Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphDec-25-2016 1:53 AMThe engineer temple?!!
**** yes!!!!!

MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 2:00 AMThis temple is without corpses... so there are more?
And yeah, the scene with the backburster rocks!:)

MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 2:26 AMWhere are the helmets and the spacesuits?

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphDec-25-2016 2:34 AMLooks like they are surrounded by aliens or they are looking around if there are some coming after them.
Looks awesome.

MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 2:51 AMThis has to be the Planet LV-426.

MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 2:52 AMLooks like same landscapes at the start of Prometheus, when the engineer sacrifice's himself to start new life on a planet.

AdminEngineerDec-25-2016 3:22 AMIndeed it does. Curious to see if at some point the name of the planet they arrive on is mentioned at all to confirm/deny that theory.

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphDec-25-2016 3:33 AMIt does look like
The start of Prometheus

Alien covenant trailer

Also if im not mistaken there was some rumor of David 8 waking up in a white room and talking with younger Peter Weyland about something.This looks like it.

MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 3:50 AM@MrMobot Why do you think that this has to be LV-426 and the planet at the beginning of Prometheus? just because of the landscapes?

MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 3:50 AM@MrMobot Why do you think that this has to be LV-426 and the planet at the beginning of Prometheus? just because of the landscapes?

A L I E N 4 2 6
MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 4:40 AMI'm pretty sure that the planet at the beginning of the movie is a primordial earth. Also when they mentioned a fertile world, I was concerned that's it would be light colors and sunshine. I'm glad I was wrong lol

MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 5:14 AMAt the end of Prometheus we see Shaw take off for what we presume to be the Engineer's home world. Could she in fact have crashed the ship on another part of LV-426?

MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 5:44 AM@123Engineer The black dna, the landscapes! Just have a feeling it could be the same planet at the beginning of Promethues. @DavidNebula great images also good point on younger Peter Weyland. Damon Lindelof left a lot of questions lol.

MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 5:45 AMI hope the story has also elements of religion and philosophy, like Promtheus had. I have the fear that the storyline comes too short. I mean, another hunt through corridors and exploding spaceships-thing ...really? I hope the crew discover the truth behind all of it. Alien and Prometheus just showed us a tiny bit of the whole thing that is going on with the engineers. Whats all behind it? Who created them? Why did they want to destroy us at the end of Prometheus? Where is Shaw? I hope that under the earth of that planet, there is a huge engineer facility. Not military. A place where the engineers live, work and plan... the homeplanet...

David 7
MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 5:51 AMI am very curious about this planet. The way the derelict is setting is very similar to that of the one in Alien. To add, it is sending off a distress call just as the one in Alien. Or it is just coincidence.

MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 6:17 AMYes it does, I believe Shaw will be in Prometheus 3. Ridley has 2 more movies planned after Ailen Covenant than final instalment linking up to the events of his classic 1979 Alien.

MemberPraetorianDec-25-2016 8:19 AM@123Engineer- Don't worry friend, yes, there will be lots of action and gore, but there will be much more to COVENANT then the teaser has shown us.
I'm certain that Ridley is keeping a lot more under wraps!

A Bonus Situation
MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 8:20 AMGood catch on it being "primordial earth". I thought 0:56- 0:57 looked like a shot pulled from Prometheus. I still have a hard time believing this planet is LV-426. That place was a waste land and if this is primordial earth then it's been in its present state for thousands of years. Hard to believe it would become a waste land in 20 some odd years. I really hope they delve deeper into why and who the engineers are.

David 7
MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 9:40 AMMy theory for James Franco, who is the husband of Waterson in the film is that he is not on the ship but home on earth or another location. She communicates via video transmissions to him as she is away on this mission. Perhaps they have a daughter already. Just my two cents and would explain why Franco has a small role.

MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 10:06 AMHere's my theory:
I'm thinking that this planet is obviously the one David and Shaw landed or crashed the Engineer ship on, and it was once, maybe long long ago, a grand home planet for the Engineer race, during their "roman empire" phase of existence, but has since fallen into a biohazardous wasteland, full of the living viruses (spores, black goo) that was unleashed at some point by their own Engineer scientists/military/terrorists.
I think David took Shaw there per her request, her not realizing the terrible danger zone it currently has become, probably all the Engineers extinct by now. I assume she either died or became a test subject for David, who has become quite comfortable on this planet, performing his Dr. Moreau type of experiments with the black goo/spores over the course of a decade alone.
Now though, years of testing later, he finally has a new group of test subjects to experiment on, thanks to a distress signal he set up from the Engineer ship. The colonists aboard the covenant, wherever they were intended to go originally, heard the signal from this planet, same as how the Nostromo heard a signal from LV-426, and went to investigate. (Possibly on purpose, the same way the Nostromo was "meant" to go to LV-426 all along through Weyland-Yutani's Special order) They were not prepared for the result, as a monstrous variety of parasitoid alien creatures are all out to kill them, helped along by David, I feel like he likes seeing human beings suffer.
I would personally love to see some resolution to the questions I have about the Engineers, but I think they will probably leave their history vague, since the outcry after Prometheus was all "where's the Xenos/aliens?!"
i am personally more interested in the Engineers than the xenos/photos/neos whatevermorphs, but still beyond excited to see this movie!

MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 11:39 AMGood theory @tpbiv , agree! that you won't see much of the Engineers and will see more Aliens in Covenant.

David 7
MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 12:20 PMA source said that David when going to the plant will employ the cargo of the ship they are on onto the engineers, this killing them and making the environment dangerous and heavily infected.

MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 12:56 PMThis is all explained by numerous sources. Shaw and David were on their way to Engineer homeworld at the end of Prometheus. Crash site and interior of that ship is shown in this trailer.
This is not either of the previous LV's
Per AVP galaxy the enviornment has been infected by black goo. This is also shown in trailer with black spores.
Engineers must have wiped themselves out due to this contamination. Which is why David is sole inhabitant as per official description.
Clearly with the spores all over the planet Shaw would not have survived long once they landed.
The question is what has David been up to in the 10 year interval alone on this planet? No good methinks.

MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 1:09 PMThe Planet has to be called Paradise, the movie was called Alien Paradise Lost before Covenant. I can't see it being called LV-426, Shaw had **** time in Prometheus. Her DNA could be mutated and David using her to make eggs.

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphDec-25-2016 1:43 PMThe first image looks like the neck burster which was mentioned somewhere. It would be good if it comes out the mouth ripping the throat as it exits.

MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 2:50 PMtpbiv - This is pretty much what I expect, too. I hope this movie is at least marginally satisfying for both the Prometheus and Alien crowd. It certainly looks like it has potential.

MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 2:51 PMI have to be real here, the ship on LV-426 was transmitting that message before prometheus left. Weyland Corp had already deciphered it. David was going to send prometheus there if Shaw missed with LV-223.
Interesting tidbit. What if all the juggernauts send the same message automatically when their xeno cargoes are compromised? No one needs to send it.

Shasta cyclone
MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 3:27 PMI think the eggs have been there way before covenant or David and Shaw arrived.
also in the trailer it looks like the captain gets infected by spores and a face hugger.

MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 4:24 PMI don't think the planet they arrive on is LV-426...I think it's possible that towards the end of the movie a lone Engineer will take off in that ship with it eventually crash landing on LV-426...I think a facehugger will attack the piloting Engineer which forces the ship's descent to the planet.

Shasta cyclone
MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 5:55 PMThe ship that's on lv 426 has been there for thousands of years....
i think all the engineers are gone/dead
at least on that planet

MemberOvomorphDec-26-2016 5:39 AMI was surfing the net and came across this! very Interesting..........
"They're colonists. They're scientists," Waterston explained after Fox screened a clip. "Obviously Amy Seimetz's (character) is a pilot. They're not military experts or anything, so they are all civilians."
She added, "There are some military dudes around to protect us, but most of the -- I don't know if I'm supposed to say this, but I'm gonna say it anyway -- most of the people on the ship are couples, and then there are all of these colonists who are in a cryosleep."
"You always wonder, what kind of person you would be in an extreme crisis," she continued. "Will you be a coward, or will you be courageous? And I think [Daniels is] just one of those people, who, if her kids were in a car that was on fire, she'd be able to lift up the car."