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New Alien: Covenant Trailer and Poster Released!
Scified2017-04-04 09:44:19
Written by Chris49,356 Reads32 Comments2017-04-04 09:44:19

Following a string of new Alien: Covenant TV spots, 20th Century Fox continue the bombardment of Covenant marketing material with a fresh new theatrical poster and another TV spot! The new spot is titled "Take Me Home" and you can watch it here:

As you can see, the spot concludes with a unique hash tag reading #emohemekat. This hash tag was also used by the official Alien Instagram to debut another TV spot, which reveals to us our first look at... Dr. Elizabeth Shaw!

Finally, a new UK theatrical poster for Alien: Covenant was released as well and features Daniels in close proximity to the new Alien...

As always, let us know what you notice and what your thoughts are on the TV spots and poster above in the comments section below!

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Dark Nebula

StaffNeomorphApr-04-2017 9:53 AM

I like the poster.

I think I made simmilar poster back in january but with Daniels and "neomorph" in glitched and disorted style.



MemberFacehuggerApr-04-2017 10:02 AM

Is this really an official poster? looks fanmade

Movie fan

MemberFacehuggerApr-04-2017 10:09 AM

I made a topic about that poster awhile ago...

David 7

MemberFacehuggerApr-04-2017 10:24 AM

I'm betting that the Shaw sent out the distress as she crashed the ship as David was bombing the humanoids.

David 7

MemberFacehuggerApr-04-2017 11:09 AM

This poster is a result when you spend your marketing funds on the trailers and you have to get a design student to do the poster cause you don't have the funds for a graphic designer and artists.


MemberFacehuggerApr-04-2017 11:21 AM

@David007  lol... seems to be the case.

And I know I said that before, and still I'm here, but... F***K, I'll get away from FOX untill May... spoilers are everywhere! It's awesome that they keep up the viral marketing and etc, but it's giving everything away, c'mon...!

A L I E N 4 2 6

MemberFacehuggerApr-04-2017 11:27 AM

I think it would've been better to see a "pray" poster with the Neomorph head 


MemberChestbursterApr-04-2017 1:18 PM

on Instagram is longer, why? 

Minimum Safe Distance

MemberOvomorphApr-04-2017 2:26 PM

Can somebody please explain to me how we're getting Dr. Elizabeth Shaw from any of these still-frames ? I cannot see it clearly .


MemberOvomorphApr-04-2017 3:11 PM

Can't make out Shaw from this footage either Minimum Safe!

Galaxy Dave

MemberOvomorphApr-04-2017 3:56 PM

Yeah, where is Shaw in these images?  


MemberFacehuggerApr-04-2017 5:33 PM

Here's a gif of the segment, you can see her a little better in the moving images:

David 7

MemberFacehuggerApr-04-2017 6:14 PM

Her hair sticks out the most to me. It is def her. 

Stan Winston (deceased)

MemberFacehuggerApr-04-2017 6:18 PM

I think one of our ilk, with the wherewithal to splice film clips, could potentially cut the entire film from the treasure trove of trailers and spots gratuitously splashed everywhere for fanboy titillation and public awareness. Lemme know when it's done.


MemberNeomorphApr-04-2017 6:23 PM

FOX ripped off Dark Nebula!


MemberOvomorphApr-04-2017 8:19 PM

Why do #TAKEMEHOME backwards? Why bother? What is the significance?



MemberOvomorphApr-05-2017 12:54 AM

In the new trailer it seems when Daniels says "Where is it?", something is appearing behind her right shoulder as if she'll get her answer very soon.


MemberOvomorphApr-05-2017 7:02 AM

Yeah cool, love the poster, its a bit like the one I made a while back.

Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerApr-05-2017 7:49 AM

Hahaha... @smallfish

The poster is horrible.


MemberFacehuggerApr-05-2017 8:37 AM

Woooooohooooo please please be way better than Prometheus :O ! man ive been away too long...


MemberFacehuggerApr-05-2017 8:49 AM

I also don't see Shaw in the video... The person looks a bit smaller than an engineer but is it really Shaw? 


MemberFacehuggerApr-05-2017 9:42 AM

In one of the TV clips you can hear her singing the tune when she's sitting in the chair

But it doesn't look like her, just a bunch of white lines of a human figure.

I'm not convinced it is her, given that she asked David if he could pilot the ship, it seems more likely that it's David, not Shaw?


MemberFacehuggerApr-05-2017 10:01 AM

Do you guys notice the difference between the YouTube and the Instagram version of the trailer? In the Instagram version a female person sings... '...take me the place where I belong...' Maybe Shaw with an engineer helmet ? What if she had a conflict with David because of different opinions. David told her his opinion regarding the engineers.... Shaw did want to kill the engineers and David did so... Shaw does not believe that the engineers are good and thinks they're evil. But then she gets infected with something ...again... and wants to go home...Its just an idea that got suddenly in my mind...:D 




MemberFacehuggerApr-05-2017 10:22 AM

I'm pretty sure it is her.


MemberFacehuggerApr-05-2017 10:42 AM

Also, I do t know if it's their marketing plan or what, but they posted then removed something else just now on twitter and Instagram. This time it's a weird x-ray type image with eyelids for sone reason, with "Daniels" underneath it


MemberFacehuggerApr-05-2017 11:08 AM

Apparently they are doing this type of stuff to the FB page too, but I'm not on there, so I didn't know.

Jimmy N the hood

MemberOvomorphApr-05-2017 5:12 PM

To be honest I love the new poster, and I think that is shaw in the hologram 


MemberOvomorphApr-05-2017 7:12 PM

Agreed!  I love the poster as well.  It give a nod to Alien 3.  It may not be like the mural poster.  But it is def effective!  I am so happy there is a new poster with a xenomorph.  Life is complete. This must be framed 


AdminEngineerApr-05-2017 7:14 PM

I didn't get a chance to see that Daniels poster, it was shared through the official Alien Anthology page?


MemberXenomorphApr-05-2017 7:22 PM




Chestbursters?  Wheres my Facehuggers?


MemberOvomorphApr-05-2017 7:59 PM


Interesting postulations, reveals, fast cut shots, angles, deals, games, space ships, and so on it goes.

Where Mr. Scott is taking us is extra special. I have been waiting 38 long years since I saw the first Alien film to see what this space jockey business is all about. I really do not expect a movie to be completely seamless in every detail because no one can do it. That type of movie is also so real it would have to defy reality.

I have to admit the adult in me knows better. I like the big reveals in the trailers. Daniel’s speech to fellow crew members was  deeply compelling and moving. Her speech just resonated with me on a much deeper level.

I will say it first that Alien Covenant is partially Scotts very well disguised remake of Alien from 1979. When I saw it as a kid in the theater people were so scared they ran out of the film. They slowly walked the isles. People stood in the back of the room looking through their hands this film terrified them so hard.

It is all unfortunate that we all have been desensitized to the very real global violence around us on a daily basis. Large continents over run with real war. To many places around the world are in so much trouble.
We see even more daily violence in the prime time on network tv. Thousands of hours of weapons being used in many tv shows. So many of our layers of external stimuli is the repetitive violence we see in the day to day events all around all of us. Some parents are filtering it out as with others and that is all good.

Now if you are like me we all know what should happen in an incredible Alien film and this time around is no different. I love the back story on the entire crew getting down and parting hard before the real work of colonization. I want to see this film and revisit parts of Prometheus.

I suppose this could be possible. As David and Shaw have a look at the surface of the planet. David decides to use a lot of those black goo containers on the Engineers, Elders ??? what ever is on the surface of this planet and Dr. Shaw gets in his way. When she does she gets taken down by the black goo and becomes an Alien Queen. Something had to lay those eggs in the crashed Juggernaut.  Which could make David the devil for killing so many innocent creatures; however, he may also be the saint at the same time because hey that ship was heavy with enough of the stuff for thousands of planets. They were going to come to Earth and wipe us all out. So is David justified in this action of genocide if this is what really happens, perhaps if it means saving the Human race. 

Oh let us all hope there is not going to be any kind of Ash moment in this as there was in Aliens when old Bishop got torn in half, and I cannot forget when they still tried again in Alien 3 when they turned him back on. Wait a seconnnnnnnnnd! they did it again in Promethus when an Engineer messes up David. Ok so every brace yourself for this guy to be in some kind of harms way too.

Other than that all bets are on Daniels and Walter being the sole survivors and yours should be too.




MemberFacehuggerApr-06-2017 11:46 AM

Ah thanks Tom, that's a great comparison shot of Shaw/Noomi.

Yea it looks like it's her.

And those bloody engineers need to upgrade their freaking holographic system!

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