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Limits of gore
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MemberPraetorianFeb-17-2018 12:44 AM

As a lifer Sci-fi and horror fan I am somewhat de-sensitised to most film violence, body horror and gore. My wife on the other hand cringes at almost any film coup de grâce. She however is a Veterinarian. 

Now the funny thing is, she shows me vet videos of injuries and aliments that make my horror-film ironclad stomach turn. This shit is the real deal! But Vets seem to get excited by it, rejoicing in a flow of pus and blood. But cant handle a little old chestburster scene or Predator spinal-cord decapitation.

My question is, where do you draw the line on film gore? What makes you go "yep, nup Im out"

I'll go first, I can't do pus, or fingernail pulling. Also that scene in Prometheus where Shaw rips the umbilical between her and the trilobite juvenile. First time i saw that was a "Nup". 



33 Replies


MemberDeaconFeb-26-2018 8:39 AM

I think the Scene belonged, but not in the way that it did due to the circumstances so i totally agree IMoon Girl

In hindsight.....  here is what should have been done...

The movie needed a Extra 30 min.....

We needed the Oram Face Hugger Scene, and then we needed to see Lope/Cole go in search of Oram, at a different point but encounter a loose Face Hugger that gets to Lope but is freed up, as per movie and they blast the Thing and we see Acid Spray...

They should not have maybe discovered the Egg Room (Cole) what we needed then to see is the OTHER Neomorph (i know it appeared to had been hit/killed) but have this Neomorph turn up and chase the crew from the Cathedral,  just before this though we need the David vs Walter Scene, and then show us Walter carrying Orams body,  and Cole/Lope helping....

They get to the lander, and either the Neomorph catches up but then i guess it needed to kill Cole to keep it busy, or have Cole and Lope encounter a Face Hugger and deal with it, then come across Oram and Walter (David) then have the Neomorph attack the Lander.

Basically REPLACE Xenomorph with NEOMORPH..

This then allows for Walter, Daniels, Lope and maybe Cole (depend if he gets killed by Neomorph earlier or during the escape)...  But this allows for the Crew to make it to the COVENANT with Oram unconscious

Have Walter suggest he suffered a head injury when trying to escape a Face Hugger, he could say that he was with Oram and never witnessed no infection and that if Oram was infected like Ledrood and Hallet we would known about it... 

So Walter then places Oram in Quarantine and Preps him for Cyro-sleep in the Med Lab...

The Crew then spend 12 hours or so, settling down after the events of Covenant,  before we then allow for Oram to be Chest Busted on the Ship,   then unknown to the Crew a Xenomorph is on the loose...

This would give more time and meaning to the Shower Attack, and also allow more time for Cat/Mouse with the Xenomorph and show Lope being another Xenomorph Victim.....

ONE Xenomorph that only arrives on the Covenant, would have made the Xenomorph scenes less rushed and not against established LAW (Gestation/Growth)

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberNeomorphMar-03-2018 1:09 PM


Yeah but the problem is that we never get to know anything about them so when it turns into shit it is difficult to feel much for them. We got zero information about why they were there, what their dreams were and so on. To me they were just faces in a crowd but that is how most of the characters were. I got to say that the scene was sort of nasty but then it was nothing new since we have seen a variation of that in Psycho. Maybe I am boring but I wish that they would have figured out a more interesting way for them to die. The problem is that we have seen a lot in horror movies so it is difficult to do something new. By the way, the best death scene this far is Lambert and Parker in Alien because we did not see that much of their death so we had to use our imagination. Alien Covenant in its favor has not got any annoying characters (compared to Prometheus) but they are not very well built up.

By the way I had to google who Cole was. That character must have not made any impression on me what so ever but unfortunately that goes for many in AC. There are many characters there that I simply do not remember the names of because they failed to make any impression on me. Compare this to the first three movies where I remember a lot of the names. Unfortunately this is a sign of the failure of Alien Covenant because if they would have persons that made an impression on me then it would have been easier for me to remember their names. Unless they are main characters I tend to forget the names of them in AC, that is just the way that it is.

This reply is probably a bit late but whatever.


MemberDeaconMar-03-2018 3:55 PM

Certainly good points, as i mentioned in other threads, if the Characters dont connect with us, or get us to feel for them, then there is no Horror in their deaths no matter how Gory it is.

A Prime Example would be......    Imagine ALIEN 3....

Ripley gets Clemens to Examine Newt (as per movie) now she is Dead, this may be sad for some viewers.... but then IMAGINE if she had a BACK-BURSTER Scene like what happened to Ledwood in AC....   imagine how shocking this would have been especially at the time Alien 3 came out and if the EFFECTS where very good.

Even though Poor NEWT was already Dead, a scene like this would surely have a great effect on the audience.  Because of how we felt about her Character in Aliens, and also pushing boundaries with a  brutal death to a Child on Screen.

This would HIT Home with the SHOCK Value... as well as Feeling for the Character.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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