts the sail with Tennessee and then the neomorph detaches the jaw, characters that almost do not count or we do not notice, but on their tremble only exist that we are superficial not to balance them.
The meaning of my speech is to reach a pattern where the characters get the right attention at the right time, if Tennesse is not enough maybe he was not required to translate the plot to unfold, he would not be served right now, Janek in Prometheus it would be fascinating to come into play when there is danger, but he has few scenes compared to Shaw not xkè not caraterrized enough, but receives attention only when requested.
Making films is too complex, to see a crew of 15 people is to put them in jeopardy one by one to also explain the plot and make sure that everything is intertwined, it would be a job as real experts.
As far as I've seen, Tennesse is in my opinion enough to be a secondary character, extra scenes show the link between the Tennessee couple and Karine with Branson and Daniels at the Last Supper.
I did not say that you are superficial, but personally I had to watch the film several times to realize the details, important or not, but inside the plot, to note at the ceremony of Branson the crew toasts, the Tennessee pour into the glass of Daniels the Whiskey Jack Daniels produced in Tennessee, a nice detail, in my opinion I really liked it.


"Au Revoir Shoshanna"

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