Strange post-production edits; SJ Sacrificial cups changed to green crystals.
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AdminPraetorianJun-12-2012 1:22 AMIn the trailers Holloway shines his flashlight onto the same type ceremonial bowl we see at the opening of the movie which the engineer drinks from, but in the movie it's replaced with a green crystal. I wonder what other changes they made to the movie after scenes were shot.
41 Replies

MemberOvomorphAug-08-2012 10:18 AM@aspahltpilot:
Could be wrong, but I reckon that was the Engineer she was backing away from, after he burst into the lifeboat.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

MemberOvomorphAug-07-2012 3:10 AMThere'll likely be no (integrated (more explanatory)) Extended version, allegedly; just additional Menu items on the Home format.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

MemberOvomorphAug-07-2012 6:30 AMExcuse me because I've only seen the film once but when Fifield (dude with the mohawk) turned up at the ship he was crouched in a sort of Crab walk style pose. This echoes a deleted scene from alien in which the Xeno approaches Lambert in exactly the same way.
So Fifield was exhibiting some Xeno style behaviour before he bit the big one which raises some interesting questions about the Goo's affect on humans. Maybe we do turn fully Xeno if left to mutate under the influence of the Goo? While I'm speculating what if a Goo-mutated Human PLUS the Deacon = Xeno.

MemberOvomorphAug-07-2012 2:39 PMThis points toward my current [u]fear[/u] that during the course of the production, Ridley changed his mind about the fundamental nature of the Engineers, so he ended up with a "new concept" that does not match the footage that was in the can. My intuition tells me that that is one of the factors that led to the confusing editing. The green crystal has NEVER made sense to me, in the context of the theatrical cut.
A tremendous amount of effort was made in creating the prop piece that is the container of the sacrificial cup and it's virtually unseen in the theatrical cut.
If this is the case, and the "fundamental change" to the Engineers and their culture was on Ridley's side and not a function of "requirements" from FOX, then [u]most[/u] of my hope for a coherent Restoration Cut is gone.
And if the Engineers are simply to become "monsters" with whom we can't have any real communication (because Ridley feels that it's out of character for them) then [i]Paradise[/i] won't hold much interest for me either.

MemberFacehuggerAug-09-2012 8:08 AMI'm not sure of this counts:
The goo covering the vials is clear in the trailer but grey in colour in the film. I've only had one viewing of Prometheus so I can't remember if the vials are different in colour or just the goo they are covered in.

MemberOvomorphAug-08-2012 4:26 AMThere were several things seen in the trailers that I didn't notice in the movie, like Shaw on her butt backing away from what appears to be a very tall crew member right in front of her. I also loved the music that was in the official trailers. I wish they would have carried more of that into the film.
MemberOvomorphAug-08-2012 10:48 PM@interloper-
Perhaps HUMAN life was seeded on Earth by the engineers. Insect and other animals- including other mammals, was (or would be?) indigenous to the biosphere of Earth.
I don't know and haven't ever read just exactly WHERE or from what predecessor the great apes, the missing link and homo sapiens supposedly evolved from in Darwinian science. But I interpret that the engineers bio-genetically started that evolutionary strain according to this film.

MemberOvomorphAug-09-2012 11:01 PMI believe the goo on the ampules (inside of the urns) was darkened in post because otherwise it produced a continuity error to have black stuff dripping out from all of the urns in the Head chamber when the content was clear in the shot back in the lab.

MemberDeaconSep-16-2012 10:12 AMWell i think the Original in the Trailers that had the same Sacrificial Ceremonial Bowl had more significance.
You see we connected the Bowl with the Sacrificial Engineer, he ultimately drank a Substance from that Bowl that broke down his genetics/DNA into a substance that then fell into the Water and Fused/Mutated basic life forms and bacteria to then Evolve into advanced lifeforms that contained Engineer DNA.
When i look at the Mural behind the Bowl Originally in the Scene, the pose of the Xeno is in the same as Christ on the Cross. Now Christ let him self be Crucified as a SACRIFICE, when people usually talk about the significance of Christ on the Cross they say it was him Sacrificing himself for us.
So the common thing here is Sacrifice...
Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross.
Xeno in similar pose... means Xeno Sacrificed?
This Mural of Xeno in Sacrificial Christ pose had the same Sacrificial Bowl the Engineer had drank from at the start of the movie...
Maybe its just me but i make a connection...
So what other Connection is there well the Bowl + Engineer made a substance that then fused/mutated and evolved basic lifeforms that then Evolved to take on Engineer DNA.
We see another substance in the movie that mutates and evolves lifeforms but takes on Xeno DNA, this substance is within the Urns. In the Room with the Xeno Mural.
Life on Earth did not come from the Substance within the Bowl, it came from the substance that was produced from the broken Down Engineer once he had drank from the Bowl.. thus that substance he drank broke him down into a substance that then diluted into the Water.
So i think maybe the significance of the similarity in what the stuff in the Urns does and what the broken down Engineers DNA/Material did, and then the connection with his Sacrifice and the Sacrificial pose of the Xeno on the Mural and then finally how originally the Green Orb was the Sacrificial Bowl.
All leads me to conclude that maybe the Xeno was Sacrificed to create the substance in the Urns that alters and mutates/evolves organisms to take on Xeno DNA and Traits.
And this substance in the Urns was obtained via the same process that the Sacrificial Engineer had taken.
In context of the movie, could it not had been possible to had placed the Engineer in a VAT and then have him drink from the Bowl and then the broken down material he broke down into could then be collected and stored into containers etc?
Then it would be possible for the stuff in said containers to be poured into Water and we would see the same thing happen that happened at the start of the movie?
Flip this round and could instead of the Engineer, if we took a Xeno at the Waterfall and it consumed the stuff in the Bowl, we would then see the Xeno break down and fall into the Water and then the basic organisms would then mutate and Evolve into life that would carry Xeno DNA and traits?
Thats the connection i make when i look at the Mural and why it had the Sacrificial Bowl in front of it originally.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017
MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 12:50 AM Thanks OP. After a few months, I'm just now realizing, thanks to you and my chance discovery of this post, that the ceremonial bowl Holloway is pointing his flash light at is of the same object from the beginning of the movie. I didn't make the connection until today.
And also, realizing just now, thanks to the op, again, there's a difference between the condition of the bowl in the trailer from the movie. Very intriguing changes.
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