MemberDeaconDec-23-2017 12:22 AMI think these concepts with others could show that David had been fascinated with the Black Goo and its effects on Organic Life, and it appeared David may have wished to in effect Upgrade Shaws Genetics but in the end he (after she rejected this) had her body parts used to aid David in his Creations.
I had mentioned some theories way before Alien Covenant came out.... at a time as no soon as i saw the leaked Set Photos of Davids Workshop and i noticed those Baby Skulls i noticed they are Human Baby Skulls and this got me wondering if David actually managed to help/make Shaw have babies... it got me thinking back then about the COVENANT and how this name could apply, and i was drawn to ponder if David offered Dr Shaw a Covenant, were he could GRANT Shaw the one thing she maybe wanted more than anything (other than her Questions Answered) and this was to bare Children.... something she could not, and thus she had NOTHING to go back to (Earth) and only had her FAITH and persuit of Answers.
So those leaked Props made me wonder if David had said to Dr Shaw he could fix her Womb to allow her to have Children, but something went wrong.... either their Relationship Fell Apart (maybe after she found out what David had planned and done) and so David then experimented on those Babies, or she rejected Davids offer but then he just decided to use her to birth Hosts for his Experiments.
I was drawn to this months before AC came out, and upon seeing AC i think it appeared by the clues maybe this did happen after all (but also maybe Engineers was used).... but it was only after the DVD and Extras etc were we find out actually those Baby Skulls belong to Engineer infants and how it was revealed in Davids notes that he had used Engineer Infants, that he did this likely because Shaw rejected, and so Shaw was used to Harvest her Eggs for his Creations.
When i look at the Concepts like the OT, it appears at some point in AC Production that the idea may have been that David could have INDEED offered Dr Shaw chance to Have Children, and i assume maybe he had told her could do this for her but she would need to be EVOLVED with the Black Goo made into a Hybrid of Sorts so Dr Shaw could be Evolved and then this would allow her to Bare Children... its likely this shocked her and she rejected and (on top of other rejection from Dr Shaw) David chose to use her for Harvesting her Egg Cells for his Experiments.
The Source i had in Feb 2015 did mention a Female being connected to a Bio-Mechanical Device, they said that Dr Shaw plays a small Role, she is incapacitated for the most part, that David will attempt to Re-create it (Xenomorph/Deacon) and all he needs is the Tools and Knowledge on how to Create the it and he has both. And also he mentions that Mankind play a bigger role in the Xenomorph Creation than the Engineers, and they also mentioned in Context to Paradise Lost... without Sin there would be no Xenomorph.. I was thinking is this Sin as in to Sin against Gods and thus receive punishment? or Sin as in Satans Daughter, who would be constantly in labour giving birth to the Hybrid (Dog/Serpent) Hounds of Hell.
Looking at what the Source claimed... it adds up if we consider did this imply Shaw becomes Satans Daughter Sin, where she would be incapacitated to constantly produce the Hounds of Hell, so Dr Shaw gets incapacitated and connected to a Bio-Mechanical Device where she is constantly used to harvest Hybrid Children or have them grown from her Eggs.....
And looking at some of the concepts for AC it appears this is EXACTLY what they show, only not being connected to a Bio-Mechanical Machine at all... But it maybe could be the earlier ideas was very much the same as the source hinted at.

MemberDeaconDec-23-2017 1:44 AMThis image

As far as the back ground and those small Embryo like things... does match this concept from 2014 by Kang-Li

Which as well as other concepts by him, is very close to what the Source had told me, they got this information November 2014, so who knows.