MemberDeaconJun-03-2021 3:28 PMBeen a WHILE since this has been Discussed, having some Fans a Little Disappointed with our Engineers, maybe Expecting to see more Godlike Beings above those LV-223 Engineers but then ONLY getting beings who look FAR LESS as Godlike/Divine.
This does-not mean to say the Engineers we have seen are the Gods, maybe there is NO kind of GOD within the Franchise, maybe their could be?
We Certainly cant say the Engineers are the TOP of the Creator Chain and as Dr Shaw had asked...
Who Created Them?
So IF there was a GOD or even just to Explore some of the Layers above the Engineers...... What do you think that Should/Could be?
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberXenomorphJun-03-2021 3:56 PMMaybe a H.P. Lovecraft type universe? But...
...I'd rather they stay with the Hard Sci-Fi angle.
Do some Ian M. Banks like: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matter_(novel)
Iln, Veil and the Oct like creatures, Shellworlds, etc.... This stuff is light years ahead of Alien verse and probably difficult to introduce....But that would get my vote.

MemberDeaconJun-04-2021 4:51 AMI will have to check that out Monster Zero ;)
When looking at the Franchise we had been introduced the PLOT that we was Created by the Engineers, and after Prometheus we had Ridley Scott say he DID-NOT want us to meet GOD in the First Movie.
So i was looking at IF there is a Creator or Creator Species then HOW MANY runs of the Ladder to you Explore? So could any GOD or Gods be...
1) The Engineer Elders: We simply have a more Ancient Humanoid Race.
2) Another kind of Humanoid who are Closely Related to the Engineers but have some Slight Differences.
3) Some Species that would look more like the Space Jockey
4) Some Giant Alien Species that Bare No Resemblance to Humanoids.
5) Some Alien Species who have a Cephalopod Aesthetic to them.
6) Some Alien Species who have some Resemblance to the Xenomorph.
7) Some kind of Machine/A.I
8) Or some Entity that is just Energy.
A Example of the 8 i have placed in the Banner Image, just for Reference but we could think of something that does-not have to look like them.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberXenomorphJun-04-2021 12:19 PMI swear I read something long ago that said that Jesus Christ was supposedly an engineer? Not sure if it was a fan theory or confirmed, but it's an interesting idea to explore.
Not to blaspheme, but when looking at the concept of the Holy Trinity, that could be a way to explain the Higher Power/Powers that created the Engineers. The Holy Spirit interpreted as a being of pure energy and then God as an extremely powerful alien deity that used/worked with the Holy Spirit to create the Engineers. From here, we can even liken Angels to being another alien species that serve the Creators. In the fictional universe that is the Alien franchise, it could be that the Bible was humanity's way of attempting to understand the teachings that the Engineer who was known as Jesus Christ preached.

MemberXenomorphJun-04-2021 12:19 PMI swear I read something long ago that said that Jesus Christ was supposedly an engineer? Not sure if it was a fan theory or confirmed, but it's an interesting idea to explore.
Not to blaspheme, but when looking at the concept of the Holy Trinity, that could be a way to explain the Higher Power/Powers that created the Engineers. The Holy Spirit interpreted as a being of pure energy and then God as an extremely powerful alien deity that used/worked with the Holy Spirit to create the Engineers. From here, we can even liken Angels to being another alien species that serve the Creators. In the fictional universe that is the Alien franchise, it could be that the Bible was humanity's way of attempting to understand the teachings that the Engineer who was known as Jesus Christ preached.
EDIT: My apologies, not sure why it was posted twice.

MemberTrilobiteJun-04-2021 12:50 PMI like the idea of who created "gods." I just don't like it in the Alienverse. It's still my opinion that Prometheus would have been much better as something that had nothing to do with Alien.

MemberDeaconJun-04-2021 11:10 PMRegarding the Jesus the Engineer it was Ridley Scott who indicated as such, he was basically referencing the DATE of the Outbreak/Intended Destruction of Mankind.
He had said in regards to the Coincidental Date that we should look at it as though Mankind was Misbehaving and so the Engineers sent down a Emissary to Steer us Back on Track but we Crucified him and so that was the LAST STRAW for them. But they felt this was being a Little too on the Nose.
I dont think with Prometheus we should look at it as a Christian Story but that it Encompasses all Ancient Religion and Culture as Interpretations of Interaction with the Engineers in the Past. And so its likely the Engineers over Time had many Emissaries they had living among us.
We could find some way to maybe link the Trinity as this is a Concept that is seen in Various Religions too.
Regarding a GOD then who knows in the Alien Universe and maybe its something that is BEST LEFT alone... as far as a SINGLE CREATOR who Created Everything but then its still Interesting to Ponder especially if our Reality is Actually just a Simulated Existence Created by some ANCIENT A.I/MACHINE.
But in regards to WHOM had Created the Engineers then i think there are other Layers above them, its a case of HOW MANY LAYERS and as you Peal Back the Layers when do you REACH something that is NOT HUMANOID at all?
I think a BIG Disappointment with Prometheus and the Engineers and Especially how we had them Continued in Alien Covenant is that i think FANS just did-not see them as ALIEN enough.... maybe Needed something more Lovecraft with a HR Giger Twist and i still THINK that this is POSSIBLE.
After all Ridley Scott said the Engineers are NOT really Gods.... it seems they wanted to become as Gods though.
I agree to a degree.... the PLOT is Epic as a Stand Alone Movie Series, but being tied to ALIEN had meant it had became Shackled to ALIEN and we see the Consequences of that with Alien Covenant.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconJun-08-2021 4:55 AMI think when looking at GOD in the Franchise with the Engineers Plot we had it that these Guys had Created us, but THIS does-not mean that THEY had Created the Universe far from it....
Ridley Scott had mentioned in September 2015, he asked us "You’ve got to go back and find those engineers and see what they are thinking. If engineers are the forerunners of us, and therefore were creators of life forms in places that were possible for biology to function, who created that? Where’s the big boy? You think this was all an accident? I don’t know. Even Stephen Hawking now says, I am not sure. He no longer believes in the big bang"
So to me he was Basically saying the Engineers are Genetic Engineers and they do this to WORLDS but i get the Impression that Ridley Scott is asking so HOW/WHO had Created these Worlds, so that LIFE can then Exist on them.
He seemed to be Teasing that it was NOT the Engineers.
I think you should be CAREFUL as to HOW FAR you go into that, as FAR as say WHO Created the Planets the Galaxy etc... But i think Certainly you could have a ANCIENT RACE that are able to Move Worlds to ideal Locations and begin some kind of ADVANCED Terra-forming.
I think while maybe you NEVER touch on WHO had Created the Galaxies etc, i think you could INTRODUCE another RACE who are more Ancient than the Engineers who maybe Created or Engineered them? A Race who are FAR from Human looking maybe? There is a LOT of Surreal and Crazy looking things in HR Gigers Works that you could have Combined with some HP Lovecraft works to come up with something REALLY ALIEN.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberXenomorphJun-08-2021 5:42 PMI always thought the only alien in the movie A L I E N was the space jockey. The Xenomorph is a humanoid type creature.......it looks like something produced in a bio lab by an evil scientist. ( I'm okay with David as the creator )
The juggernaut and the Space Jockey were the real hooks for me.
So yeah...I'd like to see them go really surreal.

MemberFacehuggerJun-09-2021 4:43 PMTrying to explain God in a few simple paragraphs is next to impossible. So here goes nothing! LOOOOL
I think in terms of evolution with respect to this concept. Compared to people 1000 years ago the average person today has "GOD LIKE" powers. We communicate at the speed of light, have modern transportation that moves billions of people, physics, modern math, chemistry, space travel, and modern architecture.
In another 1000 years these technologies will have incrementally gotten more efficient.
As a species we will be manipulating vast amounts of energy, have smaller computers, and travel much faster.
Yet this still does not answer the what is "God like being" question.
If I had to guess, in the most simple terms, a God like being has the ability to think about things and simply will them into creation just with thought alone.
Of course this means that this God like being is simultaneously the progenitor of the mechanisms with which the fundamental stuff of elements get combined into matter. I would also suppose that these would be self regulating systems within systems so this God like being could maintain this evolutionary adaption with a greater symbiosis to quantum technologies.

MemberXenomorphJun-09-2021 5:55 PMI'd say the human race is "GOD LIKE" in the Alien verse.
Anti-gravity / Inertia dampening
Synthetic species replication. ( if they can do a human, they can do any animal ....Synthetic Jonesy? )

MemberDeaconJun-11-2021 6:38 AMInteresting Comments about WHAT would determine GODLIKE.
Because if someone from our Present was to Travel back to the Time of Christ, with some of our Clothing and Technology then we would seem GODLIKE to some of the People. They would NOT even comprehend our Technology, IMAGINE if you Traveled in a Time Traveling Car.... HOW would they React to that?
I think in Terms of Technology then YES who knows HOW more Advanced people from 1000 Years would be, its LIKELY they would have Technology we may NOT quite Understand but we are the GENERATION of Technology and Sci-Fi and so i DONT think we would be as AMAZED at seeing Technology thats 1000 Years ahead of us than say Humans from 200 Years ago would be Amazed with what we have NOW... I think because we have Speculated what the FUTURE could bring, seen it in Sci-Fi.
That does-not mean we would not be like WOW! or that we would Understand as to HOW the Technology Works/Was Created.... but we could be like COOL i always Wondered if ONE DAY we could do that.
I think if we are talking 10'000+ Years then YES we cant Imagine as to HOW we would be then and WHAT we can do/achieve.
As FAR as being able to Manipulate Atoms, Energy, Time, Space by Purely Thought then this is something we just CANT really be Certain of IF/WHEN we could do this.
But could you RULE-OUT that a Species who are Hundreds of Thousands of Years more Advanced than us being able to do this? Who knows... IF they could then YES they would seem GODLIKE.
In Context to what i was referring to then i think YES we could be introduced to BEINGS who are SO ADVANCED they can do things that we would see as MAGICAL and GODLIKE...
Thing to remember is take STAR TREK for Example... IF this was REAL and the Enterprise went back 2000+ Years ago and BEAMED some Crew to the Earth and back and looking at the Technology, then People from 2000+ Years ago would see them as MIRACLES
Crew of 4 Beam Down (The Ancient Humans would see them Appear as Rays of Light from the Heavens)
The Crew Report back to the Enterprise and are TALKING to someone who is NOT there in Person, the Ancient People would be Amazed by this... they are talking to GOD?
The Crew go over to some Injured People and using their Medical Equipment can Repair Cuts, Broken Bones in a Instant... would that NOT seem the same as what CHRIST had done?
One Serious Injured Person is BEAMED to the SHIP and remains for 48 Hours before they have been MADE BETTER and then BEAMED BACK to the Surface, that would seem like they was Good as Dead then 2 Days latter they are Resurrected etc.
FINALLY they BEAM down a Replicator and are ABLE to MAKE any Food the People want APPEAR from NO-WHERE this would SURELY be as Impressive and Christs Feeding of Thousands.
So the Point being that a Civilization from Thousands of Years in the Future could have Technology that could be seen as MAGICAL.... and GODLIKE.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017