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MemberOvomorph01/17/2012I had a thought last night while looking at the Prometheus trailer again. Perhaps Noomi Rapace (Shaw) becomes impregnated by the SJ's, either accidentally or deliberately and through an accelerated pregnancy gives birth to either a small Xenomorph egg, which grows on board the SJ's ship, impregnates an SJ, the ship crash lands on LV426 and is then found by the Nostromo crew. This would mean that the perpetrator of the whole Alien universe would be a Human Woman!
50 Replies


MemberOvomorph01/17/2012Wait by that logic all things that lay eggs are chickens. She is more like a Platypus then.

MemberTrilobite01/17/2012LOL, sorry Brego but this idea has been posted TOO many times, check the previous threads in future yeah.

MemberOvomorph01/17/2012Yup, just a theory... Lets face it we are dealing with organisms which obviously do not stick with our known Biological theories. Re giving birth to an egg, it could be some form of embryonic creature which we have not seen yet and would be totally original.
I think Ridley will be looking at providing us with something totally left field and crazy, just as the parasitic biology of the original Alien was to us in the 70's...

MemberOvomorph01/17/2012In my incoherent hyperbole I related to Giger's Alien designs so you have to at least take your ideas one step further and two steps more controversial than the previous similar topic. Those are the rules.
Hint: Add a bit about Shaw being of Royal English blood and how they are known to be of the lizard race

MemberTrilobite01/17/2012Turn it on its head, what if the first humans were born from xenomorph eggs.

MemberTrilobite01/17/2012or, or, what if all life in the universe, even the space jockeys/engineers were born from xenomorph eggs...
What if the Xenomorphs are the gods in Prometheus, very, very lovecraftian or what

MemberOvomorph01/17/2012The eggs don't even exist man. Don't try to see the egg that's impossible only know the truth, You are the egg.

MemberOvomorph01/17/2012So the Draconian lizard royal family were born from the eggs the spacejockey's planted at the dawn of man. And Stonehenge play a big important part just because i want it to.

MemberOvomorph01/17/2012Gee Biomechanic thanks for your 1 word comments. I thought that this Forum was a means to discuss the possibilities of an un-made film from a series which we are all fans of, which is what we are doing here. I guess for some its a chance to simply try, pathetically to shut others down.
Snorkelbottom thanks for the heads up re other posts. I hadnt read them..

MemberTrilobite01/17/2012I have seen GOD, and shes one ugly bitch...

MemberOvomorph01/17/2012Brego I was simply having some fun. You've been around a while and it surprised me that you never heard about the pregnancy theory before. Don't see where I tried to shut you down.

MemberOvomorph01/17/2012Brego wait "one word comment" Did you think I was calling you a nut? That is a link to a forum thread titled Nut.

MemberOvomorph01/17/2012....speaking of nasty births....remember in "The Fly"...when Geena Davis has a nightmare where she gives birth to a giant maggot....eeeeeeww!
In all fairness their is a huge egg on the poster for maybe Shaw does lay an egg?...nothing will surprise me matter how bizarre!

MemberTrilobite01/17/2012Imagine at the end of Prometheus we see a planet dominated by the xenomorph, the camera weaves in and out of scurrying Aliens and into a hive, leading us to the Queen, we see her lay and egg and then we follow that egg as it is carried by a Xenomorph to another area of the hive. We zoom in on the egg as it slowly opens. We see fingers and assume its a facehugger, but instead it is a fully grown man or woman.

MemberOvomorph01/17/2012Hey Biomechanic Yeah I did, thats cool man lol...
Perhaps the word "Egg" is wrong and I did not mean egg as in Alien/s I mean some kind of organism which we have not seen yet.
I dont think Ridley is going to give us anything which we have seen in any of the other films, except perhaps Alien.
On anthother note does anyone else remember the Astrometrix lab run by 7of9 in Star Trek Voyager? Remind you of something??? lol

MemberOvomorph01/17/2012@ brego Yeah I try not to call people names : )
@alteredstate All I am saying is I would be surprised if Kris Kristopherson doesn't makes a cameo appearance.

MemberOvomorph01/17/2012Enlighten me i have no idea what your on about all i know about Kris Kristofferson is he was in convoy...?

MemberOvomorph01/17/2012According to David Icke Kris Kristofferson is of reptilian ancestry o something like that.

MemberOvomorph01/17/2012What Prometheus needs is a song like the one in [url=]convoy[/url]
Maybe I finally found my idea for my version of the prometheus trailer fan edit thing.

MemberTrilobite01/17/2012you leave Kris kristopherson alone, he's one of the coolest oap's on the planet
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