MemberChestbursterApr-22-2017 11:07 AMThe visual effects look stunning.

MemberTrilobiteApr-22-2017 11:09 AMCheck out the goo rainstorm!

MemberPraetorianApr-22-2017 11:15 AM1.png)

MemberChestbursterApr-22-2017 11:37 AMNever has rain been so terrifying. We saw what one drop of that s*** did to Holloway.......
....it slightly humbled him (and also turned him into s*** btw)
Now David unleashes a whole massive payload of this stuff, showering the whole crowd that is locked inside the arena (closed gate, maybe to seal them away from the rest?)
That's a bit evil.

A L I E N 4 2 6
MemberFacehuggerApr-22-2017 11:47 AMNeomorph, where have you been??? Also, does the inner jaw look bigger than the original?

MemberFacehuggerApr-22-2017 2:09 PMWow, those poor people never stood a chance, it's like an air bourne plague.
I Wonder if the containers explode mid air releasing the stuff over a large area?
You can see in the few frames that people are still alive and running around, so I wonder what it actually did to them?
If it turned them all into that blackened mess that we see near the temple, then was it a bioweapon to kill, rather than infect and create aliens?
If so, where did the spores come from when that guy treads on the plant? or is that perhaps the second stage? Infect the atmosphere/plant life and anyone who disturbs it, becomes infected, creating the xeno/proto/whatevermorphs.

David 7
MemberFacehuggerApr-22-2017 2:12 PMWhoa! David is no joke.

MemberChestbursterApr-22-2017 2:16 PMThe Inner Jaw! The Protomorph has the inner jaw! Hell yes! That does beg the question, how is it a Protomorph? What is missing that separates it from the final, perfect organism- the Xenomorph? Is it because it is more organic than the other Xenomorphs (I thought I heard somewhere that they were going for something closer to the original art from H.R. Giger?)? Is it missing the acid blood (highly doubt that, but you never know)? Is it something else? When will these questions be answered? 25 days from when this was posted.

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphApr-22-2017 2:26 PMHere are the brightened screenshots of the Proto/Primal xenomorph

MemberDeaconApr-22-2017 3:32 PMAs far as the Bombardment Scene, it will be interesting to see how they explain the effects, as we clearly see those bodies remain and look partially burned as if say crude oil was poured on them and set alight and then the fire put out shortly after.
Not what we see the Black Goo do before, but there have been a few debates about this Weapon System, such as does the Weaponized Cargo in the Cargo Hold perform differently, we see no evidence of any remaining Urns in the movie trailer and other stills and set photos from the Bombardment. The Cinemacon Footage seems to suggest they explode mid air and rain down Black Goo.
I do hope for a explanation a bit, or if its a bit clear to see as i would have assumed we would have been left with either Mutated Corpses aka Fifield, or they would have over time dissolved away.
Unless some Fail Safe was launched to some how burn those beings preventing the effects we saw in Prometheus.

MemberDeaconApr-22-2017 3:50 PMRegarding the Proto/Xenomorph we have to remember every Alien movie the Organism got less and less Mechanical, seems more so in this movie, but it seems they are hinting that this Xeno has some way to evolve a bit before we get to the Classic 1979 One.
As far as Original Designs, Ridley Scott was handed HR Gigers work to look at and no soon as he saw Necronom 4 which is Image 1 he was sold, and Ridley and Giger had discussed designs and the Final Product was taking Elements of Image 1 and 2 and combine them.

Image 3 is a rare image and this is the only low resolution i could find on the internet and this was Actually HR Gigers first Concept for ALIEN Ridley Scott then did two more Images 4 and 5, before he finally did the Final Design we see in ALIEN
It would appear Alien Covenant's Xenomorph is a redesign with less Bio-Mechanical look of the 1979 Xenomorph Design (and looks more like a cross between Alien 3 and Alien R).

MemberOvomorphApr-22-2017 4:53 PMThanks for the pictures Dark Nebula. On the first picture it looks like there could be a smaller inner jaw. On the second picture, at least to me, it isn't clear if this is an inner mouth/jaw like we've seen in the classic Xenomorph or if it is spitting some sort of fluid/goo.

Stan Winston (deceased)
MemberFacehuggerApr-22-2017 6:48 PMI think there's plenty yet to bridge between that and this beauty:

MemberOvomorphApr-22-2017 9:48 PMDavid is well aware Janek, Ravel and Chance sacrificed themselves and the Prometheus so the Last Engineer wouldn't be dropping any deadly black-goo rain on Earth...

Jim Pills
MemberOvomorphApr-23-2017 6:12 AMIt certainly seems to be coming together. Good thing this has spoilers with it! Perhaps the sound track helps us here - if the first track is incubation perhaps that is the scene with weyland in the white room. The next the covenant with whoever. The next would be the breaking of the covenant; David bombing the humanoids in the arena immediately leading into the next track Neutron blast, which I suspect is where the scorpion stinger gets destroyed and the juggernaut knocked out of the sky. The neutron blast frying all those within the arena so stopping the infecting agent getting beyond it. I suspect this is where the four gold covered angled surfaces and the top of the dome come in. I think it will be a one way self defence that stops the attack but annihilates everything on the ground and the target scorpion sting above.

MemberOvomorphApr-23-2017 6:27 AMWOW? The more they show the faster my pulse races! They certainly aren't worried about spoiling anything? I love that they're spoiling this much because it can only mean we're in for more than a few major surprises! I'm just thrilled that it looks this good! I have a feeling like this is Ridley's magnum opus. He's essentially gotten a do over to remake the original ALIEN 1979 with state of the art effects and limitless moneys and getting to do what he wanted to do in the beginning which was continue the story. However, The plan he's mapped out now is EPIC in every sense of the word. It looks like it was worth the wait? I'm just so stoked! Waiting for IMAX to hurry up with tickets so I can grab my seats!

MemberChestbursterApr-23-2017 10:07 AMHere is another one with more info, this is crazy, teasers footage scattered all over the net!

Burke, Carter J.
MemberOvomorphApr-23-2017 12:19 PMWow! David releasing the ampules over the engineer city... what a money shot!

MemberOvomorphApr-23-2017 5:35 PMI am getting very pumped for this. Seems like a really well constructed film.

MemberChestbursterApr-24-2017 1:14 AMI think so too, and thereby also well-paced

MemberOvomorphApr-24-2017 12:11 PMI still think there are two factions of the engineers . Going to be interesting to see what happens in this film. Also there is supposed to be a more advanced race above the engineers . So glad we are getting more of the story and a few films out of this :) cant wait for this movie.