MemberOvomorphMar-02-2017 1:12 PM@Chris Are you still going to post the full review with the screenshots in HD? There are more things I wanted to discuss, but I'm waiting for you to post the most accurate analysis of the trailer altogether.

MemberFacehuggerMar-02-2017 1:14 PMI just think landing on a waterfall is just too convenient to move the plot along. Unless it was done on purpose which will likely be the case.
Now that I think about it. David told Shaw about the other ships and that he would take her back to Earth. Perhaps David knew there was more black substance on those other ships and wanted to use it on Earth. Since Shaw did not want to go back, David probably thought "hmm well I can always use them on the Engineers since they are an exact match with humans. I think David knew everything that was written on the temple walls.

AdminEngineerMar-02-2017 1:19 PM@SuperBerserker, Yep! There's so much to analyze though, so I'm trying to separate some of it into smaller articles, I've got a few more on the way to round it out.

MemberFacehuggerMar-02-2017 1:24 PMChris: I like the waterfall theory..... Do you think when david and shaw left 223, they took the toxin with them?

MemberOvomorphMar-02-2017 8:21 PMGuys it looks like there is a body of a baby protomorph on the table in the David lab scene.

MemberOvomorphMar-02-2017 9:28 PMLove you Chris! :-) too cool! Thanks! :-)

AdminEngineerMar-02-2017 9:32 PMAppreciate the love! Haha
@Ryan_c, If by toxin you mean a cargo bay full of Black Goo filled urns, then yes. I am 99.9% sure they had a full payload of bio-former on board.

MemberFacehuggerMar-03-2017 5:47 AMAh I see. That's a pretty good theory regarding the waterfall and spores. I'm liking it

MemberChestbursterMar-03-2017 8:14 AMIt sure will be interesting to find out what happened to Shaw . . .

Shasta cyclone
MemberFacehuggerMar-04-2017 7:33 AMWhat's interesting is that they crash landed the juggernaut and seem to be stuck there.
Why are there no more ships on a planet that supposedly the engineers are from or colonized themselves. There is obviously ( in the trailers ) engineers technology there. I also noticed that there seems to be no "power" at the engineers metropolises. Why? Could it have been something that also killed the engineers which makes believe David didn't do it. Perhaps it's tied to the civil war that many have brought that could deep'n the story even more.

Gravity .86
MemberOvomorphMar-06-2017 11:15 AMAt the 2:02 mark it shows and I'm guessing it's Walter, it shows him trying to dodge something or he's scared of something. I'f the reports are that Walter is more "Robotic" why does he seem to be fearful? In Prometheus David didn't flinch an eye in dangerous situations. I just thought it was a strange thing to see and I wanted to know if anyone picked up on that?
Walter: Robotic and benevolent.
David 8: Smug, god complex dickhead that sometimes helps people before poisoning them.

MemberFacehuggerMar-06-2017 11:38 AMMaybe the director will not explain what happened to the engineers, just like in Prometheus with the stacked bodies. Its very symbolic of ancient accounts of plagues and so on eh.
for me, i think that ship they crash releases the black goo payload, once thats out there, what are you going to do about it? Leave the planet? I cant see david using it as a weapon on a planet of engineers, outnumbered and outgunned.
observation: ship appears to have crashed on a hill, wouldnt it disintegrate on impact?

Robert Aya.
MemberOvomorphMar-08-2017 10:30 AMI like the whole idea of this movie, I rather not to expect much to be wowed. But I think elizabeth shaw will be in this movie as a video or a hologram explaining something. James Franco's is still a mistery for me, since we only see in the trailer the ship that lands but not the mother ship from the trailer. Lots of mystery here!