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Three NEW Alien: Covenant TV Spots released! New Alien footage!
Scified2017-04-02 18:56:37
Written by Chris93,117 Reads39 Comments2017-04-02 18:56:37

Correction: 20th Century Fox just released three new TV spots for Alien: Covenant and they are intense! The first one titled RUN features many scenes from the latest trailers, with a few short new cutscenes added. However the second one, titled PRAY features a brilliant new look at the film's terrifying Alien! The final one titled HIDE gives us a fresh look at some of the ruins on Paradise! Check them all out below and let us know what you think in the comments!

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MemberNeomorphApr-02-2017 7:00 PM

I actually prefer these clips over everything else Fox has shown!

David 7

MemberFacehuggerApr-02-2017 7:01 PM

Check out this guy...

A L I E N 4 2 6

MemberFacehuggerApr-02-2017 7:04 PM

Chris, I think you missed one 

Inquisitor Fifield

MemberFacehuggerApr-02-2017 7:04 PM

there are three

which is also the most interesting with new scenes, so good job leaving it out^^


AdminEngineerApr-02-2017 7:07 PM

Indeed, just saw that! Updated with the third. Thanks gents! 

Inquisitor Fifield

MemberFacehuggerApr-02-2017 7:09 PM

notice the weird running noise the neo does when moving up on the girl? wtf is that :D

is it maybe wearing high heels (possibly Shaws), Ingeniero?

David 7

MemberFacehuggerApr-02-2017 7:14 PM

It's not the same color as the neomorphs we saw earlier and standing upright compared to the shots we saw in the warily trailers. Perhaps a different species from whenever David infected the engineers.


MemberPraetorianApr-02-2017 7:38 PM

love it love love !!!!


MemberOvomorphApr-02-2017 7:40 PM

On the 2nd trailer (and the current picture under the headline) I think that the "skull" under the "dome" is slightly visible and also seems to have a "split" in the middle? 

The white creature on the 3rd trailer (Dvid007 posted a picture) looks odd. All white and seemingly no facial features or mouth and yet all of a sudden a mouth forms and opens and grows to almost the size of its head. Pause and play slowly at about 0:11.

The big head sculptures on the 3rd trailer resemble the old engineers during the sacrificial scene. 


MemberPraetorianApr-02-2017 7:43 PM

For a film that's supposedly not meant to have much CGI, there is an awful lot of CGI going on in herring footage? That Neomorphs head still David007 posted barely looks rendered.   

Chad Ripley

MemberFacehuggerApr-02-2017 8:38 PM

I literally just saw all 3 cause I dvr'd the walking dead earlier and my first thought was to come on here and post it. Great job @chris you beat me too it. I took pictures of the neomorph (I think it's an adult one) and

I think the new Xenomorph. I tried to attach them below. I'm so f**kin excited for this movie. I hope I attached them right. I'm currently in an epic fight trying to upload a profile picture.


MemberOvomorphApr-02-2017 8:57 PM

Wow, did you all notice that the woman in the "hide" video was holding her arm that had three holes in it, all leaking a black goo like substance? I wonder if she was bitten by something before the deacon like xeno showed up. The xenos teeth look exactly like the deacons as well, but other than that looked....interesting. The mouth seems to form out of nothing, but I did remember reading that the backburster or neckburster has no visible mouth when it erupts from its host, so perhaps this is the grown up version of that little guy? I cant wait for this....days are going by so slowly, but its close! I remember when it was still two years away, hell, even after seeing prometheus in theaters I was looking forward to this movie!


MemberPraetorianApr-02-2017 9:06 PM

wowzers, what a treat!, after a long night at work!


MemberChestbursterApr-02-2017 9:26 PM

second one is terrible despite short footage released by Fox, but finally linking with the bloody shower scene, we find a beautiful perpective of the ship under an electric storm, and third one (a religious topic) comes to mean a bloodless sacrifice probably linked with the christian rite or [Stigmata] we can find 3 wounds on her arm, probably will be 5 in relation to the five sacred sores of Christ, but this is my opinion. Brillant!



MemberOvomorphApr-02-2017 9:38 PM

In the "pray" preview is that Shaw at the end of the clip? In the suite and helmet?


MemberPraetorianApr-02-2017 9:45 PM

it's looking more terrifying lol ;))




MemberChestbursterApr-02-2017 10:07 PM

Wow....I'm hyped. Good lord. I mean, that looked the Big Chap. And that creature in the last one... I didn't totally enjoy the design. Not great. And I agree that the inner temple shot with those heads looks like the Elder Engineer design. So maybe the Engineers form Lv_223 (or that were using it as a base) were of a race that was created, still, by some higher beings, but they went ahead and created us along with so many other crazy experiments with black goo and what not. Question: What was that room the woman in the last trailer was in? Was it a room on the ship? I would assume so, some sort of little botanist's study or something. If it was on the planet, then hmmm.

Even though I am pumped, I have to complain here, man. I just don't like seeing ALL the damn monsters. I know we have yet to necessarily see what Shaw may have become or there may be a surprise monster, but from these kinds of trailers combined with all the footage being shown at cinemacon, etc., etc., I just hate that I have to steer clear of all this stuff. I want nothing more than to click and read and watch all about it, but I actually don't.

I will say though, with all this showing of monsters (I know it's how they do trailers nowadays, showing a whole hell of a lot up front), it feels like the plot will be differnet. A lot more Promethean plot points and feel than I figured. Which is gosh damn amazing. Damn exciting trailers though. Although I am going to continue to keep away for now (haven't even read about the cinemacon footage that hinted at David's role in the ovie, so haha,) back to my cave now!


MemberOvomorphApr-02-2017 11:38 PM

I think this is the inspiration for the new neomorph.


MemberOvomorphApr-03-2017 12:01 AM

What is driving me crazy these days is that directors (Scott included) prefers to ignore the tech we already have when telling a history centuries in the future.

I mean: I know they want to tell an horror history, and some degree of "suspension of disbelief" is allowed.  But beyond certain point, some omissions become painful.

Can we really believe that a colonization mission costing well quintizilions of dollars would not take some precautionary steps before putting human boots on the ground?  Would not them launch a constellation of satellites to map the whole planet (so figuring out that something awful happened at the abandoned city before being bitten by some beasts there?)  And why would not them sent some Walters to the ground first before establishing with certainty that the planet was safe?

Even we pity humans from the XX century sent A LOT of missions to the Moon before landing people there (the first humans landed in 1969, but the first mapping mission was in 1958).

This kind of omissions certainly helps a lot with the plot, but are increasingly detached from the most basic reasoning.

Deep Space

MemberFacehuggerApr-03-2017 1:41 AM

@ Centrosphere - someone correct me if I'm wrong but I was led to believe that they were on their way to colonise a different planet and picked up a signal, that we assume, is from David/Shaw.

Daniels even says 'We don't know what the f**k is down there' at one point, so it is covered.

That said, and I've raised this point before, it does seem a stretch that they would happen to pass near, what would surely be picked up as an Earth like paradise by any scans, on their way to colonise another planet . . . i.e why not intend to go there?  They wouldn't know about the goo etc would they?

 Considering how many potentially Earth like planets we have found already and searched for, how would we miss this one then stumble on it by chance?

Now that does take some suspension of disbelief for me ;)

Still, one could pick holes in many films plots I suppose.  I'll suspend my judgement until I see how it all fits.

These trailers look ace btw and I'm getting very excited by what we are seeing of the engineer(?) culture/tech.

Great spot on the three black holes in her arm . . . injections by a friendly robot perhaps or a bite of some kind?  Interesting.

Still feel they may be showing too much but I have the will power of a crack addict when it comes to staying away . . . lol :) 

Not long now . . .

Shasta cyclone

MemberFacehuggerApr-03-2017 2:52 AM

Awww yeah! I can't wait!

Dark Nebula

StaffNeomorphApr-03-2017 4:59 AM


That Neomorph reminded me  a bit of specimen 2 from Spooky's house of jumpscares.


MemberFacehuggerApr-03-2017 4:59 AM

Wow!!! Can't say anything but am I excited?? Hell Yeah!!!

Look at those sharkteeth!!!


MemberDeaconApr-03-2017 5:22 AM

Some interesting things spotted in these New TV Spots.

First of all though the wounds on Tess Haubrich Arms could well be from her previous battle with the infant Neomorph, before no doubt being rescued by David and brought to the place we see her in this TV Spot... before she is attacked by these Creature which may or may not be a more Adult Version of the Neomorph or something else.


MemberDeaconApr-03-2017 5:44 AM

The above image gives us a different perspective to the angle we had in the 2nd Trailer

Its now clear that the part where the arrow is pointing is some underground area and its this area that is surrounded by the Buddha type Offering Statues, and its also likely that maybe this PIT could be where the Head Statues are Housed?

As the Head Statue shot we see rain falling in and its a open top, and so does not seem to be inside the Dome Cathedral with the Gold Device on Top.

It also appears the dead bodies are all around this  Open Pit, and so is this Pit maybe a Landing Platform? looking at the size of the Hole i am not 100% Sure the Juggernaught would fit inside however.  But we cant rule it out.

The TV Spot could hint that this is where maybe these beings met their deaths from above this Pit.

The Pit is either a Docking Station, or maybe where these Giant Head Statues are located, indeed these Head Statues do have the Look of the Elder Engineers from Prometheus to them.



MemberChestbursterApr-03-2017 5:49 AM

Wow! The Neomorph mouth somehow reminds me of a piranha's, and judging by the (quote) "toothsome" attack in the med bay and considering the size of that mouth, I suspect its primary attack is rapidly chomping off chunks of flesh.


MemberChestbursterApr-03-2017 6:37 AM

Hell yes! These look awesome. I get the feeling we may get another full length trailer soon.


MemberFacehuggerApr-03-2017 7:29 AM

20th Century Fox updated its website


MemberOvomorphApr-03-2017 8:06 AM

I dont think these are Neomorphs.


I think these are Engineers combined with the black goo.

I guess this could be somewhere in the scene that shows what happened to the Engineers and explain their demise.

Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerApr-03-2017 9:23 AM

Not gonna watch. Thanks for the post though. : )

Deep Space

MemberFacehuggerApr-03-2017 9:41 AM

It looks very much like the concept art of the Neomorph and I'm glad the boy's in there . . .

Scariest of the lot . . . possibly?  That jaw though . . . cooool!


MemberPraetorianApr-03-2017 12:35 PM

@BigDave I always enjoy your diagrams and deep theories!!!


MemberOvomorphApr-03-2017 2:21 PM


I'd have to agree. Anytime we see a post from BigDave, Chris or David my girlfriend and I sink our teeth into it and always find an intelligent conversation to be had from them.


MemberPraetorianApr-03-2017 2:27 PM

What is it with the UK?

We only got the trailer that the US got weeks ago!

Ruined the Walking Dead finale for me as there were so many frickin ads yet only the trailer for A:C. I was looking forward to analyzing the tv spots large on my tv :(


MemberOvomorphApr-03-2017 2:50 PM


centrosphereApr-03-2017 12:01 AM "What is driving me crazy these days is that directors (Scott included) prefers to ignore the tech we already have when telling a history centuries in the future.

I mean: I know they want to tell an horror history, and some degree of "suspension of disbelief" is allowed.  But beyond certain point, some omissions become painful.

Can we really believe that a colonization mission costing well quintizilions of dollars would not take some precautionary steps before putting human boots on the ground?  Would not them launch a constellation of satellites to map the whole planet (so figuring out that something awful happened at the abandoned city before being bitten by some beasts there?)  And why would not them sent some Walters to the ground first before establishing with certainty that the planet was safe?

Even we pity humans from the XX century sent A LOT of missions to the Moon before landing people there (the first humans landed in 1969, but the first mapping mission was in 1958).

This kind of omissions certainly helps a lot with the plot, but are increasingly detached from the most basic reasoning." QUOTE


Thank you I feel the very same way. I have been looking forward to this movie for so long and I am happy that Scott seems to have finally decided to dedicate his time to the Alien franchise but come on man! This has so so much potential and its going to shi! I told a few of my friends to watch the trailers and they laughed at it. Boo you scared!? lol I guess I am just getting to old for these types of movies. :(


MemberOvomorphApr-03-2017 4:18 PM

@Chris Fox has unveiled plans for the return of Alien Day on April 26th that builds the countdown to the theatrical release. Full details are available at


I'm guessing more and more details will be released during then, since one of the events includes interacting with the cast via a question and answer session, as well as the viewing of multiple behind-the-scenes segments, highlighting the making of Covenant.

A L I E N 4 2 6

MemberFacehuggerApr-03-2017 6:12 PM

Hey Neo, I guess you can change your profile picture now.


Also will we get any analysis for these, Chris? 


MemberOvomorphApr-04-2017 10:20 AM

centrosphere I agree, like in prometheus, they took alot of shortcuts that ruined the realistic feel, like just flying down , landing on a distant planet and just imidiately drive down with their vehicles and the first jumping out is the GUESTS of the mission. but also this is not what most audience will come for, so most people doesn`t care that RS takes shortcuts like that.

We see in AC that they just walk out of the dropship wearing no space suits at all, so i wonder if we see a little cut scene showing they actually check if there is a breathable atmosphere or if there is no time to even go there.


"BigDave" i think the round hole is where the head statues is located, as you see the arch on the top of this picture. But there is a dimension problem with that other angle from the open yard, you see the dome farthest back is about the same size, so the distance is about the same, they are just elevated a bit more off the ground, but where are all the crisp bodies, if they are the tiny little black dots something seems very off.


MemberChestbursterApr-04-2017 10:10 PM

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