Alien Movie Universe

PROMETHEUS Trailer Preview Screenshots

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MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 10:20 AM
[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] Our beloved Derelict flies upright after all... [img][/img] [img][/img] *Thanks Scidley for the GIF...thought I'd add it to the top of the thread....regards...craigamore*
116 Replies


MemberOvomorphMar-13-2012 11:39 AM
Another one for reference: [url=ℑ=ImagesCATQ3D9N-jpg][img][/img][/url] I got my head taken off at the AVPgalaxy forums for saying Ridley was lying about everything to try to keep it secret. After the Tedtalk leak was proven to be real I thought people might be more open to the ideas of them bullshitting us along. The other option is that he is screwing with us again, and put that there to bait people. Funny, I can actually see them doing stuff like that. the old bait and switch.


MemberOvomorphMar-13-2012 11:44 AM
For what it's worth...I think Ridley's been playin' everyone since day 1


MemberOvomorphMar-13-2012 11:50 AM
I think Sir Scott has no choice but to play everyone and pray nothing gets leaked. So far they are doing an awesome job at keeping us all guessing. I am actually a fan of the disinformation they are providing us with. Once in a while they slip in something real to keep us on our toes.


MemberOvomorphMar-13-2012 11:57 AM
Spartacus, We should write our own fake script.. lol


MemberOvomorphMar-13-2012 12:10 PM
I was gonna make a new thread but concluded to just toss it here as so many things are getting locked. Is there a search function yet? Am I an idiot and just can't find it? I'm indifferent to it being LV-426. I went through a phase where i really wanted it to be, then a phase where I didn't just to piss of the AvP fans. Now I don't care as long as the movie is at least interesting. I can't remember the last mainstream sci-fi film I was actually excited about so to me it is all just kinda gravy.


MemberTrilobiteMar-13-2012 12:17 PM
@ Ghorgul - Apology accepted, and as English isn't your first language we will all have to be a little more forgiving of your comments, but please refrain from insults in future, it does none of us any good. Glad to see we are in agreement over the temple, as many people are and I do agree with you that the arms probably won't feature. As for the collision between the Prometheus and the Derelict time will tell, but I have a gut feeling there is a collision. @ Danrald - normally I would offer my services for a fake script but I don't know if I want to. What if mine ends up better than the film LOL.


MemberOvomorphMar-13-2012 2:49 PM
Maybe the balls are the glow sticks of the future and they are all just at an Giger themed rave?


MemberOvomorphMar-13-2012 2:43 PM
Regards the coloured balls and the chap tossing them about.... Its the Space Jockey Christmas Show!


MemberOvomorphMar-13-2012 3:02 PM


MemberOvomorphMar-13-2012 3:07 PM
[quote]danrald Spartacus, We should write our own fake script.. lol[/quote] we should BUT, didn't YOU write an awesome one I read recently? We might wanna recruit Biomechanic as well, and Snorklebottom too, i think these two aren't oo fond of eachother but are both terriffic writters and if we all do it together we can all scream at eachother and diss eachothers ideas until together we come up with something wiht multiple breats too just like that comic writer in "PAUL"!!!


MemberOvomorphMar-13-2012 5:47 PM
I don't know if it's been discussed but has anybody noticed the derelict in the screenshot flying upright has the shape of the derelict in Alien and not the derelict in the original released Prometheus trailer. Two derelicts?


MemberOvomorphMar-13-2012 10:31 PM
RHunter, Ya, I never thought the Derelict 1(The Derelict from the 1st trailer), was the same one from Alien. You are indeed correct, the Derelict 2 (Derelict from the new trailer), is a little more like the Derelict from Alien.. but it seems to be more round.. maybe the arms can squish... plus I always thought the "fork" arm was longer... but who knows.. nice catch!


MemberOvomorphMar-13-2012 10:38 PM
Shane, Do you realize you're already talking about the phases that you have been through with this movie.. lol... Since I've heard about this movie.. well, will just say, my friends and family now officially know I'm nuts.. Snork , Spartacus.. etc.. I challenge you guys to a fake script off..

Kronnang Dunn

MemberOvomorphMar-13-2012 10:54 PM
Like I posted in other section, the character holding the balls must be Fifield, since the actor seems to be Sean Harris. I bet he is the main antagonist. He is converted by the Space Jockeys or becomes a follower of them and they give him the tatoos and the balls. Those balls are Space Jockey weaponry. The red rays they emit are similar to the blue ones from ALIEN, but the red ones are deadly and cause sudden human body decompression (or maybe they are microwaves and cause human fluids to boil). Those balls kill Milburn and other 2 crew members...

Kronnang Dunn

MemberOvomorphMar-13-2012 11:02 PM
Btw, in the scene with the infected crew member/alien being, does anybody else noticed the fallen crew member in the ground with blood inside his helmet? There is a flamethrower still throwing fire at his side. I bet he was jumped by the alien/infected guy... He seems to have been literally torn in half...


MemberOvomorphMar-13-2012 11:17 PM
Kronnang Dunn, I don't think he is torn in half.. but there is something interesting.. the flame thrower is turning itself off in the scene...


MemberOvomorphMar-13-2012 11:22 PM


MemberOvomorphMar-13-2012 11:58 PM
No wonder they had to merge with Yutani....


MemberOvomorphMar-14-2012 1:16 AM
@danraid Yeah it is half phases with the movie, half phases with the community of hardcore fans ignoring everything presented to them and buying what the creators are saying 100%. I am not an extended universe fan at all. I am even less of an AvP fan. And I believe nothing coming out of any official mouth on all as they have the most to lose if they say anything. Still my g/f thinks I am completely insane. I tell her it is a healthy thing.


MemberOvomorphMar-14-2012 3:00 AM
@RHunter I noticed the same earlier too this week when I was watching this new picture of Derelict. Then I watched the older Trailer and its screenshots of Derelict. I came to conclusion that they are the same ship, I could be wrong of course. The problem is that the 1st trailer doesn't give us a good whole body shot of Derelict like this new picture.


MemberOvomorphMar-14-2012 9:37 PM
I personally am beginning to believe it isn't LV-426 and may be one of the other two planetoid moons orbiting the ringed planet.

Kronnang Dunn

MemberOvomorphMar-14-2012 10:57 PM
craigamore I agree. Ridley himself said the movie is set in Zeta Reticuli, but he didn't specify which planetoid... More and more I'm starting to think the last leaked script may be legit... for the most part at least.


MemberOvomorphMar-15-2012 10:06 PM
I just step-framed "the guy with the orbs" scene. The orb actually hovers above the palm of the crew member, and zooms into the rock tunnel in the next shot. Quite bizarre equipment, even if it is of Earthly origin & made by Weyland. A flying, hovering 3D scanning device.


MemberOvomorphMar-15-2012 10:06 PM
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