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MemberPraetorianSep-22-2020 11:15 PMMost Recent Work: Oct 06 2020
ALIEN: Manticore 'Interlude In The Darkness'
NOTE: If You Have An Older System Here Are .rtf format copies of all my works;
I should have done this type of Organizational Post a long time ago, but I am lousy at seeing the 'Obvious', in regards to anything.
Below, is also a Guide IF you choose to use it, so as to be able to read my works in their 'In-Universe' Chronological Order.
It is an Option meant to be Convenient, NOT any kind of requirement, of course.
This is a Topic so that anyone who wishes to find my works can, and be assured they will have access to all of them as well as download links.
It also makes it much easier for me to Update things as-need-be.
Sorry for the past 'scavenger hunts', and I really kick myself for not thinking of this sooner, and credit for this approach to make life more organized and convenient goes to my Co-Creator/Co-Writer.
Between these two links below, one can find all my works to-date on Issuu.
Connected-Works 'Stack' on Issuu.
The link below allows you to download the stories you like.
Google Drive Downloads For Alien Covenant Forum
**Issuu Links--In-Universe Chronological Guide:
ALIEN: Manticore 'Interlude In The Darkness'

MemberXenomorphSep-30-2020 7:07 PMdk I agree with you.
I haven't read The Perfect Host but if you recommend it I will surely read it.
I don't remember the titles of those two Ray Bradbury short stories, but I highly recommend them if you can find them.
"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

MemberTrilobiteSep-30-2020 7:13 PMSuperAlien Sturgeon was one of those sci fi authours from the 40s through 50s and beyond. Lots of good stuff but Perfect Host was different- written in the WW2 era.

MemberPraetorianSep-30-2020 7:16 PMThe issuu platform seems to optimize things for phones, so I can suggest you read there and download to keep from the Drive. If you try such, please let me know what your experience reading on Issuu was?
That said...
Thank-You!!! (HUG) You're very welcome and I am very glad you enjoyed this Vignette!!

MemberPraetorianSep-30-2020 7:25 PM I have tracked the Perfect Host down and will make time to read it...you reference to it has me Curious.
Curiosity impels Investigation :D
I am really glad you're enjoying this Vignette! To me it means my efforts at keeping the essence and flame of ALIEN alive are having an effect.
I do these works for The Fandom and for love of the franchise...so it's nice to know my efforts do help!

MemberTrilobiteSep-30-2020 7:34 PMCuriosity impels Investigation :D
PERFECT for those in the know lol!
it is strange how reading someone's work can knock cobwebs out of the brain and bring recollections of things from the past. Something in PERSPECTIVE did just that. Besides enjoying the vignette, I hope it is felt as a compliment to have your work and Theodore Sturgeon being favorably mentioned in the same sentence.

MemberXenomorphSep-30-2020 7:45 PMdk don't forget my mentioning of Ray Bradbury in the same sentence :).
"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

MemberTrilobiteSep-30-2020 11:12 PMNoted. Instinct guides action ;)
We hope it is felt as a compliment to have your work and both Ray Bradbury's and Theodore Sturgeon's work being favorably mentioned in the same sentence. Keep traversing The Silence.

MemberPraetorianOct-01-2020 10:57 AM"I hope it is felt as a compliment to have your work and Theodore Sturgeon being favorably mentioned in the same sentence."
It VERY much lit up my day, and Thank-You again so very, very much for that compliment in being held-up alongside T. Sturgeon...one of the most respected and highly-regarded writers there is.
I looked him up, and he was a very intriguing man, so from that I have discovered new paths to pursue as a person...which I never would have discovered had you not complimented my works in the way you did.
You gave me more than a compliment, you gave me some keys to open additional doors in my life for my future!!! (HUG) :D

MemberPraetorianOct-01-2020 11:02 AMRay Bradbury...
Probably my all-time favorite author. I have worn-out three copies of The Martian Chronicles thus far in my life. :D
The ones I read-to-pieces I still keep...they just get retired from service. lol
One day, I'll do something meant to be a tribute and memorialization to him.
The Martian Chronicles helped me get through some tough times and is also responsible for hubby and I meeting each other for the first time. :D

MemberPraetorianOct-01-2020 11:14 AM"We hope it is felt as a compliment to have your work and both Ray Bradbury's and Theodore Sturgeon's work being favorably mentioned in the same sentence. Keep traversing The Silence."
To have my works compared favorably and complimentarily to two of the greatest writers, one of whom is a personal favorite...I think you can imagine how much that means to me!!?? 'Thank-You' is woefully inadequate, so I will just have to trust that the true sentiment is carried on those words and speaks to you of my appreciation and gratitude!!
I am very glad that my works gave you and others enjoyment and helped boost the survival of the essence and character of this franchise!!
I don't write anything for 'glory' or fame...I write because I want to give people something new, special, a mental vacation they enjoy, some time away from real life and it's mundane hassles.
So, when I get compliments, I know then that I hit that mark and helped make life a little bit better and more fun for some folks. :D
ALIEN is special, I write in it also to preserve the essence and character and mystique of this badly abused franchise.
People in the industry always keep trying to hammer it into being what they want it to be and it cannot be.
I just try to keep it alive and true to itself and the intent of it's creators.
And the compliments are comforting to me in that they tell me I am at least hitting the dartboard of my intent even if not the bullseye. :D
...Human kind, not the other kind. :D

MemberXenomorphOct-01-2020 7:15 PMBlackwinter-witch I tried to read from Issuu, it is the same as reading a pdf. I need to zoom in quite a lot for my tired eyes.
Nevertheless, I have downloaded all all them.
Keep writing, if you can write from an Alien perspective, you can write about anything.
Thanks again.
"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

MemberXenomorphOct-01-2020 7:29 PMI grew up with Martian Chronicles and fell in love with Ray Bradbury's stories, all of them, with no exemption.
How fortunate to have such readings at an early age!
"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

MemberPraetorianOct-01-2020 8:35 PMyeah, I was afraid of that, screen size on phones...no real way around that limitation.
Thank-You for downloading them and I am very glad you are enjoying them!!
You are also very welcome!! :D
I have also seen Ray Bradbury Theatre, that short-lived series akin to Twilight Zone...loved his writing-room!!
Martian Chronicles was the very first book given me by my parents, and I still have it, safely retired-from-service of course. My parents would read to me from The Martian Chronicles at bedtime also. :D
I would dream of chessboard-perfect Martian cities...and still do now and then.
I've encountered other stories of his as well, some in school books for english class surprisingly...cannot recall the titles, but I remember one specifically, it had to do with humans being replaced by machines wearing their skins...

MemberPraetorianOct-02-2020 5:02 PM'INTRODUCTION' is just a fun little piece that gives a sense of the depth of relationship between Sinjihnn and Selinaehra.
They say you only have one chance to make a first impression...
...and how a relationship starts sets tone for it thereafter.

MemberXenomorphOct-02-2020 6:51 PMBlackwinter-witch that's a powerful first impression. A beginning of a beautiful relationship.
I like climbing, but never thought bringing champagne. Thanks for the tip.
Without any connection to Introduction, have you read A Song for Lya, a short story by George R.R. Martin?
"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

MemberXenomorphOct-02-2020 7:00 PMMy grandmother would tell me over and over the story of Three Little Pigs at bedtime and sometimes she got distracted by some thoughts and omitted some detail that I immediately corrected. That story kept me awake but it was the only story she told me, I don't know the reason why and now it is too late to ask.
When I heard Mother telling the same story to the children in Raised by Wolves it brought up the memory of my grandmother and the happy days of childhood.
"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

MemberPraetorianOct-02-2020 7:26 PMI'm glad you enjoyed it! :)
Thank-you for the compliments!!
The champagne, well...if you survive a climb like that, you have earned it, and it helps impress the woman you have your sights set on too. :D
I haven't read anything by George R.R. Martin as yet, but with your reference above, I'll start with that story 'A Song for Lya' as you have me curious. :)
I can relate, in a way... My parents are long since gone, and my grandparents before them. I read The Martian Chronicles and I hear their voices 'narrating' for me. :)

MemberXenomorphOct-02-2020 7:40 PMThe Sandkings is another good short story by George R.R. Martin. From his time before Game of Thrones, that's my introduction to his sci fi period, when I was younger and had a lot more time to read And somehow written in the same spirit with Martian Chronicles.
"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

MemberPraetorianOct-02-2020 8:20 PMSaw the Outer Limits episode of The Sandkings, so kinda-close...yeah I'll be looking up his work!!

MemberXenomorphOct-02-2020 8:23 PMBlackwinter-witch having read the story first I was very disappointed by that episode.
"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

MemberPraetorianOct-02-2020 10:35 PMClassic Rule...books are always better than the movie.

MemberTrilobiteOct-02-2020 11:23 PMIntroduction is another solid short- thanks!
I have to say- it was definitely its own thing, but brought recollections of AVP and even SW- the first movie. Again, it is fun to read something that recalls other works while being its own thing. I guess it's called inspiration or influence.
As usual, it is written so that a very clear picture can be imagined by the individual reader.

MemberTrilobiteOct-02-2020 11:26 PMClassic Rule...books are always better than the movie.
That can be true, so maybe it's a good thing Eraserhead wasn't a novel lol!

MemberPraetorianOct-02-2020 11:55 PMVery happy you enjoyed it and Thank-You for the compliments!
You are of course most welcome!! :)
Eraserhead...yeah, good point, exception proving the rule. :D
The idea actually came from Star Trek 5, where it starts off with Kirk free-climbing El Capitan. They did some great camera work with that whole opening, and I wanted to try to capture some of that.
Then again, in fiction there's NO shortage of dangerously-high places to have characters involved with. :D
It also came about when I asked myself
"What would motivate a Chimeran Artemis to marry a Human?"

MemberTrilobiteOct-03-2020 1:40 AMThe short itself gave a really good view of character development. It seemed positive and there was a sense of mutual curiosity, respect and even attraction from both characters with a "breaking of the bread" moment. Seems like a good foundation for whatever messed up situations may lay ahead for them.

MemberPraetorianOct-03-2020 6:05 AMThat was the 'dartboard' I was aiming for and it seems I managed to hit it. :D
Thank-You again for the compliments and the analysis! It's always a HUGE relief to a writer to get proof that people see what your intent was, and also that what you were trying to say came out properly.
It's the sort of thing one can ONLY get from Outside/External Perspective.
Manticore's crew, like many others....think about what happens to your life, friendships and family ties due to hypersleep?
A 10 month trip, you wake up 10-months out of synch, and have aged about a minute...everyone else has aged 10 months, and perhaps some of those you loved have died, been mourned and people have moved on...leaving you to grieve alone.
Just hypersleep itself is a messed-up thing, with what it does to your life....and in the end, the ONLY people you end up having any real, sustainable connection with...is your crew.
How precious are those people then to you?
Then there's all the other associated problems with life in the ALIENverse aside from drooling skull-crunching horrors...clients trying to screw you out of being paid for a job, corporations trying to force you and the other 'small fry' out of traffic corridors that they want to take over, the very real possibility of pirates/raiders and the like, a nice, normal freight run...and the clients have loaded the cargo with some 'dubious' materials and you and your crew get left holding the bag. Then there's the possibility of a trade war...involving tariffs and rail gun shots.
Yeah, life in the ALIENverse is seriously messed-up even without looking outside just 'business as usual' amongst Humanity...start adding in The Unknown and the Lovecraftian...well, then you count yourself damn lucky to have a crew as tightly-knit together by the common suffering of hypersleep as you have.
And if you start off with a foundation like Sin and Selina did, then you have that extra bit going for you as well.
And in the ALIENverse, that little extra bit can make a huge difference, right?

MemberPraetorianOct-06-2020 8:52 PMJust published the tie-in short story that links ALIEN: Manticore to it's upcoming Sequel. :)

MemberTrilobiteOct-07-2020 12:03 AMAbout half way through Interlude and it's pretty good so far. I now know what Manticore means and noticed the tip of the hat to Black Christmas I think? I can only imagine what other references I am missing!
And here I am reading things out of order. smdh

MemberPraetorianOct-07-2020 12:19 AMThank-You!!
At some point someone's gonna ask why the ship's named 'Manticore' and it will be addressed...I have it all done really, scene-mapping, just need to find a place to fit it in properly.
Yeppers... Black Christmas. :D
The Classic, NOT that abhorrent remake.
I'm glad you're enjoying it, it didn't come out exactly as I wanted, but as a writer, you have to learn to live with the fact that ONLY when lightning bottles itself does a story come out Exactly As You Want It To. :D

MemberTrilobiteOct-07-2020 12:37 AMBlackwinter-witch I may have said it before, but a musician I respect was asked if he could make his album better. He said that he could always tinker with things but sooner or later, it had to be released. So you never really finish a project- you really abandon it. BUT- you take lessons learned to make the next one even better. He's made a 40 year career of it.