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AdminEngineerJun-09-2012 9:37 PMIn Prometheus Fifield and Milburn stumble upon a pile of dead Engineers in their Bio-Suits in the East wing of the Alien Temple. Some of the Engineers show busted heads, others show busted rub cages. What could have caused this?
Obviously, something got "out" in the Temple and prevented the Engineers from departing from LV_223 some 2000 years prior to the events of December, 2093.
When David activated the holographic recording of the Engineers running away from something, the crew follow them to entrance of the Ampule Room where one of the Engineers perished at the foot of the door before being decapitated by it.
Why were the Engineers seeking refuge in the Ampule in the first place? Where did they go? Were they eventually found in that room and dragged to where Fifield and Milburn discover their dead remains?
Also, where are the beings responsible for this? Did they disappear? Or perhaps did they hijack one of the other Juggernaut Space Vessels as it was attempting to escape and this is what brings us to ALIEN? Could the original Xenomorph creation (Seen in the Mural) be the cause of this massacre? Could they have gotten on one of the ships without the Engineer knowing? Or was this something else? Could it have been a different breed of Alien?
An interesting thing to note is that the way in which the Engineers were all gathered in one place and then killed (I'm assuming) mimics that of what we see in ALIENS and even a deleted scene of ALIEN - where the Xenomorphs drag their victims to a spot, near the Hive's core where they can be impregnated and the offspring born without danger.
Could an Alien Hive have been created on LV_223 inside the Engineer Temple? Could a premature Queen have emerged and started reproducing and forming a Hive?
If so, then what caused them to disappear? Why did Fifield and Milburn not discover Hive resin on the walls? Or any remains from the antagonists? Could the Aliens have ventured to another Temple in search of more hosts? Or did the Engineers find a way to stop them somehow?
This topic contains many, many, many questions for you all to dissect and speculate over. Post your thoughts and opinions on this here! Hopefully we will get our answer when Prometheus 2 surfaces!
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
318 Replies

Indy John
MemberOvomorphJul-18-2012 6:22 AM"..when he was dead/lost his head .."
Was there many kind of timestamp on the holograph movies? I mdon't recall any mention in the various threads.
Also was there any deterioration of the Engineers' head,,observed by the crew..before being electrified?
At my movie showing there was a promo for the Tim Burton movie,,'Frankenweenie' They aslo used an electrifying system to bring back life into a dead form.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

MemberOvomorphJul-18-2012 6:03 PMLots of good theories in here. Let me suggest my own.
Chris, you stated something I think everyone should pay attention to - the head being examined on Prometheus. I'll get to that after I point this out - Antony - your link to the article explaining (speculative) plot hole answers and the like, is a good post, I like the way the writer exclaims that the Xeno's were pretty obviously already alive thousands of years previous to the events of Prometheus. However, I don't accredit this theory 100%. Not because of plot holes - but because of common sense. If the Xeno's were being engineered and made by the Engineers, then why would they have canisters of the Dark Matter and not Xenomorph Eggs?
My theory is driven on just that. I do agree with his theory though. So let me conclude and tie it all together.
I believe that the Dark Matter was used to make Xeno's, and that the Engineers had found that out a long time before Prometheus events. However, because Xeno's are so insane and viral, I think they chose to engineer the roots of what creates a Xeno-like creature. I say Xeno-like, because the Dark Matter obviously can affect a human, a worm, another creature, any host really. So my theory stems off that idea - the Dark Matter, IS the bioweapon, they obviously planted it and built it up on LV-223 and it was their holding grounds for their 'nuke' if you will. This was their defense weapon, to use against any species that posed a threat (or, maybe even if they wanted to just conquer other planets/galaxies).
To add to this, the Xenomorph process took a LONG way to happen. David dropped Dark Matter in Holloway's drink, Holloway and Shaw have sex, and ONLY BY THIS METHOD does the squid-like creature that seems to evolve and reproduce the MOST come to life. And after all that, it still needs to infect and inject its own organic material into another host (Engineer) in order for the Xeno (or Xeno-LIKE creature) to finally be born. Because of all this, I think the Engineers realized and utilized the power of the Dark Matter as their main weapon, instead of going to all the trouble to build a Xeno army.
Let me expand on that last part now. The Xeno-being-old theory stands, but only on a certain limitation. I think either A) the Xeno's were too much work or B) the Xeno (like humans) were an accident and weren't exactly a precise lab-test, but more of a freak-accident: a mixture of Dark Matter and any biological organism. Because of this, how could the Engineers sit and make Xeno's? Obviously they figured out ONE test that worked, which proves to be the ship that crashed on LV-426. But I don't think they had thousands of ships with Xeno Eggs. In fact, I bet that's the only one. And because of how dangerous the Xeno's are, I think the Engineers were really smart to leave 426 alone when their buddy crashed there.
This is my theory. As with every/any one else's theories, it has loopholes too, but it seems to make the most sense.
On a lighter note - lots of you (and other people/other forums) are questioning the hologram and the Engineers fleeing LV-223. While I was questioning this at first too, I think it's becoming less and less relevant - they OBVIOUSLY held an extremely dangerous superweapon on this planet, and when shit hit the fan and started killing off their own - they had to get out.
To answer Chris' question earlier about the head on Prometheus - it had Dark Matter on it, not very clean and fresh, but already infected and infused with the head, covered by years of dust and preserved flesh, and once they stick their little needle-sensor tool into it to up some amps and trick the nervous system into thinking it's still alive - the Dark Matter starts acting up AS WELL, which, to me, perfectly explains a few things. The first - why the head explodes. The second, why the head explodes instead of infects further as it does on the human crew of Prometheus. The third, why the Engineers were leaving LV-223: their biological weapon got loose on themselves. However, the one who was still asleep obviously wanted to finish his 'mission' if you will, which is pointed out by David - Earth is a target.
This all ties in to each other. Earth is the target because the Engineer at the beginning of the movie was an outcast, an exiled sinner, completely shunned from his kind because of something he did wrong. When he used their own powerful weapon to kill himself off (as commanded, I presume), his body left one small strand of DNA and it spawned humans. This explains why the awakened Engineer is so angry - we are a mistake, we were never meant to be created by the Engineers. The last big loophole to my theory here is the cave pictograms discovered at every ancient civilization. But I have a probable answer for that too. One of two scenarios, follow me here, I'm almost done.
Scenario 1: The Engineers kept a close eye on us after our race spawned, and returned a few times to help teach/guide/watch/take notes on what the hell we've been doing. As time went on and we began to space travel and build nuclear weapons, maybe the theme here is the same as several other sci-fi movies - that the Engineers couldn't see humans destroy other planets - other galaxies - with our nuclear power. Maybe we have/are getting too powerful for our own good and could cause a problem for Engineers and other races. On a side note, maybe that monitoring of us led them to believe we might someday surpass their technological level and pose a threat.
Scenario 2: The Engineers came back to Earth only a few times, way back when humans were still fairly new (ancient days) to give us a 'starmap' of where they were. Maybe they wanted us to come find them, and because it took so many hundreds of years for our own technology to advance, that they either A) felt abandoned/hated by us, meaning we hated our makers therefore what do we mean to them? ..... or B) quite simply, they were busy working on their superweapon and (until 2089 when we got to them) they simply hadn't made it back to Earth yet to destroy us.
The last and final theory I have.... Scenario 3: The only Engineer we see alive, is the one that was in hyper-sleep. This leads to a whole other, final theory I have, (and kind of goes hand-in-hand with Scenario 1) that maybe the Engineers' homeplanet lost communication/contact with LV-223, but because of the danger and death of the Dark Matter on the planet, maybe they thought it best to leave well enough alone and not go back, in fear that the Dark Matter would return and destory themselves. And to go along with that, if this WAS/IS the last Engineer alive on LV-223, that would explain why Earth never got destroyed by the Engineers; the accident that killed off many of them on 223 held them from ever finalizing their 'mission' of killing us.
Lots of speculation, but I think we're asking too many questions. In fact, that's part of why I love and find beauty in Prometheus so much - is all of these epic events lead to more questions, but the beauty is IN THOSE EVENTS themselves - the crash of the ship on LV-223, the spawn of a Xeno at the end of the film, the incredible strength of humans (most specifically Dr. Shaw and how she performs a cesarean procedure) all lead to one question nobody is asking or answering about Prometheus: why are there so many questions? This film is absolutely amazing, and very dark, but I just love how a lot of the events in the movie really tell the story of why, but many of us are asking why of other things in the universe, such as the first Alien. But really, it's more unrelated than we think, and that's not a bad thing. Prometheus and the content of it are a masterful way of depicting where humans came from, and possibly some of how/why Xeno's were brought about. But in an interview of Ridley Scott, he clearly explains that this is not a prequel and that to connect Prometheus to Alien, it'd be another 2-3 movies from here. It makes sense to me, why doesn't it make sense to anyone else? A lot has to happen! The Xeno-like creature at the end of Prometheus is NOT the Xeno's found on the first Alien. Lots of things need to happen first! Xeno eggs aren't even being transported yet by Engineers.
Sequels and time will tell. But I hope I had some insight or new ideas for some of you to harp upon. If I have any bad or unreasonable theories, I'd love to discuss it with any of you that disagrees with me!
Thanks for reading my ramblings on this garbage. Prometheus is my favorite film.

MemberOvomorphJul-19-2012 4:20 AM@Indy John:
[i]"Was there many kind of timestamp on the holograph movies?"[/i]
The first recording showed an Engineer being killed. That event happened about 2000 years ago, according to Holloway's gadget.
Maybe the dark matter is God! Moving in very mysterious ways :)
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

Indy John
MemberOvomorphJul-19-2012 5:37 AM"..maybe that monitoring of us led them to believe we might someday surpass their technological level and pose a threat..."
Your post went fine with the morning coffee...
Another specuulation on the visits to Earth,,maybe some Engineer,,left advanced Techology accidebt,,that humans found and used to 'jump start civilization...(eventually to be an Engineer threat)
Sort of like the original Prometheus story of giving humans fire..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life
MemberOvomorphJul-31-2012 1:07 AMI think once we see the deleted scene with David communicating with the engineer we will get some more clues and ideas. I remember some where it says engineers actually spoke a couple words TO david in that deleted scene so it will be essential to see what words the engineer said to David.
One thing that is hard to explain this event is why did the engineers store the black-goo bio weapon on LV-223 and then give away the location of lv-223 on the cave paintings???

MemberDeaconJul-30-2012 7:35 AM@ChaseNine
Some Interesting ideas....
If we look at the deleted scenes however it would apear that the Engineer was not so much forced to kill himself.
This was some kind of Ritual Sacrifice for some purpose, maybe they never thought his DNA would go on to create life, or maybe they knew or hopped that it would we just dont know.
If we go by the Cave Paintings and other Ancient findings that relate to the Engineers on Earth, as far as the movie goes it apears that some of the Engineers either.
1) Visited Earth from time to time.
2) Was stationed on Earth a long time ago.
Maybe both as far as being stationed on some craft or even the moon near Earth where they observed us.
Something happened that stopped them either coming back, or caused them to go away or maybe we wiped them out who knows. But it is likely that they never visited us again after the downfall of LV 223 and the outbreak that killed off all but maybe one Engineer on LV 223.
This raises a few issues, surely then that event 2000 years ago is why they never came back because they could not they was all gone but one of them.
Does that mean the lone survivor had different intentions than the others, did he hijack their plans and sabotage their plan to destroy Earth. Or did the others try to stop him from destroying Earth but he unleashed something on them.
A massive question has to be why have no other Engineers from their Homeworld come back to see what happened on LV 223 or what became of their mission....
Are the Engineer Elders all gone on their homeoworld? if so that makes a pretty poor Prometheus 2 with a headless Android and Shaw vs Organisms/Bio Weapons left behind... that would be just another Aliens type movie.
So maybe they did not know about the LV 223 outpost, and creation of Mankind on Earth? Maybe a group of Engineers created us without the knowledge and consent of the Homeworld, i.e they was the Prometheus.
Maybe they went to wipe us out to cover up their tracks of the abuse of the secrets the Fire of the Gods so as to avoid punishment by the Homeworld/Gods.
But in doing so it went pear shaped.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconJul-30-2012 7:42 AM@ChaseNine
Also another thought of mine....
If the Black Substance Creates Xenos and is the same thing in Prometheus on LV 223 that infected the Worms and Crew, if this is the same as what was given to the Sacrificial Engineer, then how come his genetics started to break down?
Why was he not mutated into a Organism?
Why do we see no Eggs in Prometheus and only Urns?
I believe that the substance that the Sacrificial Engineer had taken breaks down his DNA to make building blocks that will create or mutate life to take on traits and DNA of the Engineer.
I believe that the same process was maybe used to break down the Xeno Bio Weapons DNA and they then contained that broken down substance/DNA in those Urns as opposed to allowing it to drain into the Waterfall as the Engineers was.
This would then provide a way to break down the Xeno DNA so that it can be used as a liquid that can change and modify DNA of lifeforms to take on traits of the Original Xeno Organism.
Potentially being a much safer way to store and contain the Bio Weapon and also allowing it to have many uses as a fluid that contains some substance mixed with Xeno DNA that can alter lifeforms DNA.
As opposed to storing Deadly Cargo of Eggs that create a Organism that is hard to control.
Thats just my hunch as far as the connection between the substance the Urns and Eggs.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017
MemberOvomorphJul-30-2012 10:37 AM Infidel's observation is incorrect, the one where it is speculated that the decapitated engineer was who the other engineers were running from. Tht engineer slipped and fell and was unfortunate to fall right where the door slammed shut on his neck.
MemberOvomorphAug-06-2012 8:39 PM You know what's bizarre?
I'm staring at the image of the pile of dead God Engineers and listening to Duran Duran's 'Save A Prayer".

MemberXenomorphAug-07-2012 8:32 AMBig dave
I like what you're saying. A lot logic in that post in there.

MemberDeaconAug-30-2012 6:59 AM@keep-itreal
Indeed those scenes would reveal a bit more, maybe thats why they was deleted?
The David and Engineer Scene had apparently a few exchanges and the engineer never spoke just once but a few times how many a few is, well thats not known but it would mean that The Engineer answered back to David/Crew at least twice.
Also the Sacrificial Scene had some Engineer Dialog as well, between the Elder and the Sacrificial Engineer.
We can only assume that the full translated Sacrificial Scene would had given us more understanding to exactly why the Engineer was given the Sacrificial Bowl and what the intentions of that action were.
And the Full and Translated David and Engineer scene may had given us some insight into the Engineers thoughts about the crew after being awoken and also answers to some of the Questions that Shaw was maybe asking who knows.
I think both scenes was cut because Ridley wants the Elders and Engineers to remain a mystery that will be answered in Prometheus 2.
Thus Prometheus 2 will show Engineer Dialog, it will be where we will see the Elders and their relation to the Engineers, it will be where we would get some answered to what purpose the Engineers have and why they created mankind and then wanted us destroyed and maybe what the purpose of LV 223 really was.
But i think the fall of LV 223 and its purpose will be shown in Prometheus 3 along with maybe what becomes of LV 223 after the events of Prometheus and maybe finally the explanation of the Xeno Organism, its creation and how/why it ended up on LV 426.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphAug-31-2012 3:11 PMinteresting theory, im gonna work off of that...
Calling all the Cubos
MemberOvomorphSep-02-2012 2:03 AM Okay, I'm totally disagreeing on the, 'Engineer was a sinner or outcast', I'm not going with that suggestion at all.

MemberOvomorphSep-04-2012 10:10 PMI have tried to read as many of these posts as possible and of course everyone is engaging in too many conjectural hypothetical reasons.
Let’s explore the facts. Our clues as to what really happened to the engineers may be revealed or it may not; but, let’s stick to the facts.
First, David is able to play back the hologram of the Engineers running away from something.
Second, I want to make this point clear and simple. This is a make believe all the way fictions story so there are no clear rules when even the writers themselves (and directors do not really know what’s going on in the film they made).
This film is a shotty piece of !@#$%^& with so many plot holes in it, that it may not have been worth anyone's time to try and make sense of this part of the film.
Third, and this is a fact, we know that these Engineers were creating weapons on this planet. Their real motives go beyond the scope of this discussion and cannot be related to unless we all just decide to say anything that comes to mind about this entire subject and give in to complete and an utter waste of formal logic and reason.
Fourth, we know that they create the Xenomorph in this research facility because of the very stupid reveal at the end of the film.
Fifth, even though these engineers are aliens and they are very intelligent they are formidable opponents cable of a pretty good fight for their size and weight.
Sixth, in the navigational chamber our species shot a very powerful weapon at one of these engineers and it just did not affect it or slow it down at all.
Seventh, why is one of these engineers even there after all the engineers from the other scene in the movie all get killed by "Something?" it takes the time to pile each of their bodies one by one in a nice little pile indicating that this is Xenomorph behavior? Have you ever seen the Xenomorphs do this in any of the other films? NO YOU HAVE NOT!
Eighth, FACT!!!!!!! all of you should never have commented on this discussion if you did not fully understand what the original movie was about or what the Engineers were doing by creating these Xenomorphs. You should never try to discuss hypotheticals about the true nature of that which you do not have an appropriate understanding.
Before we get to the Ninth fact it would be prudent to say exactly what the Xenomorphs are and what they are made of. The Xenomorphs at the molecular level are part biological and synthetically derived organic and inorganic molecular compound-machines. In the original alien Ripley asks android scientist "ASH", what he is looking at in the microscope and Ash replies "Its feeding him oxygen, well it is an interesting combination of elements, it has a funny way of replacing his cells with polarized SILICON." Silicon is not organic and it is also not quite metallic. Xenomorphs have highly concentrated acid for blood. AND DID you ever see those BIG GIANT shiny METALLIC TEETH. You all seem to have forgotten these most obvious facts that the Xenomorphs are part organic and metal....Do any of you have any naturally occurring large teeth like formations of metal in your bodies after billions of years of evolution. NO! hell no you do not because it is very difficult to chemically bind together organic nonmetallic elements (hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, oxygen) to anything Metal. Nor do we see this bonding at the molecular level in any other organism on earth with the exception of bacteria that can break down metals including heavy metals; but, it does not mean that they are made of any metal parts.
Just because you see a Xenomorph do not assume that what you are looking at is organic like we are. The Engineers created the part organic machine with very obvious Nano combinations that have to do with some other aspect of the Xenomorphs DNA? hundreds or thousands of Chromosomal pairs???? We do not know the limits of DNA because it has not had enough time to evolve. I am sure there are possibilities that go even beyond what is discussed or depicted in these sometimes extraordinary and also stupid films.
Ninth FACT! Once again why is there this last Engineer just sleeping there? Had there been a Xenomorph attack do you not think that even the STUPID DUMB A$$ ohhhh sorry I mean so smart we can make organic and metallic Nano machines so complex that even though they are machines we have enough intelligence to program them so that they will not attack and kill us, their creators. When is the last time your computer tried to jump off the table and take you out. And that is the entire point of this discussion, these Xenomorphs are machines very much like a very metallic weapon no matter how fast they move - they are agile and have organic parts (cells?) to process sensory information to adapt to their environments and blend in-too much metal and even primitive technologies can track and see you.
I will not engage in senseless conjectural hypotheticals about maybes or could be this? It is pointless and a waste of time.
I will make an educated guess, OK and that is it!
I think they were running from whatever the other Engineer let loose on them. The Engineer that the humans find sleeping just all happy and unaffected by all the other mayhem that left all those other Engineers all neatly stacked in a nice big pile.....why didn't it or they grab the decapitated engineer too and stack him with rest - like the Xenomorphs always do! NOT!!!!!
Tenth and Final fact!!! Nothing burst out the nicely stacked pile of dead Engineers so no Xenomorphs did this OK no Xenos did this to the Engineers!!!
I just wont ask well could it have been something else in one of the other Engineer vials in the museum chamber? No I will not because there is no point in it. I might as well just say it could be any subjective anything.
I hate to be so harsh to the community but if you are going to discuss something intelligently then do so within the framework of the fictitiously depicted facts. The film is too flawed in so many ways to give it any real credit. It is impressive visually and that is all. It lacks any other real substance that improves upon other movies made in the franchise.
Sorry guys and gals that is show business for you. They are in this to make a buck and that seems like all they were in this one for.

MemberDeaconSep-05-2012 9:59 AM"Seventh, why is one of these engineers even there after all the engineers from the other scene in the movie all get killed by "Something?" it takes the time to pile each of their bodies one by one in a nice little pile indicating that this is Xenomorph behavior? Have you ever seen the Xenomorphs do this in any of the other films? NO YOU HAVE NOT!"
I have to say yes while your correct we never see Xenos stack up bodies like that i may inform you that in Alien the Xeno (deleted Scene) dragged Dallas and Brett to another part of the ship to be cocooned etc. And in Aliens they collected the alive bodies of the Colony Workers and took them to a part of the Plant where they was Cocooned.
This clearly shows the Xenos are not just mindless killers and they will collect and carry Host Bodies to another location. Again this is not Fact that the Prometheus bodies was stacked up by Xenos or Xeno type Organisms, they may had been stacked by the Last Engineer or even other Engineers who have since long left we just dont know how they got there.
You also say the movie is Sci Fi and so our discussions are irrelevant and should not hypothesize on anything because as fiction the writers could have any reason for the occurrences.
But then you give scientific sentences to describe the Xenos as having Metal and other reasons based on a more scientific basis.... when how do we know as you said the movie is Fiction and thus anything and everything is possible even if scientifically impossible.
As far as facts goes there are not many Facts as far as within whats shown in the movies. so much is down to ambiguity and open for debate until Ridley comes along and says something is such a such.
The Space Jockey was a debatable subject but now Ridley has cleared up that its a Space suit that contains a large Humanoid.
We know the Xeno Cycle, we know they appear to be bio mechanical.
But we do not know of how and when they was created or indeed that LV 233 was where they came from.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconSep-05-2012 10:07 AMAnother point about the Space Jockey bodies and the holes and how they could not be Xenos or Xeno type Organisms.
Ridley has stated that the Space Jockey on LV 426 was chest busted by a Xeno that came from the Eggs it was carrying.
In Alien the crew found no bodies and no proof of what happened or where that Chest Buster had got to, is it not plausible that for the same reasons Organisms that may had Chest Busted from the Space Jockeys could also go AWOL?
Another point and interesting one is yes why did the Last Engineer remain safe?
The other Sarcophagus had holes in them, so what ever Organism that either escaped or entered them could do so with ease and so the Last Engineers sarcophagus could not had proven to be a safe heaven for him unless.
1) He was away from the Temple when the S$£"% hit the fan.
2) The holes was caused by Chest Busters getting out and thus the Organism does not enter a sarcophagus after Chest Busting but then whats stopping a Adult Organism getting to the Engineer in the last untouched sarcophagi?
3) Or was the Organisms somehow controlled by the Last Engineer and thats why he was not attacked?
We just dont know.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 12:11 AMWell, being that some (or all) of the dead Engineers appeared to have been
'Chest-Bursted'; this would imply that, yes, there was definitely an outbreak involving THE BLACK GOO.
The DECAPITATED Engineer actually appeared to be clutching his abdomen as he fell to his knees, almost as if a little Xeno was bursting forth as he collapsed.
Also, the presence of the sticky Green Goop all over the walls, etc implies to me the presence of Xenos. (That crap looks EXACTLY like Xeno spit/goo in the old films)
So, the real questions for me are:
"Where did the Xenos go after bursting out of and destroying most of the Engineers?" (if they died, would they have decomposed by now? would the acidy blood assist their quick decomosition?)
and, of course,
"Where were the Engineers fleeing TOWARDS??" Cryo? The Green Crystal??
MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 7:14 PM Prehilinity asks: "If you had such power with knowledge would you behave in such a ridiculous way?"
Are you new to planet Earth?
Here's a few to sober you and others that may be like minded, to be made aware of:
Lisa Nowak
Amy Bishop
Rainer Reinscheid
Nidal Malik Hasan
David Russell Williams
Harold 'Fred' Shipman
That's just a few....

MemberOvomorphSep-30-2012 3:26 PMI think it's a pretty safe assumption that the engineers seen running away from something were running away from the last engineer attempting to enter, who falls to his knees from being contaminated, then is killed by the door, which is closed on him by his comrades. An outbreak that got out of control.
It does seem somewhat unrealistic, however, that the engineers, who are an extremely advanced race, controlling bio-weapons of sorts at the level we see and who have been around for billions of years, couldn't control an outbreak. It's also odd that at that level of sophistication, they're operating their work in, what would appear to be a primitive stone temple. It seems sloppy and represents a level of concern for safety that's so low, it's a wonder it hasn't happened more often.
Someone very wisely asked a very good question. Why didn't anyone from the engineers' home world come to clean up, or at least protect the ampules? Surely, the goo isn't something to be left lying around for someone else to pick up. To say that perhaps they did, but found the remains too risky is not realistic. The engineers, knowing what to do, what to touch and not touch, where to go and not go, with more sophisticated surveying equipment, protective suits and weapons, etc., could've gone in and swept up quite nicely, not to mention retrieve the ampules.
But as I've said before, it's a movie. And we often overanalyze things and want to make things perfectly make sense. Movies often need scenes that really don't make sense (in reality it wouldn't happen), but the movie needs to go down a path and tell a story. Whether it works is all opinion.

MemberDeaconOct-01-2012 1:44 PM@Fleshvessel
Yes the Engineers could have been running away from the infected Engineer, but how would they had known he was infected? And also if they did why did they not try and stop him from getting so close, as from the Hologram we can see he nearly made it to the room and had he not fell over he would have got inside the chamber the others went too.
Also we see as the Engineers are first shown running away that a few are looking back over their shoulders and one of them falls over but he is not the last of the bunch and the first one to fall over had about 3 more behind him. We then see next the one at the back (maybe one who fell and got overtaken) was also looking over his shoulder.
We then see the furthest behind one fall over a rock, and then get back up but this may have cost him time, so he could not make it into the Chamber we also see however that he seems to clutch his Chest and Collapse just as the door comes down on his head.
His Body has holes in his lower leg and feet area.
Its thus hard to say if the others was running away from him, it would appear they was running away from something else and that they may not have noticed they was infected.
This brings us to the dead bodies, there seems to be like 12 or so of them.
So somehow something got to them or something broke out of them.
They indeed know how deadly the Bio Weapons they are dealing with are, in Alien the Space Jockey left a Warning to Warn that no one comes down there to the ship.
So it would appear they consider once they have a outbreak or compromised cargo they simply leave it and dont try to recover it, which is also why i dont buy the whole concept of them creating us purely to use as a Host for the Bio Weapon or more so, to have us changed into Eggs.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 7:10 PM@BigDave
[b]Also we see as the Engineers are first shown running away that a few are looking back over their shoulders and one of them falls over but he is not the last of the bunch and the first one to fall over had about 3 more behind him. We then see next the one at the back (maybe one who fell and got overtaken) was also looking over his shoulder.[/b]
I saw the movie recently and i agree with you.They were running from something else not the infected Engineer.

MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 8:27 PM@ Xeno1985
Agreed. After seeing again, the engineer who collapses *was* looking behind him, like he was running from something.

MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 9:10 PMRight at the start of the recording you can hear a loud scream or a growl, whichever works. At the final scene when another deacon is born out of the engineer's body you can hear him growl the same type of growl as heard in the recording. I would therefore think the engineers were running from a deacon that has possibly gone out of control and was hunting them, eventually killing all but the last one in crayo

MemberOvomorphOct-02-2012 6:53 PMBy the way,I believe the green goo in the Chamber is the blood of the Xenomorph.

MemberDeaconOct-03-2012 6:35 AMI am not thinking it is a Deacon not one that is the same as the one in the movie.
As that creature was not pure Xeno...
You see we see the Face Hugger in Alien onwards is a pure Organism that comes from the Egg and we see that the resulting Xenos look similar regardless of Host.
The Deacon had no Tail, it also never had the tubes on its back and finally its teeth are well Human looking, and this is because it was born from a Hybrid Face Hugger that contained Human+Xeno DNA that implanted the Engineer.
We do not know yet what would come from a Engineer getting Face Hugged by the traditional Xeno, but we could assume that it would be bigger than the Normal Xenos from Human Hosts but i would believe it would still look pretty much more Xeno than Deacon. Also the Chest Buster in Alien from the Space Jockey was not massive judging by the hole it made.
We do not know what the outcome of a mutated Engineer would be if infected with the Black Substance in the Urns, we could assume that this turns them into Xenos and thats where the Xeno and Space Jockey/Pressure suits similarities come from, hence the Xeno Bio Mech is from the suits... But then these Engineer boddies would not be about would they not like that.
So it could be that they was Chest Busted some how, could this be with.
1) Traditional Face Hugger.
2) A Organism created by the Goo that acts as a Face Hugger.
3) That the goo some how just produces a Chest Buster inside the Engineers and not actually mutates them.
We just dont know for sure yet.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 10:56 AMWhatever happened to happened to all the bases on lv233. Makes me think that they were sabotaged. Maybe by the peace prone engineers or by the creature in the ceiling mural. I don't know but it doesn't make sense they wouldn't understand how the goo they made would work. To me there has to be another variable to this.

MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 9:22 PMWhat just occurred to me was that the black goo doesn't mutate the Engineers it makes they're DNA deteriorate but it makes us (humans) and other creatures mutate so I propose that this black goo is a naturally occurring 'resource/element' from the Engineers home world or it could be excreted by an animal from the Engineers home world therefore the Engineers would 'harvest' it and store it in the urns and I believe that the clear jelly like substance at the bottom of the urn is a nutrient for the goo because considering it mutates thing it could be a living organism therefore it would need sustenance alternatively it could be a cooling agent to stop the goo from 'boiling' over but when the air around it changes it heats up to fast so it's unstoppable. Please correct me if you think I'm wrong because this is all about finding truth amongst lies.

MemberOvomorphOct-22-2012 10:05 AM>It does seem somewhat unrealistic, however, that the engineers, who are an extremely advanced >race, controlling bio-weapons of sorts at the level we see and who have been around for billions >of years, couldn't control an outbreak. It's also odd that at that level of sophistication, they're >operating their work in, what would appear to be a primitive stone temple. It seems sloppy and >represents a level of concern for safety that's so low, it's a wonder it hasn't happened more often.
My thinking was that they could not control it any better than the humans who tried to control the xenos fared.

Indy John
MemberOvomorphOct-26-2012 4:33 PM" a cooling agent to stop the goo from 'boiling' over but when the air around it changes it heats up to fast so it's unstoppable.."
The amount and the way the goo oozes out of the urns is suspect to me.
So much of what we can tell of the Engineers is neat..precise,,functional,,arranged..ect..
The Engineer society must have planned how the goo would enter,, any world the ampules is sent to..
That scene with Fifield and Millburn,.,.walking through the leaking urns...just looked more like something else. working on the room..
Maybe this was all an accident,,not forseen ny The Engineers,,which accounts for the dispaly in the Big Head room.
Maybe Humans and Engineers are the victims of some other storyline...more sinister than what we think..
I could deal with explodiong urns,,,but leaking,,sloppy urns just does not fit in the Engineers' culture..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life
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