Xenomorph the End is Nigh?

MemberDeaconOct-03-2020 6:52 AMWith the Prequels in disarray after Attempting to BRING BACK the Iconic Xenomorph and Answer its Origins. And with Noah Hawley saying they PITCHED a TV Show idea within the ALIEN Universe that would NOT be about the Xenomorph.
Has the Xenomorph simply Ran its Course?
Does the Xenomorph have to be Synonymous with the Franchise?
With Prometheus they attempted to Expand the Franchise by exploring the Space Jockey Race, but Avoiding to give us Clear Answers regarding the Xenomorph and to NOT include the Iconic Space Monster.
Had the Xenomorph suffered a Over Saturation with its Many Appearances? Especially the DAMAGE that SOME of the Movies had Caused. (AVPR Especially).
Was Ridley Scott right? Is the Beast Cooked?
Is there MUCH more LIFE left in the Xenomorph?
How do you BRING IT BACK to Greatness and HOW MANY more Movies could you have that Include the Xenomorph?
Is its TIME to do something Different, as Prometheus had laid the Foundations prior to a Change of Plan to INTRODUCE the Xenomorph back?
Has the XENOMORPHS days been Numbered?
Or can it be GIVEN a NEW lease of LIFE and HOW?
Can the ALIEN Franchise Survive without the Xenomorph?
Because IF we get the Beast Back you have to be Careful because IF its NOT done right then it could KILL not only itself but the Franchise Too....
I know that ANY further Movies will NEED to have Good Characters, and i KNOW that the Prequels had NOT been Disappointing solely on the Xenomorph or lack of.
Its a Question of can the Franchise Continue without the Xenomorph, does it NEED a Replacement, or can you GIVE IT some kind of NEW LIFE.... i think you can but its a Question of HOW-MANY more Times you can keep to the SAME Formula.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconNov-27-2020 2:58 PM"sinthmorph"
I think this is something we would have seen had RS been able to complete his Prequels as the Protomorph was a Work in Progress and you can BET we would have seen HOW the Mechanical Atheistic came into PLAY.
I think when we look at ALIENS then YES we do see a Hive Mentality they do ACT like Space Ants/Termites but they are more Intelligent than BUGZ..... I have defended ALIENS quite a bit in that regard, even going as FAR as to say if we take the None DC version of ALIEN then the Xenomorph in the First Movie was more DUMB than some claim that Camerons Xenomorphs where.
Their Nature/Object was Simplistic.... SURVIVAL.
But this is the Case with MOST of the LIFE on Earth.
No Desire, Ambition, Hate or Love... No Individuality... these are what MAKE us Mankind Different.
These Traits can make us more Successful and Achieve more as a Species but they are ALSO our Downfall!
Xenomorphs that become Independent rather than for the Greater Good of the Species and IF they gain some Human Traits..... could lead to a DOWN FALL in their Survival as Conflict could arise!
But thats NOT to say that Exploring such would NOT be interesting.... it could be a way Forwards... the Question is this a Evolutionary Path or a Engineered One?
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017