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'Alien' Celebrating 40th Anniversary With 6 Short Films
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MemberXenomorphMar-13-2019 6:38 PM

As it was anticipated, the 6 short films that won the Tongal / Fox competition will be soon released. The new movies will launch first at Emerald City Comic-Con in Seattle this weekend. They will then be released weekly online by the entertainment site IGN beginning March 29, before being added to and the @AlienAnthology social media channels alongside exclusive behind-the-scenes content starting May 5. However, the official debut of the project comes at this week’s Emerald City Comic-Con in Seattle, where a selection of material from the project will be screened on Friday, with an additional screening set for March 23 at C2E2 in Chicago and March 30 at WonderCon in Anaheim.

Thanks to THR for the news.

More details and official description of the shorts can be found here.

"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

64 Replies


MemberXenomorphApr-05-2019 6:19 PM

The embedded video of the first short disappeared somehow, but you can still find it on IGN.

"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"


MemberTrilobiteApr-06-2019 7:45 AM

Looks like the rest will be:

4/12 Night Shift

4/19 Ore

4/26 Harvest and Alone


MemberXenomorphApr-06-2019 8:53 AM

I am glad Harvest made it to the Alien Day.


"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"


MemberTrilobiteApr-12-2019 10:27 AM

Gavin made a post for this but here it is as I earlier stated I would put the shorts on this thread.

#3 of 6 Night Shift



MemberXenomorphApr-12-2019 11:53 AM

Thanks, dk.

I have to wait for a better internet connection.

Long, hard wait.

"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"


MemberPraetorianApr-12-2019 6:43 PM

Just watched Night Shift. I loved the very nihilistic ending. Bleak and very fitting.  


MemberTrilobiteApr-12-2019 7:01 PM

I thought Night Shift was a bit predictable but there was a twist that gave a sense of uh-oh.


MemberPraetorianApr-12-2019 7:47 PM

Containment still my favorite so far. reminds me of a sequence from Tim Lebbon's Alien: Out of the Shadows novel


MemberTrilobiteApr-12-2019 9:25 PM

So far I think Specimen is the most perfect specimen. I love the twist at the end that was right under our noses from the start and the transition from music to Oh Shit alarm when she took off the headphones. 


MemberTrilobiteApr-13-2019 2:59 PM

Did anyone hear a Predator right at the end of Night Shift?

Here is the little chest buster on rails lol!


MemberTrilobiteApr-19-2019 4:38 PM

#4 of 6 Ore: (Thanks Gavin)



MemberXenomorphApr-19-2019 5:04 PM

 Thank DK and Gavin.

I embedded the video here. I read it features a xenomorph and it is the best of the shorts so far. Can't wait to watch it.

"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"


MemberTrilobiteApr-26-2019 9:26 AM


MemberChestbursterApr-26-2019 10:05 AM

#6 Alone



MemberPraetorianApr-27-2019 5:56 PM

Leto agreed! Alone was masterfully executed. The synthetic showed relatable emotion and motives that made her more of a sympathetic antagonist than David or Ash...more like Bishop gone amoral. 

Well done to the Alone team!

Of all the shorts, I would be most intrigued to see more of this story


MemberTrilobiteApr-27-2019 6:34 PM

The last xeno action didn't seem to make much sense imo (don't want to spoil).


MemberPraetorianApr-27-2019 9:36 PM

So where it shows her hands being all twitchy does anyone else think this might be a physical metaphor reference to her being a "Hyperdyne model" synth. Explains why she went rogue

"Yeah. The Hyperdyne Systems 120-A/2."
"Well that explains it. The A/2s always were a bit twitchy."


MemberTrilobiteMay-04-2019 2:28 PM

I Raptus Yes, that observation was made quite a bit in YT comments. Good catch.


MemberTrilobiteMay-07-2019 7:37 PM

An interesting thing about Alone was the Xeno killing the synth at the end. Historically, synths were never targets of Xenos (except for Bishop). This short seemed to display a deeper intelligence from the Xeno- WY to the end- even synths are subject to the bigger agenda.


MemberChestbursterAug-12-2020 10:01 AM

I know I'm late to the party but, oh man, too cool! I just watched Night Shift (loved it!) I'm going to watch them all. 

Is Signs of Life part of this list? 

I just found it, and it was AMAZING! (I loved getting a look around David's lab)


MemberChestbursterAug-12-2020 10:28 AM

Guys? Guys. Listen. Words cannot express how much I loved "Alone" 

Oh man. Ok, at first when she was all "I've been counting the rivets in the B deck corridor. There are 28,882 Rivets. That's two more than in the technical specs..." I was like lol, 2020 quarantine vibes.

Then when she was sitting around sketching I was like "Her art style is like David." 

When she finally got into the sealed room and decided to unfreeze the specimen, at first I thought it was going to be a human who was infected with a chestburster and had been put in cryostasis for safe keeping. 

Then it's a facehugger and I'm like "Uh oh, here it comes!" THEN THE WHITE BLOOD! Oh! No wonder she draws like David!

And she keeps the facehugger as a pet!? 

Oh man, I don't know this film is just great. If fulfills my love of both sad/isolated androids, AND evil androids.

Ok, I know I'm necromancing a dead thread here but...this short is just...EVERYTHING.  


MemberNeomorphAug-12-2020 11:16 AM

Was Alone your favorite? To me it was too much like Covenant, I got kind of bored. Ore was my favorite since you could see the panic that they reacted with, you had the corporate scumbag (the one that looked at the computer-screen). I liked the interaction between the characters for example in the locker-room in the beginning, that is like how speak with people in real life which is no deep talk but rather how you have casual conversations with your coworkers.

Unfortunately I didn't like Alien Alone or Alien Harvest. They were too much about the androids and Alien Covenant made me disinterested in that topic.


MemberTrilobiteAug-12-2020 12:14 PM

VivisectedEngineer, I am glad you revived this thread as I am rewatching them. Thanks- I almost forgot about these shorts.


MemberChestbursterAug-12-2020 12:15 PM

Just watched "Containment"! Nice! A little close to home in the age of Covid... Was Albrecht a synthetic? I kind of thought she might be from her reaction to the chestburster. (Then again, she might just be a scientist)


MemberChestbursterAug-12-2020 12:56 PM

Yeah, Alone also is my favorite. Specimen - the second. Night Shift - the third.

Ore - a little bit silly. Harvest - i almost forgot, but it's somewhere between Ore and Containment. Containment - a trash with all the cliches.


MemberChestbursterAug-12-2020 1:01 PM


So far, Alone was my favorite because it just really ticked all the boxes for me. Like, I while I watched it, I had this grin on my face that just kept getting bigger and bigger. 

@I Raptus I really like the idea that the twitchy-ness was a reference to her being a hyperdyne model! 

I haven't seen Ore yet, I'll watch it next. 

I liked Night Shift because it felt like it had that authetic Weyland-Yutani bleakness from beginning to end. 

I also really liked "Signs of Life" because it was cool to see around David's creepy lab. 

@dk Yay! :D Discover any note-worthy details on the re-watch?



MemberChestbursterAug-12-2020 1:22 PM


I haven't seen Specimen or Ore yet, but I'll update with my reaction :D

I thought Containment was pretty good. I was just wondering if Albrecht was a synthetic or not. 

I wasn't really that big on Harvest. I'm not sure why, because it seemed like it was well done.

It might just because I watched too many of them in quick succession so they started loosing emotional impact, but I just found it a little underwhelming somehow.  

Also the ambiguity at the ending came off as frustrating rather than mysterious. A) Who were the two survivors? Her and her baby I'm guessing. But B) How did they survive with two(?) xenos on board?


MemberChestbursterAug-12-2020 1:40 PM

Oh, I liked Ore! Good acting, relatable characters. Hanks' facial expressions watching the Xeno attack the miners were like a horror fan watching a scary movie. Like "That's terrible! But also awesome." Haha. 


MemberTrilobiteAug-12-2020 1:48 PM

I am pretty much with Leto on this. It's a toss up between Specimen and Alone. While I enjoy them all in their own right, these two stand out for me.


MemberChestbursterAug-12-2020 1:58 PM


I just watched Specimen, it was great! It definitely took a different direction than I expected. 

I still have to say, Alone was definitely my favorite. It deserves an award or something.  

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