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EXCLUSIVE - Alien: Covenant Concept Art Descriptions Leaked? (Potential Spoilers)
Scified2015-11-19 21:35:20
Written by Chris15,411 Reads9 Comments2015-11-19 21:35:20

Ridley Scott is known for his elaborate doodles when he's conceptualizing a specific scene or series of events for a film he's directing. According to our source who was close to the project and has provided some very reliable information regarding Alien: Covenant's plot so far, rough concept drawings and doodles were being created in February and March of 2015 as Ridley Scott and company began fleshing out visuals for the film. It was during this time that our source managed to sneak a peek at some of these 'doodles'. Below are their accounts of what they saw. As with our previous posts, this information has been passed on to us and not experienced first-hand. So, anything you read in this article should be taken with a grain of salt. Also, keep in mind that some concepts may not make it onto film, as many concepts were not filmed for Prometheus. That said, if you don't mind potential spoilers, enjoy...

I've gone ahead and summarized some of their more vague accounts into a point-form list for ease of reading:

  • Images of Nebulas and concept work based on a Nebula in the background and a Juggernaught looking ship
  • Concept art on a Juggernaught-like ship, but slightly different in design
  • Designs of a of a World Surface that was dark and had a landscape that looked a lot like LV-426 (The source claimed that they believed it was in fact LV-426, but that was their personal assumption)

This next part I will directly quote as it contains some very interesting points:

"There were concept works mainly of a Giant Sun with a Giant Bluey/Green Planet sourounded by 5 Moons.

Other works looked like Valley of the Kings Egypt only on a Dark World, it featured rows of Statues some Human looking some not so Human, pretty much like Egyption Statues at Valley of the Kings and they were not in pristine condition but damaged - some decapitated, to show that these things are Ancient and Neglected...

Then at the bottom of this like path that contained statues was a Black Obelisk that had life to it, well it was not derelict and had Green Glow in the centre similar to the Crystal in Prometheus.

Another Concept showed a Humanoid connected to what looked like a Wall/Machine or like a Giger inspired Mainframe similar to the Deacon Mural..."

They said they could not make out the sex of the Humanoid but it was Humanoid in shape in the same Cruciform pose. They also vaguely caught sight of what seemed to be like the "scene from The Matrix as far as the Stasis Pods that people were kept in".

Whether these accounts are accurate and actually reflect concept art for Alien: Covenant has yet to be seen, however as filming begins in February we should get some clues to either prove or disprove these claims. Until that time comes, these possible concept pieces do raise some interesting questions. The mention of an Obelisk containing a similar green crystal to the one seen by Hollaway in Prometheus could shed more light on what that "tomb" was for.

The mention of stasis pods could also reference another Engineer facility - one where they were experimenting on or harvesting life forms for experimentation? The possibilities and questions are endless. As more information comes our way, we'll be sure to keep you updated.

If you have a scoop for Alien: Covenant don't hesitate to get in touch with us! Another big thanks to our anonymous source for providing us with this potential insight into the Prometheus sequel! Let us know your thoughts in the comments section or in the Alien: Covenant forum!

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Dark Nebula

StaffNeomorphNov-20-2015 6:42 AM

Very exciting news.

"Another Concept showed a Humanoid connected to what looked like a Wall/Machine or like a Giger inspired Mainframe similar to the Deacon Mural..."

This reminded me of one part from Predator fire and stone where Elden fuses with the wall while everyone was watching the event.

Looking forward to see more.


AdminEngineerNov-20-2015 7:16 AM

I didn't know about that part from Fire and Stone! Great find, there could definitely be a connection there. The writers did reach out to Ridley for ideas for the comic. 

I remain skeptical of any leaks as I'm sure our readers do too, but you mentioning that similarity really makes me believe this is legit. Very exciting!


MemberDeaconNov-20-2015 8:37 AM

As time goes by Production elements will surely come to light.... and maybe we can find out what could be going on....

Interesting thing is they was hinting that Paradise had maybe become Pandemonium, Ridley and Rappace had refered to Paradise as Dark and not Paradise and Rappace said it was Hell.......  maybe as the movie could be taking inspiration from Paradise Lost, maybe we can find in that what connection Paradise and Pandemonium have and maybe that could be a clue?


MemberOvomorphNov-20-2015 10:35 AM

Someone posted, "Seems odd how can Shaw die... but then at the end be off with David to Paradise to get her answers?"


Unless... she does die on the way there or on the planet... and the Engineers offer David a way to ressurect her later in the film... OR... DAVID comes up with the idea to put Shaw's lifeless or almost lifeless body into the system to ressurect her... the downside would be the price paid — it would be enormous because it would involve her transformation into the Engineer's "system" or "The Matrix" or whatever you want to call it... she would no longer be human but something else. On an evolutionary scale. Like, all that Giger art we've seen where a female looks like she is part human, part mechanical... bio-mechanical. There you go.


MemberFacehuggerNov-20-2015 12:52 PM

Rotgut, you referring to these?


MemberOvomorphNov-20-2015 1:31 PM

Haven't seen those in so long... man, Giger was one twisted creative genius, wan't he?  I seem to recall other images like this one... also, the game Dark Seed...?


I wonder if Ridley actually has the balls to give us a Giger version of Satan...?  Man, that would be insane.  Gotta love Ridley.  DO IT, RIDLEY!!!


MemberOvomorphNov-20-2015 3:10 PM

Oh Yes! Stasis Pods on Fantastic Planet of Doom, ancient ruins from war in heaven  and giant green quantum cystals! Love it! Wondering if that humanoid is what is left of Shaw after She dived into the Hive Brain


MemberDeaconNov-22-2015 5:05 PM


Yeah i mentioned that comment.... and your reply is something i have ponder too, only that David uses Shaw in some way for some Agenda...  Shaw would want her Answers and we have to ask, is David a Man who can keep his Word... if he makes a Promise a Covenant (Agreement)  that he would take Shaw to  get her Answers..... then would he carry that out? and if she dies on the way.. would he then find a way to bring her back to life somehow...? or make a deal with the Hierarchy of the Engineers to bring her back to life... or so in someway her conscious, soul or spirit would be brought back?

And at what price would such a deal to do that, or at what price if its David who has a idea of how he can do that would there be any consequences?

So yeah something like this could be a interesting idea...

But we still dont know why Shaw is ommited.... and i doubt they would simply Kill her off screen like Newt and Hicks... in Alien 3.

He would at some point bring her into the movie (Ridley) be it Part 3 but then we have to question is Part 3 really going to be Part 2, and set after the events of Part 2?  Or maybe Shaw will be in Part 2 just because the Synopsis of the movie does not include her does not mean she would not be in the Movie... or that she wont be in the movie within the Time Frame of these New Travelers comming in...


Who says the David is David?  Can we rule out that Another Mission to LV-426 took place and that the Covenant Ship ends up on LV-426 or even LV-223 bare in mind the size of these Worlds even if only as Large as our own Moon, the area of the Derelict or indeed the LV-223 Outpost in Prometheus is just a smalll area of the entire World......   Maybe the 2nd movie could feature a different David...

But then again it said Prometheus lone Survivor.... but again whats to say David ended up going to Paradise? he could have gone to some other World related to the Engineers?

But i think it would be safe to assume that we are not talking the same System... because surely the Covenant would pick up Shaws SOS and be cautious unless David sends out a SOS to be rescued?  The Synopsis seems to indicate a futher place, and that the Ship thought they was heading for uncharted Paradise... now surely when they are surveying  a World for colonization they would have technology to detect that the World would to some degreee be able to sustain some kind of life... we have to assume that because well a Baron World would be no Paradise....  so did a probe inform them what ever place they go to is some kind of Paradise...  but by the time they set their ship to go to that place... David lands there and causes HELL?  Or did they intercept some comminication from Davids ship and follow where it was going..... maybe he relayed the destination co-ordinates to the Company?

Many many questions to be asked... of how this Covenant Ship ends up on the same planet that David is on.. and in What year?


MemberDeaconNov-22-2015 5:32 PM

The source i had did say that one concept work was a Giger Version of this.... where a Humanoid was connected to a Wall or Machine like the Deacon in the Mural was...

Superman 3 Robot Girl

Giger does have a number of Humanoids connected in such a way and they are always Female, Could this Answer why we see no Shaw?

The last one is just a Head..... the source says Humanoid so i assume full Body now i cant remember if they said in Cruciform, but they said like the Deacon Mural so maybe i assumed Cruciform as that Mural was....

A interesting thing is Ridley said recently something like he had something very Special in mind as far as David and how he is put back together but he does not want to spoil it.. or something like that i cant find the exact qoute...   to me this hints at more than Shaw simply puts his head back on, does he fuse with a Space Jockey suit?  Or has he got something very interesting in store.. and does this have to do with Shaw?

Who knows... maybe he does a Head Swap with Shaw... and has to find a way to keep Shaws Head Alive?  maybe i am trying to hard to connect Ridleys comment on his BIG PLANS for how David is back in one peice... with the ommsion of Shaw in the Synopsis and then considering the Sources mention of Shaw does not Technically die and a Humanoid attached to a Giger Inspired Machine... i cant help think of the one Giger Image above of that females Head lol

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