MemberChestbursterJul-08-2017 9:00 AMCool! Some of these sound like scenes that were included in the novel! :D

MemberOvomorphJul-08-2017 9:08 AMI was hoping we'd see a "Dr. Shaw's decoy" deleted scene. :(.....

AdminEngineerJul-08-2017 11:03 AMMe too Jake, Me too. :(

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphJul-08-2017 11:23 AMI didn't even think there would be Neomorph vs Xenomorph deleted scene on the blu-ray. It was in the script but wasn't shot because of the encountering issues. It's in the novel because they gave Alan D. Foster the script and he novelized it.
Still curious if there are bloopers or a post production animation of it.
I'm definetely getting the blu-ray.

Lady Anne
MemberFacehuggerJul-08-2017 2:04 PMGlad these will be at least on the dvd/Blu-ray however wondering if they'll just be that a bunch of deleted scenes or be in a director's cut of the movie. And I'm not refering to the movie here AT ALL just using a phrase only in that by just making it a bunch of deleted scenes is akin to "Garbage without context is just garbage" as in by not restoring it into a director's cut of the movie some people may not get the full meaning of the scenes.
Also about the neomorph suits ripping. HAD Ridley Scott used Studio ADI for the xenomorph and creature effects he would have avoided that problem. This is something that’s bothered me this ehole time. After Aliens, Stan Winston "gave" over the Alien creature effects to ADI which had just formed after Aliens was completed by two of his students/apprentices who were finally ready to go out on thier own. Since then ANY xenomorph creature effects have been under their control completely through 20th century fox with one of them, Tom Woodruff, Jr. Appearing in the xenomorph suit for many of the "hero" shots. Why they were snubbed, and basically ripped off, for this movie I've no idea, but had they been involved, I truly believe it would have been way better in regards to the creature creation and effects including being able to shoot that scene and shoot it without the suits ripping. Again - why Ridley Scott choose to do that I’ve no idea AT all and feel this film further suffered from that choice.
Please again these are just my thoughts only. No offense meant to anyone elses view or to all the hard working folks who did do the creature effects for this movie! Lady Anne ^^ö^^

MemberNeomorphJul-09-2017 3:40 AMAlternate and deleted scenes are interesting to watch. I like scenes that for example are scenes when they shall say a line and then they totally forget what they are about to say or if they shall say something that they find really fun and burst out laughing even though it is supposed to be something serious.

MemberDeaconJul-09-2017 4:20 PMI would have thought some of the Death Scenes we could have seen extended versions, as apparently there was extended scenes that was more gory than we saw in the Theatrical which included a more graphic (longer nudity) Shower Scene.
@Lady Anne
I can see your frustration, for me a Larger Budget and more Practical Effects could have made a big difference as some of the CGI was way below par for a WELL KNOWN Franchise movie.

Capt Torgo
MemberFacehuggerJul-09-2017 7:13 PMHe spent that budget stuff on David and We are Walter, it's just so misguided imo. Those promo shots of Walter being created and him interacting have to be expensive. However they used a different special effects creature studio from London for Prometheus. Hope it's a great Blu-ray set for you guys but I don't think there is ever going to be a director's cut. My guess is Ridley has on contract the rights to edits or making a director's cut. Prometheus could have used one or just been made for the hell of it/extra cash but I believe it's tied to Scott's ego.

MemberNeomorphJul-09-2017 11:46 PMnot much point in buying the blu ray. iv heard the list on youtube and most of the scenes described and they don't interest me one bit. deleted scenes of the surviving neomorph or the xeno v neo battle would but other than that its just people talking. boring imo

MemberOvomorphSep-03-2017 3:56 AMI watched the deleted scenes. Just further confirmed (in my mind) the movies biggest plot holes. Where did the eggs come from? Where are all of the black goo mutated native animal/neomorph animals and insects (David mentions them and has preserved sample in his workshop) go?