MemberOvomorphMay-29-2012 8:43 AM![](http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/310/7/5/happy_carl_sagan_day_2010_by_spoonbard-d32ad4i.jpg)
MemberOvomorphMay-30-2012 6:02 PM![](http://www.scified.com/images/defaultavatar.png)
MemberOvomorphFeb-14-2016 6:11 PM(1st attempt returned a 404, sorry if this is duplicative.) I hit this page searching for lindelof AND hamlet. Turns out Damon Lindelof did produce a story that recapitulated Hamlet in the manner indicated above, along with much other, mostly British, source material, as Lost. You can see my explanation here; you may want to skip to entry #18 if you're in a hurry. It's also the only way to make sense of Lost's plot, therefore he must've expected us to first realize it was a puzzle that the show itself wouldn't provide the solution to, and then to solve it ourselves. Few had the advantage I had, however, of having been Damon's friend.
Hamlet was a great choice for a you-solve-it mystery's basis, because of its play-within-the-play, "by which to catch the conscience of the king". Imagine if Hamlet's visitation by a ghost had been deleted. The 4th wall could stay intact while a character, Hamlet, showed us a miniature version of the hidden plot within, the play within the play, that we could then deduce the hidden details from. That was done several times on Lost.