MemberChestbursterApr-05-2017 7:54 PMWhat happen with Branson ?, Fox has excluded him even from the poll online of his facebook. Any explanation about it?

MemberOvomorphApr-05-2017 7:57 PMWow! Nice job Fox on the viral marketing. Keeps me guessing...

David 7
MemberFacehuggerApr-05-2017 8:00 PMI think the reason for the removal was a marketing ploy or from the backlash of some fans that were thinking these pics ruined and thus, gave up major plot points.

MemberFacehuggerApr-05-2017 9:13 PMI dont really like the Waterston actress (Daniels) so she having an alien burst out would be the icing on the cake.

MemberOvomorphApr-05-2017 9:26 PMNo offense to her but I agree with u, Apex. Maybe its's her new haircut...

Movie fan
MemberFacehuggerApr-06-2017 4:17 AMThis might mean the whole crew dies in some way ;)

MemberPraetorianApr-06-2017 4:39 AMDaniels...man, I dunno...right now I'm of mixed feelings regarding her. I'm going to take the wait-and-see option.
I don't think the entire crew will die, but there's likely to be a significant body-count, and there's also the 2000 colonists in hypersleep also...

Movie fan
MemberFacehuggerApr-06-2017 4:48 AM2000 colonists to become xenowombs ;)
Also I would like to see Daniels killed at the end. (not because I hate her, but because this is the origin of the xeno there should be no survivors except the xenomorph)

MemberPraetorianApr-06-2017 4:53 AMGood point on NO survivors...however, say some do survive, ship can leave, BUT the hyperdrive is scragged...slow-crawling through space is as good as dead for a long time. ;)

Movie fan
MemberFacehuggerApr-06-2017 4:58 AMI just don't want another Ripley, I want to see more of Shaw :)

MemberDeaconApr-06-2017 5:44 AMAgree with David007
I think these are just Marketing and in no way reflect who gets infected, and its pretty much obvious that everyone but Daniels and Tennessee get killed... i have even worked out when and how for each Character lol
I can only think they have been taken down as per David007 said and that many fans started to moan about them spoiling stuff, when actually i dont see these as spoiling anything.
Unless Daniels and Tennessee get infected but both their infections appear different.
And i doubt those who did these images would have been allowed to even design such things if indeed Daniels and Tennessee are both infected.
This marketing set of images are to just show many various Organisms that can be a result of the Black Goo and Davids experiments is all. We may not be able to Guarantee if all or any of these are shown in the movie at all.

MemberDeaconApr-06-2017 5:46 AMThen again it could be a misdirection ploy...
Who knows if these was put up and then taken down as a way to bait us to thinking there has to be a reason they was taken down... Much like how those Set Props got leaked then taken down.
We cant rule out if they was put up and then taken down by those on the inside as a Red Herring..
Hell who knows even if the so called Screening Leaks are a deliberate way to misguide us all?

Chad Ripley
MemberFacehuggerApr-06-2017 5:58 AMI think Fox is messing with us. They know we are nuts and purposely put these up to make up crazy. The Daniels one looks the most like a Xenomorph to me, but I think that was done on purpose. Since we know she fights the classic but pre biomechanical Xeno at some point she can't have one in her unless it's all a massive mind game that Fox purposely released to throw us off. Could it be possible that the entire crew are all infected during the entire movie but don't know? I don't think so, but I'm betting that all of them die except Daniels and Tennessee. But he's gonna get it at the end and I think she's also gonna die or become infected before the credits roll, or Scott will do the same thing he did with the Decon reveal. We'll think Daniels made it but at the very end a classic biomechanical Xenomorph will burst out of her chest.

Movie fan
MemberFacehuggerApr-06-2017 6:05 AM@Chad Ripley
That's exactly what I want to happen! ;)

David 7
MemberFacehuggerApr-06-2017 9:43 AMI think between now and May 11th, when the film opens in England, we are going to see some different marketing approaches happen with this film. I have yet to see the Weyland Industries site updated yet. I'm sure that it will come online come the end of April or early May. There is more marketing planned as they are pinned against Gaurdians of the Galaxy if I'm not mistaken on May 5th, which is before Alien but still...they want Alien to have a good start.

MemberOvomorphApr-06-2017 11:11 AM13 different beasts.
There is no time to develop all of this in the film. Also, it would be boring after some time.
This is a marketing device, I think.

MemberOvomorphApr-06-2017 2:58 PMIf Ridley "killed" Shaw, why cant he kill Daniels? Just a simple analogy. They will make more alien movies, and it aint gonna be about a persona goin through some rough **** like Ripley did. Even in 1979 Alien, first plan was to actually kill Ripley at the end. These movies (that Ridley shoots), are all about the message he tries to convey to us, about the "alien" and what it really is. Why is it so damn hostile? And why do we need so many movies to get the whole picture? Money? No way man. We are in for a ride. Ridley actually spilled the beans but the public is like in some trance.

MemberOvomorphApr-06-2017 4:14 PMDaniels harboring what appears to be a Xenomorph fetus. Is that a clue to her fate?

MemberOvomorphApr-06-2017 4:20 PMI think everyone dies in A:C. I was reading Ridley's original ending to Alien had Ripley being killed in the escape ship. No one survives this one.

MemberDeaconApr-06-2017 4:21 PMThere was the hints and teases about a Ripley connection to Daniels, that had been confirmed as not true... when actually it is true as far as a Story Arc. In that Daniels has to evolve and change due to the Horrific Ordeal she faces in Alien Covenant pretty much like how Ripley mainly did in Aliens.
I cant seem to think Ridley Scott will kill off Daniels, if he is also going to be killing off Shaw too.
However i dont like the idea and cant see Daniels being needed more than one more Movie after this one. Seems Ridley Scott planned 2-3 movies after Prometheus and then confirmed Alien Covenant is part of a New Trilogy Set before Alien and after Prometheus... which Alien Awakening is the next part that actually looks like it may be set prior to Alien Covenant.
So i think Daniels will appear in another movie, and i think Shaw will also appear in another movie, but both not together as far as Time-Line of Events.

MemberDeaconApr-06-2017 4:26 PMI will agree it would be a pretty good Curveball if the movie that covers the aftermath to Alien Covenant, reveals indeed No One Survives without being infected.
But i am not sure they will go as far as to showing them infected.
It would be like say if they did ANOTHER Cut of Aliens and added extra End of Credits or just prior to Credits Scene of a Alien Egg or Eggs on the Sulaco.. so that it fits in with Alien 3
Maybe just maybe they are pondering such a Outcome for the Movie that follows the events of Daniels, and are like 50/50 do we do a Newt/Hicks on them?
And so these images could hint at this being possible and so they took them down due to that reason.
But i think it was on purpose as a Red Herring Myself.

MemberOvomorphApr-06-2017 11:41 PMThe ending has David on the Convent looking over thousands of sleeping colonists and smiling........

MemberPraetorianApr-13-2017 10:14 AMTerrifying, and awesome...the artist who drew the different types in each member is wicked. Each creature has its own nightmare going. O the horror! I can't wait to see this lol