Prometheus did it better.

AdminEngineerAug-17-2024 10:42 AMWell, I saw Alien: Romulus and while opinions on the film continue to pour in and these forums bound to ignite into debate on whether the film lived up to the hype or not - I've had time to digest my thoughts on Fede's use of source material and nostalgic fan service.
In my opinion - Prometheus did it better.
While I thoroughly enjoyed the world building/exploiting in the first half of Alien: Romulus, I couldn't help but feel certain props and callbacks were thrown in my face on purpose. Sure, they made me go "oh look! That's from Alien!" or "I recognize that from Alien Isolation", but I didn't have to look very hard. It's like I was being spoon fed Alien tropes like a toddler, I could just sit back and enjoy my popcorn and watch the show with little to no mental stimulation beyond that.
Prometheus was more subtle. While many complained about it being so far off-track from the conventional Alien trajectory, it forced us to look for connections. It had little bits and pieces that connected it to the universe, but ultimately it didn't feel like a regurgitation of things we'd seen before. It was fresh and new and uncharted territory. For me anyway, I preferred that.
Sure, there are aspects of Prometheus I didn't like, but on a grand scale the film felt more like a real attempt at exploring NEW territory within an established and beloved franchise. The ending of Prometheus vastly outdid the ending of Romulus as well - giving us a satisfying callback and the most "Alien" scene whereas Romulus gave us... I don't know what.
I get what Fede was trying to do with Romulus and I enjoy the film for what it is, but I think it tried to be too many things all at once. Tapping into the prequel universe was a mistake beyond mention of the Black Goo (of which Prometheus did a better job with also) and the abomination born at the end - was paced way too quickly and also tried to do wayyyyy too much as well.
Sometimes, less is more. And for that, I still think Prometheus did it better.

MemberChestbursterAug-17-2024 12:21 PMWell Prometheus tried something different. Kind of like that hyped Australian breakdancer Raygun, I'll give it that and leave it at that.

MemberFacehuggerAug-17-2024 12:25 PMPrometheus definitely has a much bigger and ambitious perspective. I love its fresh storytelling and Shaw+David relationship.
But I like Romulus better because it's a nice return to horror (so I especially love the first half). I agree the throwback is too much but it's also what I wanted. Also it feels like Romulus brings ALIEN + ALIENS to new life again, extending its legacy.
Overall I love all 7 Alien movies. Even Romulus has its flaws but I can see this is a film that I would re-watch many times.
I also think the Romulus box office success would soon give the green light to the final Alien prequel, which this time can really focus on expanding the engineering/AI story.

MemberOvomorphAug-17-2024 3:04 PMChris,
we agree 100%. While I was driving home from the movie theatre I could not help but miss the days of Prometheus and Covenant. While not perfect movies they are superior to the latest. Romulus is an empty shell meant to scare, excite and thrill. It did none of those for me.
I hope it does well so the Alien franchise can live on.

MemberPraetorianAug-17-2024 9:25 PMI really liked Romulus, just finished watching today and I felt this excited since Covenant. I love all the continuity nods, especially nods from the expanded universe made me smile.