Lawrence of Arabia
MemberChestbursterSep-18-2017 5:40 PMCovenant may not have done too well domestically but internationally it did pretty well or am I missing something? Either way, glad Blu-ray sales are strong and that it wasn't a total flop at the box office. I hope FOX doesn't cave in to the naysayers and moves forward with Ridley's plans because he has a great thing on his hands and he obviously isn't finished. Love the mythology building and sophisticated storytelling.

MemberNeomorphSep-18-2017 5:47 PM"It's no surprise that Covenant struggled at the box office, both domestically and internationally"
Exactly, no surprise. Because it doesn't even feel like an Alien movie. I am going to say it again: just make a spinoff with David and company for that minority who enjoys that storyline and bring back what this franchise is all about. And I don't mean bug hunt, I mean visceral, gripping survival stories that are smart and suspenseful.

MemberPraetorianSep-18-2017 7:13 PMjoylitt
bring back what this franchise is all about. And I don't mean bug hunt, I mean visceral, gripping survival stories that are smart and suspenseful.
definitely have to agree there! The Dead Space franchise was inspired by what made Alien so great, now perhaps the Alien franchise should return the favour and take notes from makes Dead Space so great lol. Epic grand scale visuals, suspense, intelligent and logical decision-making, constant threat to survival, visceral and gripping

MemberPraetorianSep-18-2017 7:43 PM--- by G. H. (Gman):
'It's also important to remember that Japan's preferred measurement for box office ranking is theater attendance. This is because movie tickets are often sold depending on the genre, what country it's from, what studio made it, what gender is buying the ticket and what sort of discount day it is. (There are many.)
Alien: Covenant opened on a Holiday weekend and was practically the only major release, but it looks like it's only #1 via more expensive tickets. Attendance-wise it looks like it may have opened as low as #3. I don't know yet, I'm still waiting for more official numbers from Kogyotsushin to be translated.
Attendance is important because it gives us an indicator of how well it will do in the coming weeks. Strong legs is more important to the Japanese box office than opening weekends, but comparing Saturday's number to Sunday's might give an indication of its future.
If it made $2.6M then it likely opened to an estimated audience of 195,000 for the weekend. For comparison that number is a slightly better opening than Wonder Woman (182,092), Ghost in the Shell (171,203), Guardians of the Galaxy 2 (163,143) and Logan (113,600).
More when I have it.'

MemberNeomorphSep-18-2017 7:50 PMYeah sure, with "It" arriving on the 17th in Japan I anticipate Covenant has really good legs.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminTrilobiteSep-18-2017 9:04 PM^There's currently no indication that It will do well in Japan. The bigger threat will be Japan's domestic slate.

MemberChestbursterSep-18-2017 10:46 PMjoylitt
The wide release is only on the 3rd of November. what you said there is only it's run during The Down Town Taito International Comedy Film Festival

MemberNeomorphSep-19-2017 12:02 AMred0guy@gmail.com oh alright. Anyway, Japan cannot save Alien Covenant. It's already like

MemberFacehuggerSep-19-2017 11:40 AMSeriously, it's not an "Alien" movie? What's an "Alien" movie? Please, be specific: That would be like, "It's not ALIEN" or "It's not ALIENS", or "It's not A3", or "It's not A:R", or, let's go for it, "It's not AVP"?
I have to say I don't know what it was felt "domestically or internationally", but I liked PROMETHEUS very much, as I liked COVENANT, ALIEN (the one and only, if it is about an "Alien movie"), and A3, for its "Alien" atmosphere. I don't think ALIENS was an Alien movie at all, it was just Cameron exterminating (Yup, I meant it) something once perfect!

Lawrence of Arabia
MemberChestbursterSep-19-2017 11:47 AMScorpioStar
If anything Covenant was like every Alien film thus far merged into one film. (excluding AvP of course.)

MemberFacehuggerSep-19-2017 11:53 AM @Lawrence of Arabia,
I agree, but some people keep on going, "Boo woo, it's not what I wanted!", and I seriously doubt if they know what they want at all...

MemberNeomorphSep-19-2017 12:58 PMScorpioStar I know what I did not want, and that is David taking over the movie. I also did not appreciate the dumb and disposable characters and all the cgi. And the unscary, easy to kill xenomorph. Next to Covenant, Prometheus is a total masterpiece.

MemberFacehuggerSep-19-2017 1:06 PM@joylitt
So you'd rather have what, exactly?

MemberNeomorphSep-19-2017 1:57 PMScorpioStar I like to be surprised, entertained, have my imagination stimulated. I would have appreciated a follow up to Prometheus, more about Elizabeth Shaw and her quest for answers, body horror, metaphysical dread. Visually, I would have liked more Giger and less victorian drawings, more sophistication in the Alien design, more weirdness. I would have appreciated it a movie that expands the known universe, not one that made it smaller like Covenant.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminTrilobiteSep-19-2017 10:57 PMThe World of KJ has finally translated the weekend actuals from Kogyotsushin. While the actuals show it made more money, I was sadly way, way off in terms of attendance.
Alien: Covenant opened to #2 with $3.1M. It fell to Dunkirk, which is in its second weekend. Alien: Covenant had an attendance of 138,297 across 694 screens. That places it under Wonder Woman, Ghost in a Shell and Guardians of the Galaxy 2, but above Logan's opening.
Alien: Covenant is expected to finish its Japanese run with about $10M. That would estimate and attendance around 440,000. (Give or take, depending on the discount days.) To put that in perspective, anything lower than an attendance of 2-2.5 million is usually considered a flop.

MemberFacehuggerSep-20-2017 7:37 AM@Joylitt +1 about focusing on some real Alien drama equal or surpassing the original. @Lawrence of Arabia, the movie has barely broke even when you include marketing costs. For domestic grosses, the studio gets half; for international grosses, the studio gets 1/3. If you look at the numbers and look at the 97 million initial budget, the studio has nearly received 90 million for its movie release. Nevertheless, it will garner a product with Blu-ray sales, streaming and on-demand. But I doubt 20th Century Fox wants to risk that amount on another sequel.

MemberFacehuggerSep-20-2017 11:04 AMAs I have already stated, numbers... tell me about numbers...
Whose numbers? Our numbers? Their numbers?
Seriously? I've watched the newest "Transformers" and the brand new "Wonder Woman" - and the "Guardians..." and the sort.
So let's go again: "Whose numbers? Our numbers? Their numbers?", and let me just add: "Why numbers? Do you need a number to like a movie as it is?"

MemberFacehuggerSep-20-2017 11:10 AMI just saw "Twin Peaks" (2017), and there David Lynch goes with a masterpice within a very unusual dialogue:
"It's a world of truck drivers..."

MemberNeomorphSep-22-2017 8:01 AM
Yep it is too much about artificial intelligence which is a disappointment. I don't care if it is supposed to be about that or not, I am just commenting on what I see.
They should focus on the human characters and less on AI. Alien has never been about AI but they have been a part of it. It should never be about that.
Survival horror with good human characters is what it should be about.