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PROMETHEUS Trailer Preview Screenshots

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MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 10:20 AM
[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] Our beloved Derelict flies upright after all... [img][/img] [img][/img] *Thanks Scidley for the GIF...thought I'd add it to the top of the thread....regards...craigamore*
116 Replies


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 6:53 PM
There's blood on the wall behind the 2 crew shooting at the creature.
[url=][img][/img][/url] "Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 6:59 PM
DarthSpock, Yes there was... Membrane and Scidley, Those pictures are excellent.. I still think that that this "Xeno" is in the first trailer.... lol.. haa haaaaaaaah! [img][/img] [url=]Image[/url]


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 7:37 PM
That "fake" script describes this scene y'know - skip to cargo bay with dead guy lying on the ground!! and two crew with their pistols drawn? description of monster "The back of it's head is long, thick, slimy and hairy and shaped like a cigar." This new trailer scene was only released yesterday The leaked script was only released yesterday No way that could have been guessed - you guys are going to have to start taking that script more seriously


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 7:50 PM
The gun the floor was mentioned a bit ago and it does look like there's blood all over and also could be why the "mutants" hand appears to have a redish tint to it. obviously something is afoot. @ enderwiggin...what do you mean "you" people? Jk love that part had to get it in there haha


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 7:52 PM
@Snorkelbottom 1. I don't know. It just doesn't really look like it's moving (though the clip is very short, so I could easily be mistaken). 2. That's really nice. You didn't like me commenting about Harkonnen Castle, or what's the point? We do see the base of the structure for the first time now, and the general shape one can see there resembles some of the Gigers drawings: [url=]The base looks round with very steep sides, very similar to what we see in trailer[/url] EDIT: Add Also, atleast in some forums there has been some debate about if the 'Harkonnen Castle' is the "shape" that's on there, so it really isn't fact until we see more. But the new bit we saw now adds more to the case of it resembling 'Harkonnen Castle' 3. I don't see Prometheus ramming itself to pieces against SJ ship, sorry. I know it's a popular theory, but the Prometheus is Huge (Still smaller than SJ ship though): [url=]Here you can get a really good approx for the size of Prometheus[/url] See the armored car/6-wheeler as little fly on the road. HumanityFTW thought in other thread there could be some ship-to-ship combat, and this seems to be rather reasonable suggestion I think.


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 8:01 PM
That second script is looking rather intriguing now…

Mala'kak Pilot

MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 8:02 PM
its a biomechanoid suit...he probably got that green glow-ish acid crap on his face from the canister, most likely a wayland android, just like the one in Alien that got sprayed by a xenomorph and went haywire, trying to kill ripley.


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 8:24 PM
So it looks like are 'Mutant guy' takes out two people. That is assuming the guy lying on the floor is dead (judging by the blood I think it's safe to say he is). It's just a case of if the poor sod he throws in this clip survives or not. It looks like a hefty throw so I am gonna assume he does not survive. As a side note I wonder if the guns that the guy's in the background are weilding are gonna do much against this mutant man. Looks like he might take a good few rounds to put him down.


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 8:57 PM
*SPOILERS FROM LEAKED SCRIPT*.....................................................................................@Enderwiggin......... .....the description of the thing in the script also has a load of blood sucking tentacles, which the creature in both trailer cuts from that scene does not have. Also, its a creature escaped from a cage in this script, not a former crew member so obviously wearing a suit as in both the teaser trailer and this preview. Every detail you suppose could not have been guessed is definitley decuctible from the shots, pics and months of fan speculation on sites like this one. It's a fake guys, come on..........


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 8:57 PM
Looking at the GIF a bit more I noticed that the mutants left hand seems to have its claws empailing the crewman. I'm on my phone at work however so I can't get a clear look. Anyone able to help me out with this one?


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 9:17 PM
I found a screen cap that is probably the last frame of our mutant friend in this's kind of small, and I wasn't able to find it any larger, but it does show more of the mutant's body, so..... [img][/img]


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 9:47 PM
Craigamore, Don't you just love it.. all blurry when we can get a good view.. lol


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 9:50 PM
I know danrald.....I tried finding a larger version, but I haven't been able's maddening.


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 10:05 PM
craigamore, Mine are all pretty much this size.. regardless, they still don't give much more insight.. [url=]Large[/url] [img][/img] CantSpaceJockTheRock, Looks like he is empailing the guy.. but I don't see any blood.. but you can see how long his fingers are.. [url=]Large[/url] [img][/img]


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 10:07 PM
Thanks for trying danrald


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 10:42 PM
That's Sean Harris (Fifield) with the geospatial mapping "orbs". He played a real bastard in the Red Riding Trilogy.


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 10:46 PM
I love your name Ralphie....first thing I think of is, "You'll shoot your eye'll shoot your eye out." Classic.........and thanks for the insight...I hadn't known who he was.


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 10:50 PM
Everything looks very epic, and the Planet looks like a prehistoric world that has just cooled from its volcanic activity, ie a much earlier genesis. And the ship is really huge, wow, I'm really excited about all this. With respect to mutant insurance is defending his friend from the right side (which is burning). And has that long claw on his left arm, like freddy krueger. On the other hand, the scene seems very familiar, like something that had we seen in "The Thing".


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 10:52 PM
I think that those glowing red orbs are not for maping, I think that they are the 2023 version of the magic 8 ball, but now they need the 2nd to confirm the first ball.


MemberOvomorphMar-13-2012 1:15 AM
@Danrald i see what you mean with the blood now that im home and off my phone. Im checking it out the red smears seem to be marking on the ship maybe? thought it was blood on the wall, looks odd though still.


MemberOvomorphMar-13-2012 1:19 AM
Omg! That thing looks really creepy, especially the long fingers/claws. It'll be a blast to see a human slowly transform into that and beyond (The Fly, anyone?). It kinda looks more frightening than original Alien already.

Shilliam Watner

MemberOvomorphMar-13-2012 4:00 AM
The Derelict is not just hovering straight up. It's ascending straight up to leave orbit and Prometheus is trying to catch up with it from a distance flying vertical. I think the Derelict eventually levels out like a flat horse shoe. The reason I say this is because there is some speculation in the ship to ship battle thread that the Derelict has a gun turret on it on one side. I think so too but if the ship was level then it would be able to swivel the turret in a 360 degree rotation. Makes sense. If the ship flew standing straight up all the time then the turret would be useless if trying to fire on a enemy on the other side of the ship. Sorry to get off topic. Now getting to the mutant. I blew the gif up on my 17 inch screen and I could definitely see a elongated vertical big head on him with a big mouth if you look real close and he seems to be mutating into a tall skinny legged proto xeno. Look at his exoskeleton knee caps under his suit in motion. His fingers are long as a average mans forearm.


MemberOvomorphMar-13-2012 5:49 AM
What is interesting to note is that the mutated humanoid with the huge head would seem to fit in perfectly into the Space Jockey suit. It has that same Admiral Ackbar conehead shape. Could it be that whatever infected the human is mutating him into a Space Jockey?


MemberOvomorphMar-13-2012 6:07 AM
I must confess I wasn't that impressed with the ship's design (it seemed to me just an over-sized X-wing)... until I saw this teaser-for-the-trailer! Now, it's up there in my "Best looking Sci-Fi Ships" list... with only one little hiccup: how come those big FTL engines also serve as the ship's VTOL system?


MemberTrilobiteMar-13-2012 8:32 AM
@ Ghorgul... Firstly welcome to the site, but... 2. Why would I be bothered about you mentioning Harkonnen Castle, furthermore why are you trying to insult, as you have done so with Craigomore on another thread. Have we wronged you in a past life, do you not like the staff on this site. Please refrain from insulting people because their opinion differs to yours regarding theories, ideas or grammar. This is a forum, check your egos and tempers at the door. Back on topic - the footage seen in the first trailer looks a hell of a lot more like Harkonnen Castle than the base of the temple shown in the new teaser for the second trailer. The shape in the original trailer really can't be anything else, and I haven't really seen anyone on these forums say otherwise. 3. We see the prometheus nice and intact, then we see and exploding derelict which then rolls as it crashes, and as it does so we see wreckage identical to elements from the Prometheus in the background. The chain of events is logical and simple. The aerial combat idea is a possibility, but a possibility with less evidence than the one above.


MemberOvomorphMar-13-2012 8:56 AM
2. I'm sorry. Your way of expressing your comment of my Harkonnen Castle comment felt somewhat like "This has been discussed earlier... Be quiet" You wrote: "The temple and its likeness was spotted months ago by yours truly" That doesnt come out as really neutral to me. But English is not my 1st language so it's probable I've misunderstood your meaning. Base of the Temple-structure seems to support its resemblance with Harkonnen Castle. Although we will later see what the head part will look like, it could have some surprising features, I think. My guess is also that the hands will be missing. There was some people in this forum or some another saying that it could be coincidental to resemble H. castle shape. Or maybe it's a little trap set up by Mr. Scott to fool with us a little? I'm of course more of the same opinion as you on this Temple, I'm just throwing out some other possibilities. 3. I'll have to respectfully disagree with you on this one :) Saturday or June 8th will show who was closer to the truth, or if we both are totally of-the-map, then Mr. Scott really has succeeded.


MemberFacehuggerMar-13-2012 11:28 AM
Since you guys are discussing this, thought I'd throw up some pictures and a reference to [url=]Snork's post[/url] from December 25 on the temple. [img][/img]


MemberOvomorphMar-13-2012 12:00 PM
Shane, Biomechanic has a great comparison on the 3rd (I think) page of this thread. This should be a whole new thread.. but I hate the idea of it being LV-426.


MemberOvomorphMar-13-2012 11:35 AM
nope I say it 100% is LV-426 100% !!! There ain't a doubt in my mind...and I think his rational is that you would have to be a complete idiot after 33+ years of wating for the next chapter in this thing to see that trailer and it's images and not realize that it was by yourself...sorry...not calling anyone any names here just saying it like it is I think and once agin, I will be the first one ion here to admit how wrong I was if this isn't the case.!!!


MemberOvomorphMar-13-2012 11:29 AM
So, am I the only one thinking that Ridley is now lying about the planet not being LV426? The large planet in the background with the rings makes it hard to think he isn't [there are a few screen captures beyond the one in this thread clearly showing the planet with rings in the background]. Alien picture for reference: [url=ℑ=Nostromo_LV426-jpg][img][/img][/url]
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