MemberTrilobiteJan-12-2019 9:59 PMI got three take aways: Waterston hasn't heard anything new, sounds like she is incognito on this forum, and is under a gag order anyway :D

MemberOvomorphJan-12-2019 11:55 PMI'd like to see one more movie to wrap up this story arc. I'd like to believe with the uniqueness of the Alien universe Disney would like to try something besides games to make some money. Although games would be a way of gauging interest I hope Disney does more than just games.

MemberDeaconJan-13-2019 3:06 PMAs mentioned on the Topic Ignorantguy Made
She cant risk letting anything slip just in case, any information she passed on is still going to form part the Plot for the sequel... EVEN at this Juncture were signs Do-Not look Good for a Continuation.
She seems to indicate that it was a interesting Story/Idea that has some interesting ideas about her Character.
I think the Disappointment with Alien Covenant and Disney Acquisition spells a potential END to any Plot that Does-Not Feature our Xenomorphs and is more Philosophical and about AI/Creation.
The Longer the Movie is in LIMBO the older Micheal Fassbender will become and so playing a 35 year old (looking) Android would become Harder to Pull Off.
I would also think the STIGMA that his Portrayal of David got and Alien Covenants Plot, combined with lets say if Ridley Scott gets Dropped for any Sequel... would surely make Fassbender Rule himself out too!
The Prequels NEED Closure....
By that we need to know WHAT becomes of the Covenant Ship, Planet 4 and Origae-6 and David and his Xenomorphs..
Even if they decide to keep ALIEN Build Up a Mystery... they need to leave a Open Ended Closure to the Prequels.. or One that Certainly Casts Doubt on Davids Xenomorphs being those on the Derelict.
Sadly the Best Route is to give us a AFTERMATH Prequel, much like Alien Covenant is a AFTERMATH to Dr Shaw and Davids Adventure. So a Movie that is set AFTER what ever the sequel to Alien Covenant was going to be.

King Death
MemberOvomorphJan-14-2019 8:15 AMYes, indeed I agree the prequels NEED a closure! A Huge Scott fan, but neither Female leads in them though did I feel anything for(a brief time for Waterston's character in the beginning for her cinematic Captain hubby James Franco's diminished cameo, but I did actually like Tennesee). David IS the only character to keep it going for the future narrative that leads up to Scott's definitive film, maybe the Ash will series be introduced...

MemberNeomorphJan-14-2019 8:31 AMIf another movie would be more David then forget it. She basically says that she can not comment on it, the whole reply could be cooked down to no. The headline could be the question to Waterston is bla bla bla then the whole text would be summarized into: “no”. :D It would be one of the shortest articles ever. :D
I understand what you are trying to say but what if that would mean that we would get another movie like Resurrection and /or Covenant? To me that would be bad so what I am trying to say is that they need to care about the characters other than the androids and they also need to put a leech on Scott and not let him interfere with the story.

Docking Ship
MemberOvomorphJan-14-2019 10:28 AMI hope this movie gets announced this year!

MemberOvomorphJan-14-2019 4:02 PMWhatever movie they decide to make will need to at least mention David. I don't want the whole film about him though. It could rely on the actions of the Engineers since that was what Scott wanted originally to focus on. I'd prefer a movie that doesn't revolve around a psycho robot. Ending the story arc on him would be a big mistake and stick a nail in the Alien universe. I think Disney would like to avoid that. They bought a universe that's worth exploring (and making revenue too).

MemberDeaconJan-15-2019 10:13 AMI think again it shows the Fanbase is Fractured....
Prometheus and to a degree Alien Covenant was setting up some themes/story that is more a Space 2001 and Blade Runner as opposed to a ALIEN/ALIENS
Prometheus should have been left to do its own thing and be something that does-not cater for the Alien Fanbase as far as Xenomorphs and Corperate Greed/Conspiracy etc...
By Virtue of making it a ALIEN Prequel with the Prefix, then Fans are going to want more of a Alien Franchise, than a Space 2001/Blade Runner.
Prometheus should have opened up what RS had intended...
Alien Franchise <= Prometheus => Engineer Franchise
This could have been avoided IF we had Prometheus provide a little more clues and have some ALIEN Monster kind of feel to it. A Movie that Stood as a Amalgamation of Jon Spaights Alien Engineers and Damon Lindeloff's Paradise.
But ALAS....
Once they have let that Ship Sail (down the ALIEN Prequel route) they have to stick to it... Sadly i feel the BEST option now is to set up a Movie that is the AFTERMATH of what ever Alien Covenants sequel would have been....
We can Gauge a little of what Alien Covenants sequel could have been about.... But there are some Contradicting comments by Ridley Scott, that would mean there is a awful lot to FIT within ONE Movie as far as what he has hinted at.
Which could lead to the same kinds of Problems that Alien Covenant had as far as covering too much, and not covering each element enough.