MemberTrilobiteNov-09-2019 3:57 PMThe video has no black goo scenes or sets at all.

MemberTrilobiteNov-09-2019 4:11 PMThe videos have changed. Unfortunately I cannot delete my first post.

MemberFacehuggerNov-09-2019 4:13 PMHuh? What was all that stuff dropping from the ship and bursting out of the Engineers, then?
More importantly, why does the same video appear twice above?

MemberTrilobiteNov-09-2019 4:17 PMThe pathogen video serves as a good reminder of what an evil prick David is despite his dilutions of being superior and god like.

MemberTrilobiteNov-09-2019 4:19 PMhox The first video was different. It was a time lapse video of stage setups. It has been updated.

MemberChestbursterNov-09-2019 8:47 PMdk
Despite? No it is quite the opposite. Because of his delusions of superiority could simply not care about others.

MemberTrilobiteNov-09-2019 9:04 PMignorantGuy Thanks- I mis-typed and you are correct.

MemberChestbursterNov-10-2019 1:00 AMOne of the best moments in the film. Also nice videos. I still don't know what happened with engineers - it's neomorphs burst from them?

Yog Sothoth
MemberFacehuggerNov-12-2019 8:43 AMNope, not neomorphs. The creatures coming from the engineers would be the first stage of the neomorph life cycle. Think of what came out of Shaw after her black goo exposure via sex with Holloway. Also, what came out of the mushrooms after their exposure. The first stage is some kind of parasite, which will then attack another creature and impregnate them with some kind of neomorph. The neomorph is the final stage, not the first.

MemberDeaconNov-12-2019 5:12 PMI think it depends on what Source of Information you use to TRY and work out what is going on...
This Scene we see the Behavior is Different to Prometheus, by watching Prometheus we would ASSUME the Pathogen would do one of these.... (depending on amount of Pathogen and Contact).
1) Replicate and Spread like a Viral Pathogen (Ebola) resulting in the Hosts eventually suffering from TOTAL DNA (Molecular) Break Down into..... Dust/Particles.
2) Infect the Host to become Mutated and taking on Traits that are IN the Black Goo (or Encoded).
3) A Combination where the 1) causes 2) where the Pathogen Replicates and Spreads, and Mutates the Host but then the Host then suffers from TOTAL Genetic Break Down after a Period of Time.
Then we have the Hammerpede and Trillobite which indicates that Certain More Basic Organisms (Worm and Genetic Blank Canvas of a Egg Cell) will instead EVOLVE into something Else..
Of Course these could be Effected by Different Ways the Pathogen is contacted and Amount.
In ALIEN COVENANT we see the Pathogen in the way its Activated and Deployed seems to have some INTELLIGENCE to it, as it SWARMS to seek out a Host, then it Infects the Hosts, Replicates and then Leaves the Host to SEEK another Target.
The Pathogen having such a Force that it would TRY and escape by any means from a Host to the Next, which includes Tearing Holes in them to Escape...
Then we are LEFT with the Desiccated Remains of the Engineers, we see NO Evidence of any Organisms they have Produced or Mutated into...
Is this EFFECT a Programed Reaction and so the Pathogen can be Programed to Effect Certain Genomes/DNA with a Different Outcome such as Re-Write the Genetic Code or Replace the Genetic Cells with Calcified/Desiccated Cells?
What a IDEAL Weapon that is if this is the Case..
Or was some kind of KILL SWITCH Activated on Planet 4 that would Release some Energy Blast or Something that would TURN all Living Matter into Desiccated Matter and THUS would Prevent the Spread of the Pathogen and Effects...
Such a SAFETY Mechanism would make Sense to have on Planet 4 the Release/Use of this could Account for the Juggernaught being knocked out of the SKY!

MemberDeaconNov-12-2019 5:19 PMWe then have to LOOK at the Neomorphs, these came from the Spore Pods that were located near a Water Supply, the Juggernaut had Crashed onto a Mountain that has a Stream Running down it and so Water would Pour Over and Under the Ship... and lead to the Stream Below!
If we assume the Spores are from Infected MOLD or FUNGI that has become a Hybrid Carrier of the Pathogen that has Created a Organism that is Spread via the Spores....
Mold, Fungi and Algae are found Near Water/Damp Environments and they are a Form of Organism and so maybe they are Infected by some URNS that had Fallen Over and Leaked from the Cargo Hold after the SHIP had Crashed..
The Effects are Different as these Urns had not become Primed/Activated and Exploded in the Air... or maybe the Pathogen has a Different Effect when MIXED with a Water Supply/Liquid.
Thats my Interpretation of what happened..
However what we are dealing with Really is a Radical Form of McGuffin.... a Substance/Plot Device that can be used and changed to Benefit the Plot for Ease and Convienience.