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Just back from the midnight showing (spoilers-inside)

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MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:04 PM
Just saw Prometheus. I've no idea what my opinion of this movie is yet. Elements of it were outstanding. Others were very, very poor. As for the link to Alien? Very tenuous. Confusing even. I liked: The opening scene - Outstanding The Space Jockeys - initially I was disappointed when I found out there were humanoid. But they are actually very cool. Set design - Awe inspiring Score - Epic David - He's brilliant in it I disliked: Just about every character apart from Janek, Shaw and David - In fairness most of them were canonfodder, but others were just very unlikeable (Fifield especially) Pacing - The film feels like a heavily edited TV version. It seems very obvious there is going to be a lengthy director's cut. Protoxeno - Film would have been better without it. Seriously, it looks awful. Unfinished - Clearly released as half of a story. Lindelof's influence - The film stinks of it. More questions raised that answered. Seriously, It's like Lindelof deliberately does this to piss viewers off. Alien Connection - In the final 8 minutes Shaw and David's head leave in a SJ ship. The final dialogue in the film is Shaw leaving a warning message advising no ship to come to the point of origin. It's like they are trying to suggest that the planet is LV426. If this is the case, the eggs, SJ in the seat with the hole in it's chest, remains of the Prometheus ship etc all remain unanswered points in Alien. As gutted as I am to admit it, Prometheus is a mediocre film overall, however, I did enjoy it... I think. I'll need to sleep on it. A director's cut (and possibly a sequel) could go a long way towards rectifying a lot of the film's flaws, but ultimately I wanted to see a great story in a great film. Instead I saw a flawed story in half a film. This score may change, but at the moment 5/10. Feel free to ask any questions :)
45 Replies


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:16 PM
id say the acting was fine, but then, there isnt any connection to the characters, so when i see someone die, or when i see someone make a confession or something is said that is 'sposed to raise my interest i couldnt care less. this film lacks intrigue. the script is flawed.


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:11 PM
It wasn't good


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:12 PM
"Just about every character apart from Janek, Shaw and David - In fairness most of them were canonfodder, but others were just very unlikeable (Fifield especially)" - Was the acting bad for those characters? Perhaps hating them was what they wanted you to do, why do you hate them? Pacing - I would be upset too but I would still be happy with what I get. Protoxeno - WITHOUT SPOILING WHAT IT IS AND HOW ITS MADE, what was so ugly about it? Lindelof's influence - Perhaps a second viewing will allow you to notice anything new? Unfinished - If the movie needs another movie to finish the story then ill gladly wait.


AdminPraetorianMay-31-2012 9:06 PM
So, France wasn't overreacting then?? It really isn't great??


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:12 PM
@ Svanya Very sorry to say it, but it isn't great. Don't get me wrong, parts of it are awesome, but overall I would have to say it's a failure. I appreciate my expectations were never likely to be reached, but still... I don't like to be the bearer of bad news, but I feel I have to be totally honest (sad face)


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:13 PM
^^ diesektor nailed it with that one. id disagree with xeno and make point that the score detracted from the visuals. bog standard recipe of grand score turning severe when something omnious is shown even though there isnt anything of worth on the screen.

Thadus 12

MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:13 PM
Just got back myself from the midnight showing. I consider myself a massive Alien fan and cant help feeling cheated by Prometheus.My first words on leaving the cinema were ''i want my money back'' This film is not scary and the horrific scenes people are talking about,namely fifield,milburn and Shaws caesarian cant,in any shape or form, hold a candle to Kanes scene in Alien. The proto xeno at the end? why oh why? This film has failed miserably to live up to its own hype Thadus 12= A very disgruntled Alien fan


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:14 PM
Eeeh.... "Lindelof's influence - The film stinks of it".... This is BAD... :( :( :(


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:17 PM
I'm disappointed, to keep it brief the film was just that, everything moved too fast, characters come across underdeveloped, nothing really has time to settle in. Overload of cgi in regard to the creatures, the tone seems a bit mismatched as well from bleak horror to curious exploration.

Thadus 12

MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:17 PM
Lindelof= A shit stain on the toilet paper of humanity Alot of the released score wasnt even in the film and even certain pieces of dialogue from the trailers wasnt used either! Its bad


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:18 PM
@Roberta Blame the media that called him "Master of mystery"


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:19 PM
The score is terrible, where you really need silence to create atmosphere you get this recurring horn motif that sounds like it has come from an 80's TV movie


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:19 PM
In regards to the "it's not scary" statement I am seeing here. Perhaps it is not scary in regards to OUR standards and comparing it to alien. I still want to assume there are some pretty gory scenes.


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:20 PM
@ Nick To be honest, most of the characters feel like extras. Everyone you see in the trailer has a part to play (some far more than others), but the rest are just periphery. Vickers was quite good, but also seemed pointless in the film. Without spoiling too much, she might even be in the sequel. You are lead to believe she is dead, but you don't explicitly see it. Fifield is meant to be unlikeable, but I was glad when he was off screen. I couldn't really describe the proto without spoiling it... I will if you want though. Lindelof - I don't think so. Perhaps, but I didn't feel like I 'missed' anything. It seemed intentionally ambiguous. Unfinished - Basically yes. If a sequel is made, I will be eager to see it. But it just feels underwhelming to be anticipating a film for so long just to find out it's not a full film. As I said, I think I'll be able to analyse it better tomorrow with a clear head, but at the moment I'm getting more disappointed ny the second I i remember bits. (sadder face)


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:21 PM
Hate to rub salt in the wounds...but I told you so. 5 writers over the span of three years does not make for a good story. And sorry but [i]Lost[/i] is a piece of garbage. Tell a simple story well, and answer two questions, thats all Ridley had to do. No, he wanted to make some stupid space opera crap. I knew this would happen, I just knew it.


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:24 PM
>>"If this is the case, the eggs, SJ in the seat with the hole in it's chest, remains of the Prometheus ship etc all remain unanswered points in Alien." let me guess. shaw ends up having to further sabotage SJ attempts to get the bioweapon to earth. and some more bone-ships crash-land. If there was some sort of surprise and its' been saved for the sequel.. (which i kind of doubt, i think its just random) that makes the original half a film.. but I bet they're just going to make another film about a crash. the fact it *isn't* the lv426 ship looks very contrived! its like they've had to go out of their way to suggest that it might be then the surprise in this film is that it isn't.


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:26 PM
@Soyabeanz Re the score, I really enjoyed it. It wasn't used entirely appropriately, but at the same time, the film had no scenes that would have required a softer score to build tension. It was closer to Aliens that Alien in terms of feeling. This was not a horror film, it was an action film.


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:26 PM
xenomorpheus(and others who have seen it) is it clear that it is Lindelof's writing that screwed this up for you? Who do you feel dropped the ball and what would you have like to have seen?


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:28 PM
Umm, im glad i did not hype my self up to see this movie, when i do see it ill probably enjoy the movie a lot more than those who placed unbelievable faith and expectation in this movie as being the quintessential sci fi flick of the next century...but then again as far as movies go im easy to please. After a certain amount of self pomp , hype and expectation nothing will satisfy what you were expecting and the only thing left would have been disappointment. I think for this movie, people will either love it or hate, with very few inbetween. Personally i hated Titantic yet it went on to make 1billion in boxoffice receipts.


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:30 PM
@SaintsSinphony From what I know of Lindelof's input, he basically changed the story entirely to the film that was actually made. I would have far rather seen the bonafide Alien prequel that RS had in mind before Lindelof got involved. Edit: So to answer the question (lol), Yes. I would say it is clear that it was Lindelof.


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:30 PM
Well I hope there is another thread from people who loved it... I won't like to lose hope completely

Dark Giger

MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:31 PM
I also just got back from the midnigjt showing and feel completly deflated. This could have been epic, instead the film was confused, and leaves you thinking wtf was that all about, unfortunatly not the type of post film thinking "i realy need to ser that again" to understand. Maybe after waiting 30 years for a film i wanted them to make caused the anti climax. There were just so many pointless lines that simply didnt work. No suspense. No gore, and the link with the alien at the end seemed like it was put there just for the sake of it. Concusion Nice try at what should have been a game changer, scenes from evrry sci fi squezed into one. Acting was ok, but no real feelings from any of the characters. We didnt even get to ser captin have his was with the ice woman. Too many cannon fodder that died in very boring ways. Anything good? 3d was ok, nowt special like they said. Good cgi , terreble rubber mosters,. Absolutly gutted :(


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:31 PM
I've also just returned from a midnight showing....Hmmmm, massively dissapointing. Started well enough then very quickly ran out of steam.The film is very badly edited and seems disjointed. I'm also guessing there is a whole raft of directors' cuts to come. Problem is, I don't think I could stand another 45 minutes of the film. There is very little character development other than Shaw and David. Charlize Theron is underused and much of the plot is fairly predictable. Some of the acting is very poor and what looked like promising plotlines in the trailers go nowhere. I found the ending slightly confusing, bearing in mind comments made by Ridley Scott. The original Alien movie worked because of it's dark, claustrophobic atmosphere and sense of rising panic. This one sadly lacks either of these. I really wanted to like Prometheus and have been counting down the days. This is the most dissapointing film I have seen for a while. If you have seen the trailers you have seen the movie. This one is, for me, closer to Alien Resurrection than Alien. Sometimes less is more! However it is 3.30am and I'm pretty tired. I will sleep on it for a while and see how I feel in the morning. Also Gutted!!!


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:33 PM
I liked it...but I'd divorced myself from the Alien tie in and watched it with a clean set of eyes....this should never have been hyped or set in the alien universe...such a pointless and pretentious agenda by Fox and RS If you're going to tie it in, go balls's weak...and every review that scores it bad is based on that central's actually the fair weather and non fanatic amongst us that will love this film Trailers were good though weren't they? We saw it for free!


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:33 PM
@Dark Giger Yep, 'gutted' is the exact word for it. We all waited so long! (saddest face so far)


AdminPraetorianMay-31-2012 9:34 PM
@Dirtyjack; OMG it's not like Resurrection.. srsly?? Please no. o_O


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:38 PM
@Arkadine If you manage to find one person who loves this, please let us know. I'm not surprised to see so many other disappointed fans.

Dark Giger

MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:43 PM
I hoPe there are some as one Post here siad. That dint look at it from a fanatic view, feel sorry for the yanks who read this thread. Im going to bed to sulk now, and to prey the dont make a sequal , um Prequal sequal sequal Fuck it its late


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:40 PM
Just wondering after reading all this, is that the same closely guarded script that 20th Century Fox and company hyped so much? Because sometimes good scripts get undone while filming a movie...


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:41 PM
@Arkadine @ Merc7 I'd very much like to see someone start a thread about how good it is. I would hate to think that so many of the good guys on this forum are going to be as disappointed as me with it. After how long the regulars have been using this forum, it would be excellent to read the thoughts of someone that genuinely loved the film and felt fulfilled from it.
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