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First Alien: Covenant trailer promises blood, gore and intense Xenomorph action!
Scified2016-12-08 11:51:20
Written by Chris123,367 Reads47 Comments2016-12-08 11:51:20

20th Century Fox just finished debuting the first trailer for Alien: Covenant, as well as some extra footage to a select number of reporters during a exposition event for their upcoming 2017 film lineup. The reviews and opinions have just begun to flood social media platforms and the reception seems to be unanimous - Alien: Covenant is everything we've been waiting for!

Attendees were asked not to reveal specific details about the trailer or footage, however that hasn't stopped some little details from slipping. A couple things we've learned:

There is a "killer shower scene". What exactly this entails we're unsure, but likely will involve an unfortunate death for one of the Covenant's crew members.

A parasitic Alien was shown! This likely references the Neomorphs discussed prior - protruding Aliens, bursting from the backs of its victims.

The classic Facehugger and Xenomorph are definitely not withheld. The film definitely has a definite feel of Alien and Aliens. Apparently also, Waterston's character Daniels has parallels to Sigourney Weaver's Ellen Ripley. 

It also sounds like Alien: Covenant is everything fans were hoping to receive with Prometheus. Of course Prometheus had its own benefits and insightful concepts, it seems like Covenant will be more of a nostalgia trip for fans of the original films.

Also confirmed, is the fact that the Covenant is a colony ship, on a mission to populate a new planet. The crew are all couples, aimed to populate the colony.

The immense positive feedback is music to our ears here at Scified and

The first trailer for Alien: Covenant is expected to drop any time before December 21st. Fox could very well release it this weekend or anytime next week. Unfortunately we don't know the exact date and time. However, once the trailer does drop, you can be sure to watch it here as soon as it's online!

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Dark Nebula

StaffNeomorphDec-08-2016 11:56 AM

Holy ****tttt yesssssss,must see the trailer.

Btw here's another tweet.

Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerDec-08-2016 11:57 AM

Sounds fantastic. I'm not gonna watch. Gonna wait until May 19th.

I might treat myself to a short teaser, but not gonna watch a full trailer.


MemberFacehuggerDec-08-2016 11:59 AM

Ugh, I don't like waiting. :-)

Not sure about the use of a slow, sad cover of a classic song.  They've always used sound effects and music made for the trailer, not actual songs.  It will be interesting to hear if it works.

Deep Space

MemberFacehuggerDec-08-2016 12:09 PM

Well this news just caps off what has been a very good day all round for me!  

I know i'll watch the trailer but really hope I don't regret it when watching the film!  

Awesome :) :) :) 

Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerDec-08-2016 12:16 PM

Ugh, if they're playing an old cover song then I fear it's going to get on my nerves. More nostalgia crap.


MemberFacehuggerDec-08-2016 12:23 PM

Fuck,  I nearly died then I thought the trailer was out, this is all very good news however trailers still can be very deceiving so I just hope the film lives up to the hype the trailer is obviously going to create, fingers crossed..


MemberOvomorphDec-08-2016 12:33 PM

looking forward to see the trailer myself

David 7

MemberFacehuggerDec-08-2016 12:56 PM

Oh my! This sounds epic!, please give us a trailer so we too can delight and bask in this Alien Covenant goodness!

David 7

MemberFacehuggerDec-08-2016 12:56 PM


AdminEngineerDec-08-2016 1:21 PM

I really hope they bring the classic Alien siren back for the trailer. Like Prometheus' original trailer, it worked so well.

Dark Nebula

StaffNeomorphDec-08-2016 1:23 PM

Looks like the classic song is....

Don't click the link if you really don't want to know.

David 7

MemberFacehuggerDec-08-2016 1:26 PM

They said the date for the trailer release will be later today. Hopping that they release it sooner than later! 


@DarkNebula kind of figured that be the song...

Something Real

MemberTrilobiteDec-08-2016 1:27 PM

Oh, gosh! I am greatly excited to see this film! I can not wait! :)


AdminEngineerDec-08-2016 1:37 PM

Apparently Fox may release a teaser TONIGHT, or at the very least announce when the trailer will drop.


MemberFacehuggerDec-08-2016 1:40 PM

Chris, just read that.  Keep us posted!

Dark Nebula, I wonder if it is the cover done by Passenger of one that artist's most famous songs?

David 7

MemberFacehuggerDec-08-2016 1:41 PM

Tonight would be a real treat and also it is Thursday Night Football. We know how they like to drop trailers during these games. Might be a possibility. 


AdminEngineerDec-08-2016 1:55 PM

I completely expect a short teaser for the full trailer's release this weekend. That's my bet. I'm anxiously waiting for anything Fox announces.

David 7

MemberFacehuggerDec-08-2016 2:05 PM

I agree @chris, just as they did with the Spider-Man teaser for the trailer release. I expect the same kind of release.


MemberNeomorphDec-08-2016 2:15 PM

Either the song is:

David Bowie 


You are my lucky star

David 7

MemberFacehuggerDec-08-2016 2:21 PM

This was interesting to hear. By the sound of it, the Neomorphs are smaller in size but as he stated, the effects are not done yet. gets an Exclusive First Look

Dark Nebula

StaffNeomorphDec-08-2016 2:28 PM

That dude was talking about unfinished film clips that were shown,I think that the neomorphs they showed them were just babies,later in the film they might grow much larger.

David 7

MemberFacehuggerDec-08-2016 2:31 PM

Yeah, true and he saw David but that was even kept minimal. 


MemberFacehuggerDec-08-2016 2:44 PM

Can't Wait; Will probably watch Half then the other half of the Teaser on Christmas 


MemberFacehuggerDec-08-2016 3:20 PM

Can't believe this is actually happening. I'm afraid! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


MemberPraetorianDec-08-2016 3:20 PM

maybe the song is ......    lol ; )

or cha-cha-changessss



MemberChestbursterDec-08-2016 3:33 PM

Must see! Must see! I'm so excited I feel like my chest is going to burst!


MemberChestbursterDec-08-2016 3:33 PM

Everything I've read so far about AC echoes straightforward horror and gore, but then again a trailer can be cleverly cut together to attract a certain type of fanbase like Prometheus or Suicide Squad. 


MemberNeomorphDec-08-2016 4:01 PM

Awesome Science Fiction Films


MemberNeomorphDec-08-2016 4:04 PM

I haven't been this excited in years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


MemberOvomorphDec-08-2016 4:45 PM

Looks like those rumors about neck and back bursting weren't so far off after all.... who knows, we may see the Belugamorphs yet!


MemberOvomorphDec-08-2016 5:41 PM

Waiting for trailer ,must be interesting 


MemberDeaconDec-08-2016 6:06 PM

Wow fantastic news......

Does indeed seem like the Neomorphs/Spore leak sounds legit...  i was disappointed to how the hell does Spores get inhaled and then produce only one back burster..... unless 

*The Spores some how (or some) combined in the body and by chance the merging of more than one Spore forms into the start of a new Organism.

*The Spores infect a Pregnant Female or Female Egg

*Maybe the leak was not quite detailed enough, and indeed multiple Spores produce more than one Organism (hence the twitter comments about popping all over the place).

*The Spores are programed to combine together or only one spore is released at a time..

But maybe how is a oversight like we had with many unexplained or made little sense scenes from Prometheus.


MemberDeaconDec-08-2016 6:16 PM

Nice to see my Sherlock Skills may be still good.. lol

When we looking at comments about Couples and beating the Chest Buster Scene... a long while ago so seems, i did say a love scene would be great... i.e re-use the un-used Holloway/Watts Scene....

The Killer Shower Scene could be just that.. i thought such a scene could be in order from combine Ridleys Chest Buster beating scene and Couples and well the Franchise has re-used un-used concepts and ideas before.

Talking of which..... Baby Head Aliens... well those leaked Prop Photos showed a few different such Aliens... which are based off some unused Prometheus concepts..

I would be a bit disappointed if these are from Spores, unless like a theory i mentioned in regards to the Spore leak a while back and how it could fit in with Alien Covenant and Couples...

IMAGINE...... as i said before.. but now we got Shower Detail..

The Spores infect Pregnant Female.. who could be 8-16 weeks pregnant.... they then with their partner have a shower and make out a bit.... Female gets pains... in her Stomach she is worried and her Partner too about the Baby... as he goes to get help she collapses he goes over... to her and BOOOOOM! we get a Baby-Head Alien Chest Buster..

That would be EPIC.... it would fit the Spore potential well logical way it could infect someone to then produce a Baby like that..... the Spores basically do a Fifield on the Baby.... this scene would Top Alien for sure...

Lets see if my hunch is right ;) 

No soon as that Killer Shower Scene was mentioned... i think it could fit..

I mean come on.... whats worse?

1) Xeno like Monster kills someone in the Shower

2) Spore Back Burster in Shower (especially in a Male)

3) A Couple having a Baby, have shower and infected females unborn baby Belly Bursts and its a Alien Hybrid Baby now..


MemberDeaconDec-08-2016 7:03 PM

Now we have trailer soon i wander if it would show us how much of a Paradise that Paradise looks like....

Could it have.... as put in this Topic

From this...

To this...

The last image i came across not long ago on Pininterest tagged Prometheus/Avatar... now i have never seen Avatar (yep i know) and so cant say for sure how its related to either..

I have never seen it before but it does look like Eggs near those trees as the Spore Leak claimed.. this is not to say its from AC... just that i found it on the internet tagged with Avatar/Prometheus and looks like it could fit right in with AC.

Just noticed the the like Spider Looking thing too... lol


MemberDeaconDec-08-2016 7:34 PM

some leaked photos... here

Post one here thats kind of what we seen before..





MemberPraetorianDec-09-2016 2:50 AM

This probably won't be the song, but I love this version!

Loving The Alien

Showerburster......right on Ridley!


Movie fan

MemberFacehuggerDec-09-2016 4:35 AM

Yes! I can't wait to see the trailer! :)


MemberPraetorianDec-09-2016 4:43 AM

NOOB....hold my hand, I'm afraid too!! ;)

David 7

MemberFacehuggerDec-09-2016 6:33 AM

This is like a Disney movie for us. We are like kids waiting. Except this Disney movie has blood, suspense and horro in it.

Dark Nebula

StaffNeomorphDec-09-2016 8:26 AM


Idk if this (link to the 4chan thread has been removed) was posted or discussed somehere but anyways...

Some interesting things.






MemberDeaconDec-09-2016 9:07 AM

If those leaks above are correct and not fake....

It does seem interesting and seems to indicate at least TWO main Monsters.... and also the speculation and theories that people shared that was similar to mine about maybe Walter could be the Host that gives the Xeno its Bio-Mechanical look could have been some pretty good speculation ;)


MemberFacehuggerDec-10-2016 2:25 PM

I was very disappointed with Prometheus and I hope this hype is not in the same vein as Ridley Scott's Hannibal.  I am hoping for the best.


MemberFacehuggerDec-10-2016 2:31 PM

They said the trailer may come out during the Rogue One opening.


AdminEngineerDec-10-2016 4:41 PM

I saw the 4chan discussion and was skeptical at first because it essentially emulates what we've already discussed and speculated upon here on the forums for over a year now haha. That being said, I have heard that many of the concepts we've discussed and shared here are very close to what actually happens in the film, by those close to production. So, it could be legit.

I Meme Everything

MemberPraetorianDec-10-2016 4:42 PM

I'm a sicko, so this is good news for me

A L I E N 4 2 6

MemberFacehuggerDec-15-2016 8:43 PM

I'm hoping for the original trailer song with the alarm from Alien and Prometheus first trailers, with a voice over from Daniels singing "your my lucky star." That would be scary. 

A L I E N 4 2 6

MemberFacehuggerDec-15-2016 9:02 PM

So, picture this:


We see a shot of Paradise as it used to be, then the image flickers and changes to how it is now that the black goo had run rampant.

The alarm song starts playing and Daniels is singing "You're my lucky star,"  and we then see the crew of the covenant disturb the spore pods. Cuts to back and neck bursters, and shots of full grown Belugamorphs.

We see a shot of Daniels being chased, and Danny McBride's character with a shotgun. 

Then, we see a shot of David tampering with the goo and a baby alien. Then the alarm stops and the singing stops and we just here David say:

"The Perfect Organism"


Then, shot of the OG Bio-Mechanical xenomorph who then "grins" and slowly sticks his little mouth tongue out and roars. 


then, Final note of loud trailer song and "Alien" forms on screen in the classic way, and "Covenant" flickers on like a light underneath. 


This would be as a first teaser or trailer. More in line with the originals. Later trailers could touch upon the Engineer side of things 

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