MemberOvomorphMay-06-2017 2:11 PMI am looking forward to experiencing the high-suspense that the Alien films are known for! And I want to be terrified again like I was when I saw Alien for the first time.

MemberOvomorphMay-06-2017 2:16 PMI am most looking forward to the answers Prometheus has left me with for the last 5 years

Paul C.
MemberOvomorphMay-06-2017 2:42 PMI'm looking forward to Covenant.. :) Should be COOL..

MemberOvomorphMay-06-2017 2:49 PMI can't wait to see Michael Fassbender's double android role.
His performance as David in Prometheus was truly outstanding so I am excited to find out what he has in store for Covenant.

MemberOvomorphMay-06-2017 3:05 PMI am highly anticipating the intense horror, darkness, claustrophobic elements of how Alien should always be. I want to feel shocked and excited throughout the movie and learn more after the end of Prometheus and what actually happened to Shaw. I can see David trying to be god in this sequel & he will create and start a chain of events that will be devastating for the covenant crew and for future explorers forever.

A L I E N 4 2 6
MemberFacehuggerMay-06-2017 3:15 PMI'm excited for the plethora of new creatures said to be shown in the new film!

MemberOvomorphMay-06-2017 3:17 PMAm looking forward to the vindication of this once great saga and storytelling. I hope it is the beginning of more exploration into this amazing world.

MemberOvomorphMay-06-2017 3:31 PMI am most looking forward to seeing The Crew of the Covenant explore the Engineers home world and surviving the very dangerous place! The whole movie is what I'm looking forward to they have an amazing cast and crew this movie will be EPIC!! I CANT WAIT!

MemberFacehuggerMay-06-2017 3:38 PMDang, I wanna go but I'm in Phoenix AZ! ;( OH WELL, I wanna see David in all his lunatic glory anyway!!! electric sheep be damned, he'll sleep when he's finished!

MemberOvomorphMay-06-2017 3:38 PMI am most excited to see Alien: Covenant as an R rated sci-fi film (much like John Carpenter's classic "The Thing"). With an R rating, Alien: Covenant can tell a dark, brooding, violent and thrilling story, much like the first Alien film. I can't wait to see how Ridley pulls it off!

MemberOvomorphMay-06-2017 4:02 PMIn the new alien: covenant movie, I am most anticipating the answers to some of the biggest mysteries and questions asked in Prometheus! The movie gave us so much to ponder and debate about and I can't wait to discover the secrets that these new characters will uncover. Also hoping to find out exactly where Dr. Shaw and David went and what they have been up to since.

Deacon alien
MemberOvomorphMay-06-2017 5:43 PMI live in markham ontario! I really want to see what David has done to what looks like human like engineers and why. I also want to see how the xenomorph is created and learn more about the black goo!

MemberOvomorphMay-06-2017 6:36 PMJohn Hurt phoning home . . .

MemberOvomorphMay-06-2017 9:54 PMThere is so much I'm looking forward to about the new movie, but if I had to make a single selection, it would honestly be seeing what visuals Ridley Scott has cooked up for us this time. The story is great, I'm excited to learn what happened to the survivors of Prometheus, but I want to SEE it more than anything! Ridley always pushes the envelope with what can be done technically.

MemberOvomorphMay-06-2017 11:55 PMGoing to watch the movie tuesday 9th of May at 8:30 pm (C.E.T) (Switzerland)
2 days...... I can't wait !!!!! ;)))))

MemberOvomorphMay-07-2017 1:48 AMIs David's innate mission to destroy all engineers and humans, is David the beacon for LV 426. Does David send info back to mother, and all other androids.
"Sometimes to create, one must first destroy".
Eigth day - Hazel O-Connor

MemberOvomorphMay-07-2017 7:14 AMI am really looking forward to seeing how/why the original Alien from 1979 got its bio-mechanical traits from as opposed to the more organic looking aliens we've seen. Did a certain android have a hand in this? I'm hoping "covenant" can start to shed some light on this. Really looking forward to this movie

Chad Ripley
MemberFacehuggerMay-07-2017 7:46 AMI'm so happy and looking forward to to this movie more then any other alien film since Alien 3 came out. It's because Ridley Scott is back in the directors chair and is going to bring back the gory, mysterious, intense, all around cool factor that the alien series deserves. The Xenomorph is the most iconic movie monster of all time and I'm ecstatic that Ridley is in charge of them again because those damn alien vs predator movies didn't do them justice, and Alien Resurrection was also kind of a let down. That's why I opened with since Alien 3. I think I was 13 when that one came out and the anticipation factor leading up to seeing it was out of control. I basically feel like that again with this movie only it's been amplified by the fact that Scott is running the show again. I also am hoping that the rumor a Xeno/Porto is gonna throw down with neomorph is true. I've never been so excited to see a movie in my life basically.

MemberOvomorphMay-07-2017 8:15 AMAs someone who has followed and collected everything from the franchise since the very beginining (l am 52 years old now - living within the Toronto GTA), what caught my imagination as a young guy was the ingenuity and creativity behind the creature and the story line. From what l have already seen in the various trailers for Alien Covenant, l am looking forward to the continued roller coaster ride of suspense and imagination in how the alien and it's universe continues to evolve. The Alien saga for me is like having a Big Mac - you know you are not going to feel so good afterwords, however it is so good, you cannot wait for your next!

MemberOvomorphMay-07-2017 10:51 AMReviews are up! Read carefully. I just jump to the last paragraph haha

MemberOvomorphMay-07-2017 10:56 AMI am looking forward to watch this movie because Alien was one of first horror movies I remember watching. It is about time to bring fear to us again.

MemberOvomorphMay-08-2017 12:23 AMI'm most looking forward to seeing the Neomorphs and creature design. I've always loved the design of the classic Xenomorphs, and I love the looks of the Neomorphs so far. From what I've seen, the infant forms look pretty cute too. I'd say I wanted to pet one if I didn't risk losing my fingers.

Movie fan
MemberFacehuggerMay-08-2017 4:47 AMI'm looking forward to seeing more of Shaw and David, I'm also looking forward to see how this all plays out ;)
Gonna love Covenant :)

MemberOvomorphMay-08-2017 7:07 AMI am looking forward to seeing more cats! There is no prequel to Alien without cats!

MemberOvomorphMay-08-2017 12:19 PMI think more than anything...the world, myself included, is awaiting the continuation of Mr. Scott's visionary interpretation of what it means to be human, and humanity's ancient quest to understand its place in the universe. More than the body-horror/gore aspects of the film, I think it will be the meta-physical allusions to Milton's Paradise Lost and Shelley's Ozymandias that will leave us with grand eternal chills!

sam gaynor
MemberOvomorphMay-08-2017 2:41 PMi think alien covenant will not be a box office hit because the fan base want to see the continuation of james cameron version of aliens 5.aliens put the franchise on the map. we want to see what happen to ripley, newt, and corporal hicks and will they go with most more marines and more powerful weapons to get revenge against the xenomorphs aliens who killed the colonist and the the marines . that's what everyone wants to see.prometheus movie was very dry and didn't have any real direction.after watching it for the first you would not watch it again. unlike aliens a movie you could watch over and over again year after year. alien 1986 movie had so much action and so much details without cgi. james cameron is a genius film maker. the cast members were so good that when you watched the movie you cared so much for each of the roles that they played.when i watch Aliens i forget where i am, i think i'm in the movie. i get so excited and nervous at the same time now that's a sign of a very very good movie

MemberOvomorphMay-08-2017 7:19 PMWaiting for answers that Prometheus frustratingly left unanswered. Also waiting to see if this is the hit Ridley needs to keep Neil's vision from happening. Still pulling for alien 5

MemberOvomorphMay-08-2017 7:20 PMWaiting for answers that Prometheus frustratingly left unanswered. Also waiting to see if this is the hit Ridley needs to keep Neil's vision from happening. Still pulling for alien 5

John P.
MemberOvomorphMay-10-2017 9:17 AMHello; I am anxiously waiting to See How they BRIDGE the story of Prometheus and the Original Alien Film. Plus; I feel this Film will be an EPIC Sci-Fi Classic' along with the Original Alien! thanks