MemberTrilobiteOct-20-2017 4:37 PMI like the Runner/Dog from Alien 3 best- its lack of tubes set it apart from the rest at the time. It was borne of a quadraped and was quick, agile and animalistic. It was the first time a xeno could scale walls and we could see from its first person perspective.

Below is my own NECA Alien 3 Xenomorph

MemberOvomorphOct-20-2017 4:47 PMMy favorite design would probably have to be the original Giger design. The bio-mechanical, exoskeleton design is literally a Lovecraftian nightmare. Everything from the inside-out ribcage, the translucent dome revealing a human skull, the tubing pipes on its back. It seems so surreal that the word "Alien" describes it perfectly.

MemberOvomorphOct-20-2017 4:47 PMThe Deacon for me!

MemberOvomorphOct-20-2017 4:52 PM
As much as I love the original "Big Chap" design, my all-time favorite has to be the Predalien. I have so much love for both the Alien and Predator franchises, and seeing the product of the two is just awesome. I honestly don't know which I prefer though. The AVPR design or the original design for the AVP Duel comic book, but if I had to pick one, I would go with Duel. Although the AVPR version was no push over, the comic Predalien took on several Colonial Marines and Predators , and held it's own very well. I think that it's dark brown (almost black) appearance contrasted to yellow backgrounds, along with the short upper mandibles and the pointed/spiked dreadlocks make the hybrid really appear extremely menacing. Honorable mentions: OG Queen Alien, Deacon, Big Chap, and of course the Grid Alien.

MemberFacehuggerOct-20-2017 5:07 PMI was going to say the original, but I actually think my favorite is the design seen on the Xenomorph in Alien: Covenant (unofficially called the Protomorph by most of the fandom). I love the fleshy, sinewy, nearly human structure of its body. It is such a grotesque twisting of the human form in the most terrifying way. I still love the biomechanical, Lovecraftian design of Giger's original, but the more raw, primal appearance of the Protomorph is just amazing.

Great Greedo
MemberOvomorphOct-20-2017 5:10 PMThe ALIENS xenomorph

MemberOvomorphOct-20-2017 5:39 PMNeomorph. The visceral asethetics of the Evolution was exciting because of the lack of features and the horror of it implements into the viewers imagination! 

MemberOvomorphOct-20-2017 5:41 PMMy favorite Xenomorph is the Xenomorph design of Alien Covenant. This Xenomorph had the motion patterns of both the human walking of Alien and the creature like slither of Aliens. It also appears to be far more hostile than the Xenomorphs of the other movies. In the original Alien the xenomorph is scared by fire, but David's Xenomorph will run through a ships engine to get its prey. The look is the best as it uses a combination of CGI and practical effects. This allows it to truly move like an animal and not just like a person in a suit. This was used in AVP but the CGI wasnt good enough at the time so it looked awkward. Finally the Covenant Xenomorph has the best sound. Theoriginal sounds like a very faint scream(which is still creepy) and the ones from Aliens sort of sound like Elephants. The Covenant one has a really cool chittering noise that sounds lile nothing ive heard before. This xenomorph is one epic creature and truly the perfecr organism.

sara k.
MemberOvomorphOct-20-2017 5:47 PMMy favorite Alien design would be the Queen Alien from James Cameron's ALIENS (1986) because it managed to differ from the original film's Big Chap Xenomorph while staying true to the grotesque style of H.R. Giger. I love the blue tint that covers the creature's exoskeleton along with its massive crest, which I find incredibly well-crafted by the great Stan Winston. Not to forget, the studio's animatronic work is fantastic; allowing the Queen to exhibit its full potential in terms of agility and ferocity, thus extending its glorious screen-time. Unlike Alien vs. Predator, the 1986 Queen is a pure practical effect with no computer generated effects, rendering the beast ever so genuine and authentic. Such are the reasons the Queen Alien from James Cameron's ALIENS is my favorite Xenomorph design.

MemberOvomorphOct-20-2017 5:53 PM
The xenomorph design that's my favorite is that of the Queen. She is the largest, most intelligent, and are massively powerful. She is quick and and stronger than all of the other xenomorphs. Nothing quite prepares a viewer for seeing her onscreen for the very first time.

MemberOvomorphOct-20-2017 6:12 PMMy favourite alien design would probably have to be the original one from the first film because of how well it blended in with the ship and how intelligent it was as an organism

MemberOvomorphOct-20-2017 6:28 PMI had to choose the most obvious choice, the original Xenomorph from Ridley Scott’s classic 1979 film. The classic monster was nothing like anything we’d ever seen on the big screen. It’s aesthetic, structural perfection, and life cycle was so gritty and terrifying, that it made us adore and fear Giger’s monster at the same time. Though there have been many adaptations of the Xenomorph , none will come close to Big Chap. He is forever and always the Alien we cowered in our shirts in the dark theater from.

MemberOvomorphOct-20-2017 6:31 PMProtomorph! It's movements were based on the praying mantis which I find awesome.

MemberOvomorphOct-20-2017 7:11 PM
The chestbuster. The very first xenomorph we ever saw and still the weirdest and most terryfying.

MemberOvomorphOct-20-2017 7:58 PMI've always been a big fan of the "dog alien" or "the runner". I love the jaguar inspiration in the way it moves.

Even through the dated effects, a certain amount of grace is apparent in the full-body shots of the creature running.
I also feel that the smoother edges, more aerodynamic head, lack of dorsal tubes, and more human facial features amplify the whole "disturbingly erotic" theme from Giger's works.

MemberChestbursterOct-20-2017 8:25 PMI have to go with the original design from A L I E N, The Big Chap! I love so many of the designs from the franchise, but I can't not go with the original. A very mesmerizing, horrifying, beautiful, and just plain cool, design that was an integral part of making my favorite movie of all time, what it is.

MemberTrilobiteOct-20-2017 9:25 PMNecrotard Ah- A kindred spirit! Check the first post :)

MemberTrilobiteOct-20-2017 9:38 PMOOH, OOH! Mr. Scified! I want that darn mask!

MemberXenomorphOct-20-2017 9:54 PMLOL, I've always liked Grid for some reason. Prolly cuz he whooped a predator solo. No dk mask is mine buddy !!!!!

MemberOvomorphOct-20-2017 9:55 PMMy favorite xenomorph is the original one because it's the one that best resembles H.R. Giger's alien. When I think of a xenomorph, the Big Chap always comes to mind. I also think its more pleasing to the eye than the one from any of the other movies to me. Alien (1979) is my favorite movie of all time and it is the one that scared me the most. 

MemberTrilobiteOct-20-2017 10:00 PMRick That's ok lol! I will find a way. I was a day off and would have traded an AC A Box but it is comitted. Day late and a dollar short. The A Box is going to an unsung member who deserves it!

MemberOvomorphOct-20-2017 10:28 PMI'm a fan of the design from Aliens the most.
It took the bio-mechanical design, and made slightly more organic

MemberOvomorphOct-20-2017 10:30 PMdk haha yeah, I went out of my way not to use the same pictures you did...

C.J. Barnette
MemberOvomorphOct-20-2017 11:33 PM
My favorite is the Alien Queen from Aliens because she is the biggest and baddest!

MemberOvomorphOct-21-2017 12:31 AMThe original design is my favorite. It is unnerving to see the humanoid skull underneath the dome. It's like a demon stuck in a space suit. 

MemberOvomorphOct-21-2017 1:02 AMMy best is the neomorph because its so different,white skin, that cool weird goblin shark jaws.

MemberOvomorphOct-21-2017 4:40 AM Xenomorph ->Alien Covenant!

MemberOvomorphOct-21-2017 4:48 AM
My favorite Alien design is the Grid one from Alien vs. Predator, i really liked his leader role and the way he killed two predators

MemberOvomorphOct-21-2017 7:30 AMMy favorite is the Xeno from Covenant. I waited long 5 years to see the Prometheus sequel, and I could see for the first time in my life a Xenomorph on a movie teather. Here is a photo of my NECA's Xeno <3

MemberOvomorphOct-21-2017 8:17 AMMy favourite Xenomorph is from Alien: Covenant, because this one gives me the vibe to go back in time to the original Alien design from 1979. This design itself is very gorgeous. I love it's bodystructure. The reason is because this Xenomorph from Covenant is also the first Xenomorph in the whole Alien franchise who has an endoskeleton. You can definitely see it in the film when the Xeno was a chestburster. You can see the skeleton through the translucent body, more like that of a human skeleton. Will be very interesting to see the whole endoskeleton from the Xeno as adult in Covenant.
Here below is my own NECA Xenomorph figure from Alien: Covenant, so far my favourite figure.

MemberOvomorphOct-21-2017 8:55 AMMy absolute favorite Alien design is the Deacon from Prometheus. The secondary jaw structure (which looks like it also has its own set of eyes) is an incredibly cool redesign/spin off of the secondary jaws from the original Xenomorph, and I love it's extremely pointed head. It reminds me of something out of a Venom comic, and I love the "scream" it makes at the end of Prometheus. Would love to see an adult Deacon in action!
Good luck to everyone entering!

MemberOvomorphOct-21-2017 2:25 PMMy favorite Alien design has to be the Facehugger from Alien. Starting from the attack on Kane boldly referencing rape, this creature's first scene haunted me. The way the finger-like appendages wrapped around his face felt so intrusive to watch. I remember watching the tail coil around his neck, tightening, shuddering. When it finally has impregnated Kane and we get to see a full view of its anatomy I was marveled by it. Genitalia meets fingers. It was a great way to start a theme.

MemberOvomorphOct-21-2017 3:04 PM
I also like the Runner/Dog from Alien 3 best. Great stuff!!

MemberOvomorphOct-21-2017 6:35 PMMy favorite has to be the Drone from Alien: Isolation. It takes the original bio-mechanical alien design and "streamlines" it so that it looks even more otherworldly and so that it loses the "human in a suit" feeling that the original had! It's a brilliant combination of the old and the new.

MemberOvomorphOct-21-2017 11:02 PM
I have to go with the Alien: Covenant design, I love the original H.R Giger design but i think i love more this one because it seems more natural, not so biomechanic, more like wild and human-like appeareance.

MemberOvomorphOct-22-2017 11:09 AMMy favorite design like many other people is the Alien Queen, the massive size and more insect-like appearance was always more creepy to me than any other alien from the movies

MemberOvomorphOct-23-2017 3:55 AMWho won the giveaway?

MemberOvomorphOct-23-2017 2:08 PM@Benlabs, I was also wondering myself who win. I hope this was not a prank or something. If someone was the winner, he/she would probably let us know.

MemberTrilobiteOct-23-2017 10:38 PMHopefully the winner will post a pic when received. Congrats to whomever won it. Xenowarrior This is not a prank. A similar contest was done last year.

MemberTrilobiteOct-24-2017 4:42 PM Looks pretty cool. Around 60-70 bucks USD and selling fast from what I can see.

AdminEngineerOct-26-2017 4:03 PMThanks to everyone who took part! HunterGoetz won this giveaway, so congrats to them! We will do more giveaways again soon.

MemberOvomorphOct-31-2017 7:23 PMCongrats HunterGoetz! Post pictures. :)

MemberOvomorphNov-04-2017 10:19 PMI know the contest is over but for me HE was my ultimate favorite. I hope he had a great life.