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Ridley Scott in tune with where Alien: Covenant 2 will go!
Scified2018-01-07 07:59:53
Written by Chris130,433 Reads23 Comments2018-01-07 07:59:53

Ridley Scott is ready for Alien: Covenant 2 and knows exactly where the sequel will go, according to a recent interview with the renowned filmmaker. Since the merger between the Walt Disney Company and 21st Century Fox, the fate of Scott's Covenant sequel remains uncertain, but Scott remains confident that the Alien legacy, specifically his Prometheus saga will be continued regardless of who owns the rights.

Speaking to DigitalSpy, Scott was quoted saying:

I’m in tune with where Covenant 2 would go. We already know what we’d do with that. You’ve got to have a fundamental platform and target where you would take it. It’s a bit like having the skeleton before the meat goes on.

He also reiterates a statement he made last month, where he insinuated that Disney would be crazy not to continue on with the Alien: Covenant storyline:

I'm hoping I'll still probably be there so whether or not they go ahead with such a dark subject, being Disney, as aliens remains to be seen. I think they should because I think, when people have a hard and fast franchise which has ongoing interest, it's crazy not to do something with it.

Previously talks were reignited concerning the dormant Alien 5 project by Neill Blomkamp after new concept art was released online.

However, although intriguing and clearly exciting to some, Blomkamp recently clarified that he had indeed moved on from the project - once again leaving fans hanging on whether or not the film would ever actually get made.

So, with Alien 5 seemingly remaining in development hell for the foreseeable future, a sequel to Alien: Covenant seems more likely for Disney to pursue. We're with Scott on this one, the liklihood of Covenant 2 / Alien Awakening coming to fruition is not a matter IF but a matter of WHEN. The Alien franchise is far from over and Disney knows this.

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Gee W

MemberFacehuggerJan-07-2018 8:07 AM

I really hope to see the his conclusion! A:C could have been better, but the ideas are there and if he has a bit more focused script for the next one it should wrap up his storyline perfectly.


MemberChestbursterJan-07-2018 8:16 AM

If he claims he already knows where to go next, did he at least understood why AC underperformed? Grant him his wish...


MemberOvomorphJan-07-2018 10:53 AM

Keeping my fingers crossed so that he can finish what he started.


MemberXenomorphJan-07-2018 12:10 PM

I'm okay if they finish with a book, graphic novel or an audio series/radio drama......Just make it canon.



MemberOvomorphJan-07-2018 1:56 PM

Let the man make his movie. He doesnt get any younger. Personally, i dont want a Bloomkamp Alien 5 or whatever. I love the themes he explored with Prometheus and AC. Hopefully the next one will answer some critical questions though.

Lawrence of Arabia

MemberChestbursterJan-07-2018 3:39 PM

Please Disney, let the creator continue what he started!


MemberDeaconJan-08-2018 3:29 AM

"If he claims he already knows where to go next, did he at least understood why AC underperformed? Grant him his wish..."

It appears they did have a idea and i would assume had the whole broad strokes to where AC will lead to Alien, as of when they was on the cutting room for AC.   During the Marketing for AC, it appears they had the whole idea for the next one down and was in the process of finishing a Draft for it.

This was confirmed when RS had said they hoped to get shooting for it done within 14 Months (been July 2018) and then a release 9 Months latter... which would be April 2019 and who knows.. i would safely assume thus they may have been targeting a April 26th 2019 Release Date so that it would be Alien Day and 40th Anniversary of Alien.   Thats Marketing Heaven there..

However.... once the Box Office Results and Criticism came in for AC, you can be sure FOX/RS have had to take a back step and look at WHY did AC not do as well as expected.

Ridley Scott had already had the Path to Alien Planned out, and i think his Crazy Remark is that now they have began the STEPS towards ALIEN which AC was the Start, the Next movie no doubt would have set up a 3RD that would have maybe connected to Alien.   I think RS believes while they had started these it would be Crazy to abandon them.


MemberNeomorphJan-11-2018 12:41 PM

keep going if he ditches the sole AI plot. not interested at all in that. seen AC twice n there wont be a third


MemberNeomorphJan-21-2018 3:08 AM

I am already worried about that, sorry. Don't make it another effing David movie. Keep him far away from the story writing or else we will see another disappointment.


MemberNeomorphJan-21-2018 3:09 AM

Gee W: It could have been A Lot better, I am disappointed that they went with what they did.


MemberOvomorphFeb-07-2018 12:36 AM

Why not both A5 and Prequel 3? Just schedule them a year apart. Both would be welcome in almost all fans eyes, however A5 would probably rate better with general audiences who remember Aliens, yet didn't get into Prometheus. They would probably compliment each other financially too. It's a no brainer in my eyes and I can't fathom why Ridley has a problem with Cannon as he seems to have such scant regard to his own. Perhaps some jealously and or narcissism is at play here.....  I wish producers would just butt out and stop the artistic flow. They truly seem to ruin rather than foster great cinema recently, Ridley included unfortunately.  


MemberDeaconFeb-07-2018 2:02 PM

That would have been a ideal Scenario...

RS would not have wanted Blomkamps Alien 5 to outshine his Prequels, he would not want to make a Prometheus sequel for say 2016-2017 with a Alien 5 to come out in 2018 because he would be concerned some Fans would rather wait for the Blomkamp Alien 5 movie and this would effect potential BOX Office Returns...  This is one reason why i think Alien Covenant attempted to be a more Alieny movie so that those fans who was waiting for Alien 5 would be interesting in seeing what in effect was a Prometheus 2.

The other Problem was FOX just would not COMMIT the Cash to Run TWO back-back Projects, Disney could do this but looking at the Disappointment with Alien Covenant, i think Disney are in NO rush to jump in any make either another Prequel or another Alien Franchise Sequel.


MemberFacehuggerFeb-09-2018 11:35 AM

The more articles I read about the Disney aquisition the more doubtful I am that there will be another Alien movie at all...


MemberFacehuggerFeb-09-2018 11:37 AM

Bigdave, could Ridley's age and Merlin project play a role in speeding up any possible Alien film in Disney's eyes? 


MemberDeaconFeb-09-2018 3:36 PM

I know people have concerns with Disney, but they do have the $$$$$$ if they saw Potential in this Franchise they have the cash to do it justice, they just need to take note that the Alien Franchise is unlike anything they have in their vast Library of Franchises, so they would be mistaken to make this a PG Friendly Flick.  Or even add some Goofy Humor etc.

Down the line there is a MARKET for the Franchise, Merchandise, Toys/Figures, Books, Comics and Video Games.   A movie is always a bit more risky...  So they are SMART they would need to remember that doing a MOVIE they have to get it right, if they make a PG movie that discredits the Franchise then they potentially loose on being able to capitalize on Merchandise, and Video Games etc.

They need to REMEMBER they now have TWO Sci-Fi Franchises that would cater for a Audience of ideally 15 +  Year Olds, and to not try and make Movies that would attract 10-12 year olds at the cost of upsetting the majority of Franchise Fans.   Disney are looking into Streaming and Offering a Alternative to Netflix and Amazon Prime, and they have the RIGHTS to TWO big Sci-Fi Franchises in ALIEN and PREDATOR and so they need to remember this means they have Franchises to cater to a different Fanbase than a lot of usual Disney Movies or Super Hero Flicks.

I assume they are aware of this, and i think they would be looking to NOT RUSH into making any movies as they would want to get it RIGHT

I think how mixed the Fanbase has become is a concern for Disney, its how do they make a movie or set of movies that will tick the boxes for most people as Disney will be in it to make $$$$ more than please Fans.   Alien Covenants Disappointment certainly would make Disney have to think carefully where they go from now on...    The new Predator movie likewise, if this movie Bombs or Disappoints then it could cause the same concerns for this Franchise as we have with the ALIEN one.

I am sure at some point RS will try and Plug his Alien Prequel ideas to Disney, i think by doing Merlin it gets RS to show what he can do, so a lot will depend on how RS does with this movie and how well received it is but also how it does Budget wise and at the Box Office... if it Bombs.... then this could not spell to good for RS.   If it looks Fantastic, is done on a good schedule and budget and makes a Profit, then it gets RS on good terms with Disney to PLUG his ALIEN Project.

We can just be hopeful that RS makes some comments around Alien Day on the April 26th, if there is none and NO NEWS even by next ALIEN DAY  April 26th 2019 (Alien's 40th Anniversary) then we can start to get concerned about any ALIEN movies especially any that will involve Ridley Scott.

I am going to CALL this now.... i think there is a good chance we will see a AVP Reboot Movie Franchise, that will introduce the Engineers/Space Jockey with the Predators and Xenomorphs and maybe even use some ideas that RS had with how he wanted to do his WAR OF THE WORLDS with some of Blomkamps ALIEN 5 ideas.

So we could even see WY Finally get what they want, the Xenomorph and then show them Engineer them so they can be Controlled....  YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST ;)

on a SERIOUS note if Disney could consider this, i would if i was them find a Good Game Studio to make a AVP Game, that incorporates such things, includes Black Goo/Spores, Engineers into the MIX... if this Game is Done very very well..  Then it sets up a interest in doing a AVP Movie... if the idea Bombs and does not get interest much, even if the game is not too bad... then Disney would know a AVP movie would not be wise to do.

I would also consider giving Game Rights to a company to make a Game, that visits LV-223, or Planet 4 or even set after Aliens, where they can introduce elements that had been shown in Prometheus and Alien Covenant, if such a Game does well... then Disney can Gauge if a Movie Project would be worth the risk.


MemberDeaconFeb-09-2018 3:38 PM

I would if i was DISNEY also consider doing a Graphic Novel to touch upon some of those missing gaps in the Franchise or Potential ideas...   for example... Let Blomkamp give his ALIEN 5 story, or something based on it but only as a GRAPHIC NOVEL then FOX can Gauge the Reaction to this to decide if the Beast is not Cooked and Proceed with a similar Movie.


MemberOvomorphFeb-13-2018 11:39 AM

I loved both Prometheus and alien covenant. Waiting for confirmation on when the next will begin shooting. Hopefully it doesn't take as long as the wait for covenant did.

Cerulean Blue

MemberFacehuggerFeb-27-2018 12:40 PM

Please, please do the sequels before Sir Ridley expires!!!  I am so desperate, I actually watched Alien vs Predator last weekend!!  HAHA!!


MemberOvomorphMar-03-2018 3:22 PM

Honestly, I just want to see him finish it for the sake of finishing it.  But I hope to god he veers away from David/AI as the central figure in every movie post-Prometheus.  It takes all of the mystery and scariness out.

I didn't hate AC, but I found it to be a major let-down.  I was expecting a fright-fest, at the very least after finding it be David-focused, and ended up literally not flinching once during the entire movie.  It lacked all of the primal fear which has become a hallmark of the Alien series.

It's funny, because a lot of fair-weather fans were confused by Prometheus since it didn't have any of the familiar baddies in it.  But I actually liked how Prometheus was setting up the origin of the Xenomorphs were seeing in the original series.  I found the idea of the Engineers are the creators of both of us as fascinating and potentially terrifying...and then because of some bad/mixed reviews they over-corrected and make AC essentially an entire rebuke of Prometheus.  The Engineers are short-shrifted and basically pushed into the background and David elevated...'cause of Scott's fascination with evil AI, or some bull.  I don't mind an AI component, but it's never been about the AI; it's been about the human characters.  They could have easily kept David in as an antagonist, but had Shaw as his adversary in a sort of a civil war or sorts and the team getting caught in the middle or something.  It would have made the story much more expansive and interesting and better set up the climax in the third movie.


MemberDeaconMar-03-2018 3:49 PM

Totally agree with that Analysis of what kind of went wrong with AC, Waltermorph ;)

I find the AI elements interesting, but it does take the Alien Origins out of the Xenomorph, the route we are on now is nothing like the Vision that stuck on peoples minds the FIRST TIME they saw the Derelict, the Space Jockey Set and Cargo Hold.

The Paladin

MemberOvomorphMar-11-2018 12:56 PM

Went to Covenant on opening day, Would probably do the same for Covenant 2... sure hope they make it. I'm not a huge Alien fan, But I'm extremely curious about the engineers. It's an unanswered question to me. 


MemberDeaconMar-11-2018 10:46 PM

I think its a case of patience... we just have to wait and hopefully Ridley Scott may be asked during one of his interviews in future or he may indeed mention it.

I think if we have NO News by April Next year, then i think we can start to be concerned over whether we will ever see another Franchise Movie any time soon.

I feel Disney are in NO Rush..... and sadly it could be a very long wait for us and the longer the wait, the less likely a Ridley Scotts intended Sequel to Alien Covenant would happen...  i have a feeling if we get NO NEWS by April 26th 2019, then we could eventually more likely see a AVP Reboot instead.... and when we finally get another Alien Movie i think we could either skip the Prequels or get a Direct Prequel set 10-15 years after the events of Alien Covenant.



MemberOvomorphMar-31-2018 3:17 PM

Knowing how long it's going to take before (or if) a third installment is made and a proper conclusion is even permitted, I've already been thoroughly plotting out two fan-produced graphic novels for which I will script and provide rough layouts (seeking other artists in the meantime for the finished product, though). My hope is to share the first GN with everyone by next year's Alien Day because it would be a fun way to celebrate the franchise's 40th anniversary and give some kind of closure in regards to the overall storyline. My hope is that even if a third movie is made and it's all wrapped up to Ridley Scott's satisfaction, the graphic novels could still be seen as an alternate take very much like Mark Verheiden's post-Aliens comics. Rest assured, there will be a creative, tangible conclusion to these films in at least one format or another. 

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