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Debate about the alien at the end of the movie.

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MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 3:46 PM
OK so as most if not all of you should know by know, there is a chestburster and/or new alien at the end of the film, my friend and i at school were having a debate about this scene, i feel that the seen was not needed and tacked onto the end, probably just to have "the alien" in it. he thinks otherwise and that its more important then that, i would describe his full argument but i don't want to mess it up lol he can post his argument when he sees this, but my question is, who do you agree with and/or where do you stand or what do you think about this scene?
41 Replies

Hadley's Hope

MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 4:56 PM
[img][/img] It felt a bit like a money shot to be honest. So, we didn't walk out saying 'there was no Xenomorph' I know there's a lot of debate about the 'forumula' to create these things. [img][/img] But you should see that this isn't that rare in nature. Look at the life cycle and morphology of some parasitic worms that have several different stages that give birth to each other between one adult and the next, and can be differnt depending on their host. [img][/img]


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 3:59 PM
lol for every ALIEN fan out there it was needed. Whether it was tacked on not isn't really an issue. Scott repeatedly said that we wouldn't see a Xenomorph in this film and we did so I was happy. But that's just the small child in me screaming out "Freaking sweet! Another Xenomrph!" however, I can see where it could be viewed as simply "tacking it on." It could seem that the studio wished to further tie it in to the ALIEN franchise, and just a shameful way for the movie to "jump the shark." However, on a more storyline approach. We see in the tomb the GIANT mural which contains what seems to be a religious allusion to the Xenomorph, ie the "Crucified Xeno." It seems fitting in the end that we get to see the Engineer um, "Huggothed"* by his own creation. Kind of a "That which you create will ultimately become your undoing," type of soliloquy. * The Huggoth is what my friends and I have taken to calling Shaw's Baby at the end. It resembles an elder creature from H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos. It's not a Shuggoth nor a normal facehugger, so we sandwiched the two lol, hence the Huggoth. It's a baaaaad joke we know :)


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 4:06 PM
huggoth LOL sure it was needed. we would be pissed if we saw the huggoth (im so using that now) stick a tube in the engineer and then that was it. what else was supposed to happen to the engineer? If there was no huggoth then why have Shaw give birth to anything? if Shaw didn't give birth to anything then Charlie would have gotten infected and that would be it. Fairly unremarkable story. Sure Shaw could still fight the engineer at the end but how could she have beat him, she couldn't have, the huggoth had to be there and do something really nasty too. That's my way of looking at it anyhow, I'm sure others differ and that's ok with me.


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 4:12 PM
@JesperJotun: still disagree, but i am glad you can see where i am coming from. @SaintsSinphony: well that's part of my point, we shouldn't have seen a "tube" go inside him, there should have been nothing relating to the xeno or a lot, not just a little bit tacked at the very end, AFTER the movie already had its traditional ending.


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 4:14 PM
invaderzim I thought you meant maybe having the alien burster at the beginning of a new movie or something I don't know man, I kind of like it.


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 4:21 PM
ew no i don't want it at the beginning, i just dont want the scene in there at all lol


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 4:50 PM
I really like the xenomorph part at the end there. What I don't understand (at least not completely) is how the xenomorph was manifested in the first place. To my understanding, and please correct me if I'm wrong, is that the egg/seed was implanted in Shaw by having sex with Holloway who was somehow infected by David putting the black goo in his drink. The egg/seed then grows rapidly into a squid like being, which then seeds the Engineer/Titan. And then, the xenomorph somehow bursts out of his chest? Was this xenomorph some sort of mutation of the combination of the engineer/human(either Shaw or Holloway or both)/and black goo? If the egg in Shaw became a squid thing, why would the egg in the engineer become a xenomorph? Assuming that the genes in the human and engineer are similar enough, something else has to be a factor in this.


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 5:08 PM
I'm Zim's friend he mentioned, so I guess I'll sum up my argument. I feel like it was necessary to wrap up some loose ends. Like SainstsSinphony said, I'd be disappointed if we saw the tube go down the throat and then we didn't know what became of it. That's less of a make's-you-think sort of cliffhanger than a "wow, that was disappointing" cliffhanger. You say that you don't want the tube down the throat scene at all, but then we wouldn't even know it was a facehugger. The director and writers obviously intended for it to be a giant facehugger, and they needed that to be cleared up, which is why the 'end alien' scene was necessary to the story. I feel like these creatures are important parts of the Alien/Prometheus mythology, and that it doesn't matter if it relates to the immediate storyline of the movie or not. I just didn't get the "tacked on" feeling that he did.


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 5:22 PM
in what way did they intend it to be a fachugger? besides the way that it kills the space jockey, nothing shows that it needed to be a facehugger, it could just be the horrible creation of the black liquid that was birthed from shaw, in no way does it need to be a facehugger, and besides once again my whole point they shouldn't have been intending it to be a facehugger, and if they really needed to have that in there, it should have been intertwined into the story and led up to, but that's not how they did it in the movie! they just had the now fully grown squid monster attack the space jockey then after the movie ends, they have a like 10 second clip of a new chestburster. it should have been done right or not at all.


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 5:58 PM
yeah, i really think that the squid was not intended to be a facehugger. Just because it goes down his mouth doesn't mean its a facehugger. Didn't the black goo snake/worm thing that the stupid scientists were killed by go down one's throat? So I think it's safe to assume that because pretty much everything goes down your throat, it doesn't mean anything if it goes down your throat. That being said, it does seam like they added the young xenomorph at the end for the sole reason of having a xenomorph for all the die-hard Alien fans. The whole creation of the xenomorph is rather complicated and strange. It was clearly a drone if you ask me, and we all know that drones come eggs which come from the queen. It does seem like they added it with complete disregard for the plot and everything. If that is that case, we should not try to relate it to the immediate storyline, just as chrisjgrillo said, but only if that is the case. If not, this means that the xenomorph we saw could be the first alien, or was made in the same way the first queen or whatever was made.


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 6:15 PM
As "die-hard" Alien fan, I didn't very much like Ridley's creation of the proto-xeno. Although its cool to provide an explaination, the scene is in direct contradiction to the rest of the Aliens universe. Anyone you has read any of the books can tell you that the xeno species was around long before the events on lv223. Although this may just be Ridley's retaliation of AVP, the books, as well as the games. But for one like me who has followed all of those strings, I am know experiencing alot of cognitive dissonence over the issue, do I believe the aliens came essentially out of humans, or that they are an ancient species? How does the ALIEN space jockey get into his chair? Does the proto-xeno become some sort of queen as lay the eggs in the Derilect? the next phase? How do they get to lv426? where is our Prometheus hero? All of this must be corrected and answered in a sequel or I will be a thoroughly PISSED fan. I would also like a creative "tie back" as to why the technology on ships of the future sort of regressed from where they are now or were as in Prometheus, anyone catch my drift? the "primitive" computers aboard the nostromo and sulaco.


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 6:17 PM
That scene was utter rubbish. It felt cheap and tacked on, like those wings you see kids put on the back of their Hondas.


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 6:29 PM
josiahdburk: I thought the same thing that the xenos were around before 2093! I follow the series but not too avidly. My dad and everybody thought I was being stupid. Ok, well that's satisfying to know that someone else realized that.


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 6:30 PM
This damn server keeps booting people off and we lose our thoughts....


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 6:36 PM
yeah this server is [i]pretty[/i] bad.


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 6:37 PM
Although the forum design is pretty good and standard


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 6:39 PM
I thought the ending would have been better if the alien was left out. It felt like a last minute after thought.


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 8:03 PM
seems some agree and some dont, yeah over all it just felt un needed and out of place in the end of this film.


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 8:26 PM
@Josiahdburk [i]Anyone you has read any of the books can tell you that the xeno species was around long before the events on lv223.[/i] I read another post that talked about the idea that the xeno in Prometheus was not a proto-xeno, but rather a recent bio-weapon refinement. The eggs and xenos from LV-426 were an ancient and natural version gathered and used as a weapon and the vases and new xeno were a bio-engineered version. [i]How does the ALIEN space jockey get into his chair?[/i] I don't think that has anything to do with [i]Prometheus[/i]. I'm pretty sure that's a totally separate and much older space jockey than the ones we encounter in this movie. [i]Does the proto-xeno become some sort of queen as lay the eggs in the Derilect? the next phase?[/i] I think that's an interesting idea , but I think that it's irrelevant since it's likely no one in any future movies (and by future I mean sequels and [i]Alien[/i]) will ever be back to LV223. I think that the xeno at the end of Prometheus is just a totally separate variant of the xenos we're used to. [i]How do they get to lv426?[/i] I think that the ship on LV426 had crashed/landed there long before the events of [i]Prometheus[/i] or, even if it happens after these events, that it is just a totally unrelated chain of events leading to that ship being on LV426. I would also like a creative "tie back" as to why the technology on ships of the future sort of regressed from where they are now or were as in Prometheus, anyone catch my drift? Well, I think one possible explanation is that this was a trillion dollar science ship whereas the the ship in [i]Alien[/i] was basically a space-going dump truck and the one in [i]Aliens[/i] was a space-going humvee. If you assume that the [i]Alien[/i] movies and [i]Prometheus[/i] really don't have much to do with each other then I really don't think there are loose ends to tie up in this movie, just purposefully unanswered questions. And the xeno at the end is just a dramatic way of ending the movie and setting up a potential antagonist for the sequel (if not this specific xeno, one of a similar design).


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 8:36 PM
Also, I don't really think the adult trilobite (which is a stupid name for it) was a facehugger in the sense that it was supposed to be one of the things that pop out of eggs in the [i]Alien[/i] movies, but rather it was just a form of convergent most life on earth has two or more eyes. Cuddles (as some seem to be calling it) with it's wrap around legs, tail, down-your throat egg-laying proboscis, sort of calm nature once it latches on, and the two holes on its "head" all just seem to be traits common to this particular form of life. Also, being a die-hard fan I loved the xeno at the end.


MemberOvomorphJun-13-2012 11:15 PM
I think we all are forgetting one minor little detail that would probably explain a lot. The worms that were swimming in this mystery black liquid. I believe they got mutated and became those "pretty" snake things that attacked the two scientists.


MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 4:26 PM
Antarctica, the xenos were around before 2093, this movie even suggests that. The mural had a depiction of the Alien Queen and in the lower right hand corner there was a facehugger (like in the aliens films) on a victim.


MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 4:35 PM
At least I thought it looked kinda like an abstract alien queen, but there clearly was a facehugger on a humanoid. Hers a link to another thread that shows it [url=]Mural[/url]


MemberTrilobiteJun-17-2012 5:03 PM
I personally do not like this new Xeno, and to be honest I'm surprised so many do... Heres Necronomicon IV, the piece of art by Giger that inspired the Xenomorph... [img][/img] This is the first and best rendition of the Alien... [img][/img] This is the AVP rendition, which is universally hated... [img][/img] Which isn't that much different to this... [img][/img]


MemberOvomorphJul-16-2012 6:13 PM
Just throwing this out there. The proto-alien looks much more like the mural alien (sleeker, sharper tip to head) than the original. Could there be some end of the world Engineer prophesy thing happening where bringing the thing at the end of the movie is what the Engineers fear/were trying to set in motion on Earth?


MemberOvomorphJul-16-2012 6:58 PM
I think Ridley Scott has put A LOT of thought and time into the story, and I find it hard to imagine that he would half-ass anything, and just toss something into his movie, without very careful analysis and deliberation. I haven't really given it too much heavy thought, but my impression of the xenomorph scene at the end is this: - the black substance has different effects, depending on various factors. The type of life form that is exposed, how much exposure (the quantity of exposure), perhaps even the location of the exposure (surface of body vs inside of body), etc. - the specific (and rather random) circumstances in which Shaw was exposed and the xeno created. A single drop of black substance into Halloway's drink, his slow and gradual change/or death, his passing of infected sperm into Shaw, the infected/mutated sperm fertilizing Shaw, the mutated fetus (which in some ways resembles what we know to be face huggers), the fact that THIS particular creature happens to attach to an Engineer (and which race/or type of Engineer?), and then... we get a Xenomorph that erupts from the Engineer... but a different type of xeno than what we've known from "Alien". So what does this scene tell us? IMO, it serves to show that under just the right chain of specific events, and with specific life forms... a xenomorph is created. So perhaps Ridley gave us this scene as an example, and a hint at the origins of the aliens. I've only seen the movie once, and I haven't put too much thought into this matter, but that is my guess.


MemberOvomorphJul-17-2012 4:40 AM
Whilst I think Prometheus is an utterly brilliant movie, the ending was not good IMO. And the reason it was not good was because of the Deacon's design. I was hoping to see something nasty, utterly menacing, slavering and hissing. Something that would give me the willies. Instead, we got a little imp showing off his gums! I'd have been much happier just to see a repeat of the chestburster in Alien. At least that little blighter was a bit scary, with his piranha teeth, all dripping with blood.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJul-17-2012 5:19 AM
"...That scene was utter rubbish. It felt cheap and tacked on,.." IN looking back the Deacon ending does seem added mentioned in this thread,,,but it just seemed to be a prelude to the next adventure..sort of like "I'll Be Back",,, If many of the loose ends had been tied up,,the tacked on ending would have been more effective in getting my curiosty up..create an effective buzz. As it happenned ,,all of the viewers in the theater at the movie's end.. were utterly quiet..and that was disturbing..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJul-17-2012 2:40 PM
"..I would also like a creative "tie back" as to why the technology on ships of the future sort of regressed from where they are now or were as in Prometheus, .." Yes looking at current Tech Control panel..then Prometheus,,and finally the mining ship it seems the newest ship seems more like our current Space craft! I suspect 'Low Bid' was used in purchasing build each vessel..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphJul-26-2012 5:50 PM
could the face hugger (that shaw gave birth to) be a Mother Xenomorph maker????
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