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Fox release new Alien: Covenant image featuring Michael Fassbender as Walter!
Scified2016-12-23 07:28:29
Written by Chris27,034 Reads41 Comments2016-12-23 07:28:29

Fox have just shared a new Alien: Covenant image to their social media, this time showing a new photo of Michael Fassbender playing his alternative Android named Walter. Interestingly enough, this post did not contain a numeric value, but instead a series of dashes: ------------.

We're unsure of what the dashes mean, if they mean anything at all.

The image itself shows Walter seated at a piano dressed in a white suit. The image gives Walter a sense of innocence. This is a complete contrast to the characteristics of David, the other Android Fassbender will be playing in Covenant.

What do you make of this image? Do you think the dashes associated with it have any significant meaning? Sound off in the comments!

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MemberDeaconDec-23-2016 7:32 AM

Interesting image, matches the rumor of a David Android playing a Piano to Peter Weyland.

Its going to be interesting to find how much different Walter is to David as far as Personality and Programing and maybe also construction material advances.


MemberOvomorphDec-23-2016 7:33 AM

I'll repeat my genius Twitter joke:

Walter is state-of-the-ART!


MemberChestbursterDec-23-2016 7:34 AM

A very interesting concept. Fassbender should be fantastic, given the challenges he faced playing these two roles simultaneously, I think he would be one of the few actors able to pull it off with aplomb.


MemberFacehuggerDec-23-2016 7:37 AM

you must have been writing this up as i was - lol


MemberFacehuggerDec-23-2016 7:39 AM

Number of dashes are the same quantity as the numbers they've given in the 4 other images so far.

Nice Steinway.  Looks like the Sterling, from their Special Collection, as all their other pianos have brass, single casters.  The Sterling has nickel, double casters, just like in the picture with Walter.

From Steinway's website...
"When Steinway & Sons was founded in 1853, the standard hardware found on pianos was nickel — a trend that continued through the 1920s. In 1928, following design trends of the day, the hardware on Steinway pianos was switched to brass, which has been the standard since. Now, Steinway & Sons offers a piano style that is both modern and a throwback — the Sterling Steinway"

I could be digging too much (I usually do... ask my wife), but maybe there is more to why they picked this particular Steinway and the hardware being the big thing about this model.  A correlation to the hardware change in the old David model vs. the new Walter model, perhaps?


AdminEngineerDec-23-2016 7:39 AM

I don't mess around ;) lol

Dark Nebula

StaffNeomorphDec-23-2016 7:40 AM

I want to see him playing the piano.


MemberFacehuggerDec-23-2016 7:41 AM

Mate, i technically put my post out 2 mins before you chris so i win lol :)


MemberFacehuggerDec-23-2016 7:41 AM

ive been watching that bloody page all day on twitter lol 


AdminEngineerDec-23-2016 7:46 AM

Me too! Haha I was getting tired of refreshing and then boom!

@Membrane, nice find! Perhaps Walter playing that specific piano is a metaphor for him being the "brass" version of the Android line, following the insubordinate "nickel" version which was David. Fascinating and extremely intelligent if that's the case. Bravo!


MemberOvomorphDec-23-2016 7:53 AM

He does hold himself more upright, his face is a bit more of a mask, he seems to be waiting for someone to tell him to start to play.

David 7

MemberFacehuggerDec-23-2016 8:01 AM

I would suppose the dash marks and unknown period of time when this event took place.

David 7

MemberFacehuggerDec-23-2016 8:02 AM

This would hint that the intro where David is activated and he is playing the piano for Peter Weyland as they both start to have a discussion on God and creation.


MemberOvomorphDec-23-2016 8:02 AM

So this means today is the last still and tomorrow a trailer?

If this is correct, the trailer will be released in the morning? just like the photos?

A L I E N 4 2 6

MemberFacehuggerDec-23-2016 8:06 AM

So maybe this scene takes place in the "Prologue" of the film? 

David 7

MemberFacehuggerDec-23-2016 8:08 AM

It makes sense to release the trailer tomorrow when the embargo on the reporters ends. Cause then, we will also know what was shown in that 15 minutes of footage that was show last week. 


MemberOvomorphDec-23-2016 8:10 AM

Or perhaps the dashes are the end of the countdown. I feel it in the force that the next thing released is the trailer..,... Please oh please.


MemberFacehuggerDec-23-2016 8:40 AM

Could be from a viral video. 


MemberOvomorphDec-23-2016 8:50 AM

Page is there but no vid yet


MemberFacehuggerDec-23-2016 8:56 AM

You gotta love that all theses disparate images come from the same film.


MemberOvomorphDec-23-2016 9:01 AM

It appears David is about to play the piano. Does this mean the trailer is about to play also? Could it be? Hopefully!


MemberOvomorphDec-23-2016 9:14 AM

David 7

MemberFacehuggerDec-23-2016 9:21 AM

It appears to be Walter on the monitor behind her.

A L I E N 4 2 6

MemberFacehuggerDec-23-2016 9:21 AM



Thats not David. It's Walter: a separate android also played by Michael Fassbender 


MemberPraetorianDec-23-2016 10:07 AM



MemberOvomorphDec-23-2016 10:08 AM

Maybe the dashes indicate that, rather than a typical time/date stamp, this is just a stock catalogue photo of a Walter model with no date referenced


AdminEngineerDec-23-2016 10:15 AM

@introvert, thanks for the image! Haven't seen that one yet, will get it front paged. Cheers!


MemberOvomorphDec-23-2016 10:25 AM

My bad @A L I E N 4 2 6. Thanks for the heads up! I confuse the two? I gotta remember that Walter is the one with the dark hair. ;) On a separate subject has anyone have any ideas on the who he's named after? What's the significance of the name "Walter" ? Is it an anagram for something or someone? I'm sure there's a hidden meaning somewhere? Ridley rarely puts anything on screen just for show. Could it be related to someone or something biblical perhaps? I apologize for posting here, I should've started a separate thread I guess? But the thought came to mind and I didn't want to loose it... =)

David 7

MemberFacehuggerDec-23-2016 10:37 AM

Walter could be for the producers Walter Hill and then David for David Giler. 


MemberOvomorphDec-23-2016 11:57 AM

@Davi007 that's excellent... I bet you are right


MemberOvomorphDec-23-2016 1:07 PM

Chopin: Prelude No. 15, Op. 28


MemberOvomorphDec-23-2016 1:49 PM

Sorry, couldn't help it. :p


MemberOvomorphDec-23-2016 1:53 PM

This has been one of the best movie marketing campaigns I've ever seen. The excitement and anticipation is palpable. :)

David 7

MemberFacehuggerDec-23-2016 4:21 PM

Just wait...the marketing is just beginning. There are viral videos yet to be released and and while new mission campaign for the Covenant as they did for the Prometheus project.

A L I E N 4 2 6

MemberFacehuggerDec-23-2016 7:06 PM

Hey guys remember back when Prometheus was being marketed, they had those David "advertisements"? Maybe they're doing the same thing here with Walter. This would explain why there are dashes, as the scenes don't appear in the film 


MemberOvomorphDec-23-2016 7:28 PM

I know what he is looking at ! Very renaissance.

Michelle Johnston

MemberChestbursterDec-24-2016 5:56 AM

This a beautiful image which yields a good deal. David in pure white echoing the acolyte Engineer in Prometheus (in contrast to the evolving creature which he will come to know), barefoot at the beginning of his journey.

What he plays will act as an overture for the key themes of the movie. If the music is Wagner's Entry of the Gods into Valhalla then the mythos of Valhalla/the Einherjar "God servants"/vegetation which offers life preparing 'wine' and a beast which regenerates daily will be wound into the Paradise which is now Lost offering only booby traps and punishment.

I am following the UK Facebook site driven by Fox's approved marketing, "Its an Alien Film Stupid", but which teases and allows one to think for oneself as we did with Prometheus.

I wish you all a Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year but no joy on 190005182017. 

My thoughts are with the incoming robot. He may well have  benefited from the knowledge acquired by the hostile take over of Yutani and their cybernetics division. But is the modification upgrade immune to Davids curiosity and new found knowledge.       

I also love the image for its homage to 2001 and those pristine rooms "Dave" wandered into.

W-Y taking marines to a beautiful unspoilt Paradise did they wake the innocents when they new it was safe or unsafe if the latter pursuing some of the Cylinder ideas from early A L I E N scripts.


MemberPraetorianDec-24-2016 11:00 AM

It's nine o'clock on a Saturday
The regular crowd shuffles in
There's an xeno sitting next to me
Makin' love to his black goo and gin
Wayland says, "Son, can you play me a memory
I'm not really sure how it goes
But it's sad and it's sweet and I knew it complete
When I wore a younger man's clothes."
La la la, di da da
La la, di da da da dum
Sing us a song, you're the piano man
Sing us a song tonight
Well, we're all in the mood for a melody
And you've got us feelin' alright
Now ash at the bar is a friend of mine
He gets me my drinks for free
And he's quick with a joke or to light up your smoke
But there's someplace that he'd rather be
He says, "walter, I believe this is killing me."
As the smile ran away from his face
"Well I'm sure that I could be a movie star


MemberPraetorianDec-26-2016 10:39 AM



MemberFacehuggerJan-01-2017 7:34 AM

Well isn't this a nice kettle of fish.  The David/Walter thing.  Yeah even AI's mimic their maker's good/evil nature.  Not to mention good/evil engineers, good/evil goo, etc.  What an interesting concept.  AI's with free will?  Maybe wasn't meant to happen, but we all know how that goes. 

Walter appears to be a babe in the woods, at this point in time.  How will he fare with his encounter with his evil twin? 

The Hill/Giler thing.  Nice.

And the brass/nickel thing.  Very good.

MJ: Did not know movie had been moved up until I saw a little ad on Fox New Year's party last night. 


MemberDeaconJan-02-2017 5:30 PM

On another Topic i have thrown a interesting... CURVE-BALL

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