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Nathan Adler

MemberFacehuggerJan-30-2021 10:12 PM

Have members considered the above was meant to go back and perhaps show David and Elizabeth arriving on Paradise, interacting with Engineers resulting in her losing her faith, "awakening" to the true existential nature of creation?

5 Replies


MemberDeaconJan-31-2021 11:50 AM

We know so LITTLE about what Direction we would have gone had Dr Shaw survived and gone on to get some answers.

The only Titles i heard was given to a Sequel was Paradise Lost and Pandemonium.   But we NEVER ended up with Paglen and Greens Continuation.

Ridley Scott had mentioned that the Sequel to Alien Covenant would be called AWAKENING... how this fits with the PLOT is Unknown as well we could ask about in HOW does Covenant fit with the Plot to AC?

From what LITTLE we know about AC2 it seemed it would FOLLOW to where it is David would have gone NEXT and what he would have done NEXT.... asking "what kind of a world would David Create" and that it would NOT be about Xenomorphs but A.I but he also had Mentioned he saw the Replicants as A.I

He had said that there would be 1-2 more after Awakening where we would conclude with HOW/WHEN and WHY the Derelict was on LV-426.  The other Interesting thing he said is that there would be 3-4 Parties arriving after David, so too where he would END UP.. but this Comment could mean as FAR as the Scope for the Sequels and maybe NOT that all these Parties would SHOW-UP in the Sequel.

"resulting in her losing her faith, "awakening" to the true existential nature of creation"

I Suspect that YES the Original Idea would be that Dr Shaw Finally gets her Answers... and they could be something that would CRUSH her Faith... and it would have been Interesting to see WHAT such Revelations would do to her Character.  And also HOW Shocking could the Engineers Origins had been ;)

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberPraetorianFeb-08-2021 2:33 AM

There's a lot of potential to tell something great between David and Shaw. I doubt we'll ever see it though.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberDeaconMar-06-2021 7:28 AM

I think the SHIP has Sailed as far as the Story of David and Dr Shaw... i think that there is a STORY to be TOLD but i would NOT expect it to Conflict the OUTCOME that we saw in Alien Covenant.

I would ASSUME its likely that David has the Intention of Destroying the GODs... so that he can then Inherit their Knowledge and know that HE and Dr Shaw would be Guaranteed Safety as WHO KNOWS what the Engineers would have done them.

So i Suspect that David had given Dr Shaw some FAKE STORY about what Happened and that Planet 4 is NOT SAFE as of Yet (Contaminated)

After Weeks, Months of being Barricaded away in the Juggernaught while David finds Food and Water, i can assume she would SUSPECT something is UP/WRONG... for WHY is he gone for Days.... and HOW can he bring Food/Drink if the Planet is Contaminated....

So she maybe Sneaks Out one day and Discovers she can Breathe, and sees the Dead Engineers (which David would have Told About but maybe said they was going to ATTACK) then she Stumbles on his Workshop his Experiments, maybe some Captured Emaciated Females and Children and then David WALKS IN on her.....

Tries to say he is doing all of this for HER so he can Solve how she can have Children.. and so they can START a NEW EDEN..

Dr Shaw likely Rejects and things TURN SOUR!

So YES there could be  STORY between when the Juggernaught had Arrived at Planet 4 to the Point that Dr Shaw had taken her Last Breath and what was then done TO HER.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberFacehuggerMar-17-2021 10:29 PM

Now, i understand That the death of doctor Elizabeth Shaw was inevitable. Since She had sex with the infected doctor Holloway (by the black goo), her days were numbered. David killed Doctor Elizabeth Shaw in the spaceship Prometheus. She was a victim of David's experiment, ordered by Peter Weyland. We all watched in alien covenant the devastating effects of the accelerant in Shaw's body.



MemberDeaconApr-08-2021 8:13 AM

"David killed Doctor Elizabeth Shaw in the spaceship Prometheus"

It seems that Dr Shaw had Survived the Journey, also by her Hair Growth it would be that Dr Shaw had Survived for about 9-11 Months before she Finally puts David back together, and we DONT seem to see any Adverse affects of the Black Goo....

It seems that Dr Shaw was HOLDING UP inside the Juggernaught after it had Crashed.... i cant see HOW she could Barricade herself from DAVID..

I therefor think its LIKELY he had Told her it was NOT YET SAFE for her Outside, and the Pathogen had Accidentally Infected the World and KILLED the Engineers.

For her to Survive then David would have to get her Water and Food and after doing this for some Time, she would QUESTION as to HOW he is Obtaining Food/Water that is NOT contaminated.

I suspect she became Curious and then she must have Ventured Out One Day... Followed David... then she would LIKELY had Discovered his Little Lab of Horrors!

I assume he then Catches her and Tries to Explain it all and that he was doing it for her BENEFIT... to Help find a way to allow her to Create Life so they can Re-Start a New Eden... she must have REFUSED and then this leads him to Decide to KILL her...

There seems to be NO SIGNS of Mutation apart from whatever is Connected to Dr Shaws Head.

I only ASSUME that he USED her Productive Organs or Egg Cells for his Experiments as using Engineer Females had NOT given him the Desired Results...

She Essentially is the MOTHER of his Xenomorph the QUEEN if you would and so what is Growing/Attached to her Head may ACT as some kind of CROWN he has Made.... but its actually a NOD to HR Giger and his Lilith Art Work

In the Background you can make out like ROWS of EGGS

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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