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Is MUTHUR the true conspirator of the Alien movies?
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MemberTrilobiteNov-14-2019 5:37 AM

Since the first Alien movie audiences and fans have perceived 'The Company' Weyland-Yutani as an evil corporate entity that seemingly views its employees as merely expendable assets and willing to sacrifice the lives of over 60 families in its blind pursuit of acquiring a specimen of possibly the most dangerous entity it has ever encountered.

But what if our presumption about Weyland-Yutani is wrong? What if Weyland-Yutani didn't know about the Alien's existence until August 2179, when the USSCS Patna was sent to Fiorina-161 to pick up Ellen Ripley after learning she had one gestating within her chest? What if Michael Bishop (or Bishop II, depending upon your preference) genuinely wanted to help Ripley?

In Alien, although the crew of the Nostromo was contract-bound to investigate the signal being transmitted by the derelict vessel on LV-426, Special Order 937 was never actually identified as having been a company order. It was in Aliens that Ripley presumed that her crew was sent there on company orders, while the company representatives in the same room seemed genuinely perplexed at Ripley's claims and insinuations. Could it be that only Carter Burke believed Ripley's wild tales of acid bleeding alien monsters and that after learning the truth he seized the opportunity to profit from the discovery?

It is how in Alien 3 that the USCSS Patna learns of Ripley's unfortunate predicament that we get a glimpse of who the real conspirator in the Alien franchise could truly be. Aaron, and before him Andrews use 'the network' to communicate that Ripley, and the corpses of Newt and Hicks, and the remains of Bishop had arrived on Fiorina-161. This network, also mentioned in Alien, seems to be a communications network that allows for near-instantaneous communication across vast stellar distances. Am I saying that 'the network' is the evil conspirator intent on acquiring specimens of the Alien? Partly, but it is possible that we know 'the network' by another name.

In the Alien Vault, supplemental material for the first movie, MUTHUR is referred to as an AI aboard the Nostromo that is responsible for the micromanagement of the vessels systems while having ship-wide control when its crew is in stasis. Examples of MUTHUR's access to the ship's systems would be when it re-routed the vessel towards LV-426 and when it (possibly) prevented Ripley from aborting the self-destruct sequence. In Alien: Covenant the USCSS Covenant is also shown to have an onboard AI called MUTHUR. It is possible that with the Nostromo being an old ship that it may have been using an old MUTHUR onboard AI (allegedly the MU-TH-UR 6000). However, another, more sinister possibility may be the case.

Having it so that each deep space vessel has its own onboard AI makes a certain degree of logical sense, as does having a communications network that (somehow) allows said vessels to communicate with each other instantaneously. But what makes more sense would be an AI communications network that could access and even control deep space vessels and filter communications to its own end. Maybe the MU-TH-UR 6000 wasn't an actual AI but merely the interface used to communicate with MUTHUR, AKA the network. Evidence for this can be found with the interface used by Andrews and Aaron on Fiorina-161, of which is virtually identical to that used by Ripley in Alien, despite not being connected to an AI.

Think about it, it was MUTHUR that rerouted the Nostromo, Special Order 937 did not say it was a Weyland-Yutani order, nobody investigated the signal coming from LV-426 except for the Nostromo (could MUTHUR had masked/covered up the signal), the company representatives at Ripleys hearing disbelieved her claims, it was only after Hadleys Hope and the USS Sulaco had fallen silent that Weyland-Yutani sent the USCSS Patna to investigate which was then immediately rerouted to Fiorina-161 when Ripleys med-scan was received by the network, and finally in Alien: Resurrection the USM Auriga also allegedly had an onboard AI called FATHER.

36 Replies


MemberPraetorianNov-20-2019 7:45 AM

noun: empath; plural noun: empaths
(chiefly in science fiction) a person with the paranormal ability to apprehend the mental or emotional state of another individual. (source)


Each novel seems to have a theme and Alien: Sea of Sorrows' kept hitting on empath abilities.  Decker was shown early (Ch. 2, page 17) to have these abilities and later his empath tools were vital to navigating near the Xenomorphs.  

The Xenomorphs sensed he was whether it be empath or telepathic ability...maybe the Xenomorph intuition is like it's other traits (magnified) and can predict human behavior from this ability.  This may explain the Xenomorph knowing Ripley's every move before she made it.


MemberXenomorphNov-21-2019 11:56 AM

It didn't know she was going to blow it out an airlock.  Nor did Mother apparently.



MemberPraetorianNov-21-2019 12:28 PM

Great point on telepathy S.M.


MemberTrilobiteNov-21-2019 2:37 PM

I think that having the Alien being telepathic is a step too far towards making it too powerful.

Having the Alien being Empathic might work, especially if can sense with greater accuracy the higher someones emotional state, essentially like it can smell ones fear with a stronger smell the more frightened someone is. Thus, Lambert would have been easy for the Alien to find.


MemberXenomorphNov-21-2019 3:59 PM

"too powerful."



But...What is the creatures ultimate goal? (survival obviously....but to what end?  )

Do they 'sense' humans are a threat?  (( I can imagine David introducing some pheromone identifiers and aggressive traits.   ("smells like a human...KILL!") )


MemberDeaconNov-22-2019 7:16 AM

Certainly i think the Xenomorph could be Telepathic but only in Regards to its own Species, i think having them being able to Read a Humans every move and thought would be a STEP thats TOO FAR!

However i agree as far as Empathic goes... were the Xenomorph can SENSE a Targets Emotional State, so it can determine if someone is feeling Angry, Afraid or about to Run etc... then  YES i think thats probable.

Something ELSE to consider is what in a way Chlis Post had touched on a bit Kanes Son

In regards to Genetic Memory.... maybe the Xenomorph could Inherit certain Memories off Kane and so it would know about the Lay-Out of the Nostromo, and that it had a Escape Shuttle and so it could detect the Self Destruct was Activated and knew it had to make its way to the Escape Shuttle instead of just happening to END UP there by Pure Luck/Instinct.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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