MemberFacehuggerJul-22-2017 12:50 PMNone of us cared about any of the characters in Alien Covenant. If this is supposed to reveal more details about them, then it should have been shared before we saw the film. At this point, I could care less about anything AC related that does not add or elaborate on the connection between the Engineers and the Xenos, or in some way delves into the plot.
Creating any content around all of the dead-before-we-even-got-started crew is just pointless.

MemberFacehuggerJul-22-2017 1:03 PMI agree, Drake.
The only thing i cared about was finding out if Shaw/David made it to the planet, what their homeworld looked like and if Shaw got her answers
Instead we just got a rehashed mini monster mash with a 3 minute video which had the engineerish race being bombed with a virus.
Complete disappointment.

MemberOvomorphJul-22-2017 1:55 PMJust heard fox is reassessing the franchise. I'm personally dying to see the next one. David vs the engineers must be released!

MemberOvomorphJul-22-2017 4:36 PMFully agree to drake and adampd.
The film was in the cinemas and it was not a satisfying movie.
The only thing Fox and Ridley could do for the better is to do a proper director's cut for the blu ray / dvd release. Getting us deleted scenes not connected into the movie is pointless.

Capt Torgo
MemberFacehuggerJul-22-2017 9:07 PMThe 43 million from China only counts at 25% so yeah this film is a flop if the marketing budget was over 40 million , idk. Glad the writer of this mentioned the films issues. The marketing technique is great and I love the angles they are shooting for but the characters and story are so so bad, this fear test just seems a knife in the back. I don't care who directs just not Ridley. Covenant = triggered

Galaxy Dave
MemberOvomorphJul-25-2017 6:17 PMCan't agree more. This is totally moot and a boot in the face.
Ridley should step down and let David Lynch direct. It's risky, but I'd be willing to bet on other talents at this point. Ridley sloshing his words in interviews makes me think he needs to retire. No one wants to see movies repeat themselves over and over with uninteresting stories! Or do they?!
Blompcamp is going to suck majorly! District 9 is the only big film he's done that was excellent. The rest is utter junk and I haven't seen him redeem himself yet. That's my take and I'm sticking to it.
I know I'm screaming to a deaf ear at Fox, but I can't help being so disappointed at a the Alien franchise for failing in so many respects. I'm just very sad.

MemberNeomorphJul-27-2017 10:49 AMIt doesn't matter if they make this one if the home release of AC will be as disappointing as the one that was showed in the movie theaters. They should think before they do the movie, not after when it is too late, new short promo clips will not change how the movie turned out.

MemberOvomorphJul-28-2017 3:44 AMWow, Alien: Covenant is getting so much hate here but in other places it's thriving. I can't wait for the book, it will feature Hideo Yutani and give us a glimpse into the inner workings of Weyland Yutani after the disappearance of Sir Peter Weyland and Meredith Vickers.

AdminPraetorianJul-28-2017 8:33 AMSay what you want about the movie, these viral marketing videos are perfection.

MemberOvomorphJul-30-2017 3:48 AMas for not liking the characters, speak for yourself. I was intruiged by Rosenthal and Ankor and wouldn't mind having seen more of them

MemberFacehuggerAug-05-2017 1:08 PMI don't get the hate either. I honestly don't know what people were expecting. I liked it, and the characters, and I was glad that Tennessee survived along with Daniels and potentially Walter...

MemberFacehuggerAug-05-2017 1:08 PMI don't get the hate either. I honestly don't know what people were expecting. I liked it, and the characters, and I was glad that Tennessee survived along with Daniels and potentially Walter...