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Perfect Organism: a very short, but potent and moving story from BWW

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MemberTrilobiteSep-22-2020 7:21 PM

This is a 6 page short that packs an astonishing amount of detail and dialogue. No spoilers here except to say that it is very moving and highly recommended to check out. This is written by our own Blackwinter-witch . I hope you enjoy as much as I do.

Perfect Organsism:


24 Replies


MemberXenomorphSep-22-2020 8:20 PM

Great story Blackwinter-witch

Thanks for sharing dk.

"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

Roger G

MemberFacehuggerSep-22-2020 8:49 PM
Thank you DK, relaxing narrative, "Chimerans", she (Lyllith) goes in search of answers like each synthetic, the creator exposes his point of view (past-future) This nattarive brings me to Plato who defined it as "Time is the moving image of eternity", which has brought to us the true meaning of this time through which we can become unified in the eternal through initiation.


MemberTrilobiteSep-22-2020 9:18 PM

Roger G That is what is cool with fan fiction- it can recall memories of other works. I encourage checking BWW's works out. A basic search around here will cough up the goods.

I think her works are here. Enjoy:


Roger G

MemberFacehuggerSep-22-2020 9:49 PM
@DK The problem I see with ISSUU is that does not get a large range of audience, I know about it because the range audience is very limited, I recommended to BW tried on youtube via podcast, it would attract more audience than in ISSUU, and of course, posting them on this powerful site.


MemberPraetorianSep-22-2020 10:09 PM



Roger G

Thank-You is such a woefully inadequate set of words, but I trust the sentiment carries through their inability to frame how I feel about this!!

I'm going to start a new topic for the convenience of people here so that I have a Central and Fixed Point yet one I can easily update as to where to find all my works.

The latest Vigennet is done, and I'll be making it available within the hour.

Also, I just want to say, please consider my works as a form of expression of appreciation to all of you and this forum, creating stories, making them available, I like to think it helps keep this forum alive as well the essence and spirit of our faverite space critter.

Yes, problems with spelling and finger operations/typing...sorry, but at least it's semi-legible and I can manage at-present.
My works, never thought I'd love spell-check...but gotta say, really handi thse days.

Farewell Mr. Cobb, and Thank-You for the wealth of work you left behind.

Below; Mr. Cobb's concept for Nostromo's bridge, which I very happily used very directly for Manticore's bridge.






MemberTrilobiteSep-22-2020 10:26 PM

Blackwinter-witch I didn't know about Cobb until I saw the news. Your pic looks almost straight out of Alien Isolation. It was tense trying to creep around that place undetected.


MemberPraetorianSep-22-2020 10:37 PM


My father showed me some coffeetable books about science fiction concept art as a kid, and I fell in love right there. 
I love Cobb's work, he is in my top-rank alongside Angus Mckie...I think I spelled that right?? and others equally respected but whose names esacpe me right now.

I found this pic of the bridge a few years back searching for all manner of stuff related to ALIEN as inspiration to get a 'grasp' of how i wanted to try to convey how things look in my head.

ALIEN: Isolation...

Oh...just wait.

The story of The Zeta-One Reticuli 'Incident' isn't over yet. :D

What Manticore's crew has to deal with makes ALIEN: Isolation seem like a carefree stroll out in a shopping mall.





Michelle Johnston

MemberChestbursterSep-23-2020 12:09 AM


Very very clever. You recognise the themes and then invert them and of course, in my humble opinion, your diagnosis is exactly right. That is exactly what is missing. 

It makes me think is Ridley incapable of "it" or is that the rule book "it" must be excluded. 

Just imagine if Alien Covenant had been written with three couples one husband is burned and you had two surviving couples and put that up against the surviving pschyopath that would have been a monster plot. You would have so owned their survival. 

Great writing great thinking I was there.   




MemberPraetorianSep-23-2020 2:04 AM

Michelle Johnston

Thank-You very much for the kind words, praise and seeing what I am trying to do! :D

I am something of an experimentalist...there's The Rules.

...and I challenge them.

I don't want to do what has been done before, I want to try to do something new, in however small a way.

I suspect RS is tired of fighting the Industry...cannot blame him, but I and everyone else can pick up the fight from where he left off.

ALIEN: Covenant had a LOT of potential...then Hill and Giler (as always) horned in and made an unholy mess of things. Same as they did with PROMETHEUS, and the rest of the ALIEN franchise aside from ALIEN itself.
Hill & Giler work according to 'formula' that's absolutely Outdated and just plain doesn't work anymore, also they have no genuine care for the franchise or fandom.

I will never let them near any property of mine, ever.

RS--by himself--I would LOVE to work with, it would be my ultimate Dream Come True.







MemberTrilobiteSep-23-2020 2:30 AM

I am something of an experimentalist...there's The Rules.

...and I challenge them.

I imagine that can be both a blessing and a curse for independent writers. A curse since they may have to compromise to bean counting executives to make more money, or a blessing to really do what they want and are okay with maybe taking a financial loss to put his/her vision out.

If one has no financial or contractual stake, GO FOR IT! Rules are self imposed as far as I can see. The public can hash out what they like/dislike.


MemberDeaconSep-23-2020 6:36 AM

Cant seem to get it to work but my OS is like 13+ Years Old ;)

I will see if my again Outdated Smart Phone after can Access it ;)

I have No Doubt it would be a Splendid Read ;)

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberPraetorianSep-23-2020 12:14 PM


Exactly! Being an 'Experimentalist' is a true double-edged sword. But, nowadays, more and more as we're seeing with the non-Hollywood 'Extra-Industry' streaming services and productions things are opening up more.

Still, it does come down to The Choice as you mentioned.

I'm happy leaving it up to the Audience, only they are can be the true evaluators of a work, look at all the films that did poorly in the Box Office and became Cult Faves, right?

RBW is another example, and so is Firefly, along with many others...time and the Audience determine things, not The Industry.

In my ALIEN works, I try to correct what has annoyed us all; The Lack of Care for the franchise, continuity, canon and the Fandom. An 'Experiment' to be sure, but one I am enjoying doing, you folks enjoy riding along with and we'll see what the greater response is in the future as I work out what other platforms to get exposure for them on.

Time Will Tell, as is said. :)






MemberPraetorianSep-23-2020 12:20 PM


I will upload an RTF version of my works for you to my Pen-Name Google Drive.
When done I will be Updating the Topic Main above so you can be sure of finding them.

I can TOTALLY relate as my self-Retired computer was dated back to 2007, running WIN XP and I know the frustration of working with Outdated hardware and software.

RTF format should work for you as it's Universal...unless I can find an Older .pdf format conversion tool, I'll have a look around and see. 

But I think .rtf is safest and likely the best option.

Thank-You and I think you will enjoy it! :D







MemberTrilobiteSep-23-2020 12:30 PM

I did a copy/paste of the text and sent to BigDave via PM. Not the best way to read, but it's all there.


MemberPraetorianSep-23-2020 12:37 PM


AWESOME and Thank-You!!! ((HUG))

I have the .rtf files, so I'll post them up just to keep any other folks covered if they are running outdated systems and software.






MemberTrilobiteSep-23-2020 12:57 PM

My PC is about 5 years old. It took a little doing, but I think it is set up properly now:


MemberPraetorianSep-23-2020 2:11 PM


Looks Good to me!

5 years, that should mean you're still in modern up-to-date OS country like WIN 8, 8.1 and 10, yes?






MemberTrilobiteSep-23-2020 2:23 PM

Windows 7. If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it. 


MemberPraetorianSep-23-2020 2:50 PM

Excellent work Blackwinter-witch. For a short story it is deep in thought and detail, and endless in scope. Covers a lot of ground in those few pages :) 

Thanks for sharing it dk :) 


MemberPraetorianSep-23-2020 3:21 PM


Good point, very good point.

I gotta say, I do miss my old 'oxcart' now and then.






MemberPraetorianSep-23-2020 3:28 PM

I Raptus

Thank-You and I am glad you enjoyed it!!

These Vignettes are fun to work with and help me flesh-out ideas in small steps that I can integrate and compile together later.

Little ideas and small events too tiny for a book or even a traditional short-story...kind of like culturing something in a Petri-Dish or test tube I guess, so to speak. :D






MemberPraetorianSep-30-2020 7:29 PM

I am pondering making a 'collection' of the Vigenttes that deal with Lyllith and her father, Dr. Rothmahnn.

What do the rest of you think? Would you like their specific Vigenttes made into a Collection?






MemberTrilobiteOct-01-2020 3:20 PM

So far the vignettes except for Perspective appear to be pre Manticore. Maybe they could be bundled as a general prequel somehow? I have no idea. The most important thing is to present it how you want readers to take it in.

Off topic- I don't like listening to a CD on shuffle. It's jarring as I expect to hear songs in order- especially if there is a theme to it. I like to hear it the way the band intends it to flow. Just an opinion.


MemberPraetorianOct-01-2020 8:47 PM


Good points, and I TOTALLY understand how you mean regarding 'shuffle'!! Can't stand it myself.

So, I will keep that in mind regarding this idea of a Collected Works project.

The order found here is in-universe chronological, just to say.

I'll be giving this some thought, as a Collected Works piece would make things more convenient for the audience I think.





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