MemberNeomorphMay-21-2023 11:17 AMUnfortunately, Scott is one of the reasons why the mystery took some bruises in Covenant. There could be a way to bring back what made Alien good by introducing other things.
As for being fast-paced, I hope that it's not at a ridiculous speed. You got to spend some time at things so people know what goes on, at the same time you can't spend half an hour at a detail.
“Ridley Scott acts as executive producer on the series, so we expect his influence may keep his original intentions for the Xenomorph's origins intact.”
Oh f u c k, please don't let David be the creator of the monster. This makes me worried

AdminEngineerMay-21-2023 3:21 PMIn defense of Scott, technically David did not create the Xenomorph as we know it, but a version of it. Imitation rather than invention. Xenomorph origins could still easily be explored without David's influence.

MemberFacehuggerMay-22-2023 6:59 AMI think now the mystery lies between the timeline of Convent (2104) to Alien (2122) and what really happened during that period. Now the third Alien prequel is scraped (sadly), maybe this would actually be a good thing since the Space Jockey in LV426 will always be mysteried.
I still love the David character though, and now his whereabouts is yet another mystery lol.

MemberPraetorianMay-23-2023 10:42 AMUghhh why does everything have to be fast paced! Fast pacedness kills horror and tension!

MemberDeaconJun-07-2023 5:57 AM"I had to think about what it was about the movie that inspired originally and would I be able to create that for an audience"
I think as they Summed it up.... we have seen the Xenomorph over and over it does-not have that SAME effect as the First Time you ever saw it (regardless of which Movie you saw First). I still think the Xenomorph had a LOT of MYSTERY to it all the way UNTIL we got ALIEN COVENANT.
If we could RE-WRITE the History and Prometheus had NEVER HAPPENED and we had a ALIEN V, 6 and 7!.... what can you REALLY do with each Movie if the Xenomorph is kept how it is.... it would have its Mystery but eventually you would have to EXPLORE this as something that has NOT been done... so the MYSTERY would eventually be Answered and in a way i dont think your going to Please everyone.
"What’s interesting to me is to try to remystify the franchise. The creature, the story, for a modern audience in the way that my 15-year-old won’t think is slow, is the requirement"
THIS ^^^ is a Concern..... in addition to the Time-Line and Setting i am Expecting this TV Series to SUCK! Its gonna be a Teen Friendly Pop-corn Fest!
Hope its not a Power Rangers vs ALIEN.......
The remystify the franchise to me sounds like its going to get us to Re-Think that the Xenomorph came from LV-223, Planet 4... Certainly 100% as FAR as David having anything to do with it....
Prior to the TV-show we had...
*The Space Jockey had Created it.
*The Space Jockey had Found it.
*The Engineers had Created it (maybe Accidentally)
*The Engineers had Found it (unlikely).
*David had Engineered it.
I think it could be a RISK if Noah Hawley wants to throw a Spanner into the Works to get us to Question that ALL of the Above are maybe Incorrect.

MemberDeaconJun-07-2023 6:20 AM"Scott is one of the reasons why the mystery took some bruises in Covenant"
To be FAIR it seems ALIEN COVENANT is NOT what RS had wanted it was a Response by those in CHARGE to BRING back the Xenomorph in a Knee-Jerk reaction to the ALIEN V that got some Fans Excited and Powers that be then FELT the Franchise... NEEDS the Xenomorph... (YES) but RS was trying to take us away from that as a Separate Franchise/Path.... but ALAS.
When we look at the Background Arc of the Prequels... (ignoring trying to make Connection to ALIEN) then actually having David as the Creator just makes PERFECT SENSE.... it makes it Sinister, and a Ultimate Hubris of Creation.
But this was a RISK as there are a LOT of Purest out there be this that the Xenomorph as a Engineer Creation, a Organism laid by Queens etc... having David be the Creator does FIT with the ARC/STORY of the Prequels but it is BOUND to UPSET and Blindside like 90% of the Fanbase.
Tge END thus does-not Justify the Means...
The Story Arc/Plot of David could have worked if he had Created something Similar but much Different.


But then you would have some Fans thinking THESE are NOT the Xenomorph, we want to see the Xenomorph and so Alien Covenant was born out of the STUDIO wanting to bring in the Xenomorph but then HOW do they do that and yet keep David as Main Part of the Plot.... and Hence we got the Plot we had.
For me i think Alien Covenant should NOT have Happened... we should have been given a FILLER ALIEN Movie, be that a Return to LV-223 or a Movie set between ALIEN and ALIENS..... (But NO RIPLEY)..... then RS could have gone and made a Prometheus Sequel that is NOT SHACKLED to the Xenomorph or ALIEN. But ALAS!

MemberDeaconJun-07-2023 6:39 AM"I think now the mystery lies between the timeline of Convent (2104) to Alien (2122) and what really happened during that period. Now the third Alien prequel is scraped (sadly)"
It was a Very Tight kind of Time-Line.... what we can pick up from RS was the Following.
*It would have been about what KIND of a World would David had Created. (which does-not mean it would be about Xenomorphs) he indicated the NEXT MOVIE would be less about them....
*He indicated we are 2-3 Movies from ALIEN and by the TIME he Finishes then you would Reach the BACK DOOR to ALIEN.
*He had indicated that the Engineers would Return to Planet 4 and see what David had done and would want REVENGE and be after him.
*He had indicated the Xenomorph has some EVOLVING before we get to ALIEN.
And so it would seem the Xenomorph would have came more into PLAY and Evolved in Part 4 of the Prequels....
The Best solution to this would have been for the Engineers to Discover the Eggs and take them to LV-223 to Re-Engineer them and USE them on Davids world and then maybe Earth..... with ONE of the Engineers Ships only making it as FAR as LV-426. This way the Engineers go and Perfect the Creation of David which he had Created with the Engineers Bio-Weapon...... David thus becomes the MIDDLE MAN and it Retains him some Dignity in the Plot, yet makes the Ultimate Xenomorph the Polished Creation of the Engineers.
Such a PLOT would have NESTED in between Alien Covenant and ALIEN without any Conflict, because if the Xenomorph on LV-426 has its Origins on the Covenant Ship and David gets to Origae-6 then we are nearly 10 Years before ALIEN....... so then you have Origae-6 and Shena****ns and a Engineer Ship which arrives that then TAKES those Eggs to LV-223 but ONLY get as FAR as LV-426.. within 10 Years!
Instead having the Engineers Return, take Eggs to LV-223 to Re-Engineer then off goes a Ship to find David, and then another prepares for Earth but ONLY gets to LV-426...... which could give us say the LV-426 Space Jockey some 10-15yrs before ALIEN.... but you can make this Hundreds or Thousands of Years with the Destruction of LV-223/Tear in Space and Time.... but ALAS!
I Dread what we have NOW.... Xenomorphs running around a Major City on Earth like within 5 Years of Prometheus is a Recipe for Disaster.
Especially of the Xenomorph is introduced after like 2hrs into the TV Show.

MemberPraetorianJun-09-2023 8:30 AMYeah miss opportunity of expanding upon the neomorph