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NECA have no plans of making any future Alien: Covenant figures
Scified2017-10-14 09:02:07
Written by Chris30,900 Reads15 Comments2017-10-14 09:02:07

NECA Toys have no plans of making any future Alien: Covenant figures, the company expressed on Twitter moments ago. Responding to a fan question concerning potential figures to be made of Daniels, Walter and even a re-issue of the David 8 figure from their Prometheus lineup, NECA reaponded with a disappointing "no such plans". 

NECA were reluctant to elaborate on why they have no plans of expanding their Alien: Covenant lineup, but common sense would dictate that the existing lineup simply was not as profitable as expected, or required in order to secure an additional wave.

This news is rather unfortunate as the figures NECA did create for Covenant were pretty remarkable. Check out a few below:

Do you own any of the NECA Alien: Covenant line? Upload a pic of your collection in the comments sectio below!

Also, if NECA were ever to revisit the Covenant line, what would you like to see figures made of? Daniels and Walter? Or other characters? Sound off below with your top picks!

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MemberChestbursterOct-14-2017 10:39 AM

Yes I would like to have a face hugged Luke Scott figure!


MemberPraetorianOct-14-2017 10:46 AM

That's a bummer. I would have loved to see the Walter and Daniels.

The "toys" are exceptional.


MemberTrilobiteOct-14-2017 6:35 PM

I have the neomorph and am not as impressed with it as the Runner and AVP neos that I have.

Lady Anne

MemberFacehuggerOct-14-2017 9:42 PM

I've got them all - well 2 sets, 1 to keep and 1 set to open up and "play" with *cut to Firefly scene of Wash playing with dinosaurs on the bridge for reference lolololol*

Disappointing indeed. I love NECA because they've always strived to make the very best. But then again, as there's so many things up in the air right now about this franchise I can understand why they'd make the decision to stop where they're at. Lady Anne ^^ö^^


MemberNeomorphOct-14-2017 9:52 PM

"Yes I would like to have a face hugged Luke Scott figure!"

red0guy You cracked me up!!!@!!!

Lawrence of Arabia

MemberChestbursterOct-15-2017 9:50 AM

This is very disappointing :( I've got the David 8 Neca and Xenomorph from Covenant with plans on picking up the Neomorph and Accessory pack. I don't understand not making more as it seems like these products are hot sellers.


MemberFacehuggerOct-16-2017 12:06 PM

I might be able to shed some light on this.  I am a huge NECA collector and buy pretty much all the stuff they produce.  Back when Prometheus figures came out, sales were lackluster and they cancelled all future waves.  Since Covenant was getting closer and people are collecting more, NECA released the lost wave back in May 2017.  They tend to release figures based off of sales to leverage production.  I did order doubles of all the Covenant figures....but I have seen a fairly large amount of Covenant figures still sitting on shelves.  I see a ton of the baby neomorph pack with eggs everywhere.  I guess this means that they are not meeting sales expectations perhaps.  



MemberDeaconOct-17-2017 5:00 AM

I think they covered all the main figures...

It could indeed be that they see that producing other Human Figures for Alien Covenant, would maybe not make a good return.

Sad news unfortunately


MemberOvomorphOct-17-2017 3:46 PM

I blame the quality of the movie. I watched it twice and dont want to watch a third time. I watched alien and aliens at least 10 times each, alien 3, alien resurrection about 5 times each and prometheus about 8 times.


Rick D

MemberOvomorphOct-17-2017 4:05 PM

You shouldn't expect an R rated horror film to be a success with toys. The majority of toy customers are children and children aren't going to go see Alien films. Toys are more profitable with things like Star Wars because it's more childish and I expect Star Wars to be even more successful with toys because of the new kiddish **** they are putting into the films like Porgs and pointless cute robots. The Alien franchise is more about film quality while Star Wars (besides the originals) is about toys and merchandising and not quality films. 

Rick D

MemberOvomorphOct-17-2017 4:12 PM

It's sad because these "toys" are much better quality than the Star Wars or Marvel toys. Much more detail in them and look better overall. I guess the masses prefer trashy Rey and BB-8 figurines. 


MemberTrilobiteOct-17-2017 9:55 PM

Rick D But these are not toys- they are collectible figures :) 


MemberPraetorianOct-18-2017 7:39 AM

I agree dk. NECA sells beautifully detailed representations of characters suited for a mature highbrow audience. Certainly not "toys".

You speak the truth Rick D!


MemberTrilobiteOct-19-2017 3:26 AM

Considering NECA stopped production, I ordered a couple of these. One for me and another for...well...perhaps a lucky and alert member down the road.


MemberXenomorphNov-01-2017 5:44 AM

Uugghh! Could you imagine Star Wars NOT producing a line of toys!?

I think this shows exactly where the Alien franchise falls...middle tier and lucky to be there.

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