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Ultimate Plot holes/questions and answers debate thread

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MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 12:28 PM
********THIS THREAD IS A WORK IN PROGRESS******** These are truncated interpretations of forum members "plot holes" or unaswered questions along with answers and explainations from various members... 1)[u]Is sacrificing one of their kind really the best way they have to create life on earth in the beginning of the film?[/u] 2)[u]Why would Weyland spend so much money to fund a mission with no hard evidence that Shaw and Holloway's theories are correct?[/u] [b]He's a multi-quadrillionaire or mega-rich for that matter. Money is no object and immortality is his only desire.[/b] 3)[u]Why is Shaw portrayed as a Christian believer yet she forms a hypothesis that contradicts Christian beliefs?[/u] [b]In the film someone says that her beliefs are incorrect because the Engineers created humans. She answers with "Yes, but who made them?" She has her own beliefs that are obviously based in Christianity but every Christian does not believe or worship in the same way.[/b] 4)[u]Why was Weyland playing like he was dead and hiding in cryo besides plot reasons?[/u] [b]He was in cryo to preserve the short time he had to live. As far as why he hid it from the crew perhaps he's an eccentric multi-quadrillionaire who likes to mess with people's heads. Or, if the comany and share holders believe he's dead he could be doing it for some business reasons.[/b] 5)[u]Why is Vickers being Weyland's daughter kept a secret?[/u] [b]Vickers being Weyland's daughter is kept secret from the audience. Never in the film does it suggest that this fact is kept from the crew. She has a different last name but that doesn't mean that the last name was made up. Maybe a married name or she kept her mother's last name.[/b] 6)[u]Why does Vickers even go on the mission when it's against her best intrest in regards to taking over Weyland Industries? It's not in her best intrest if other "sharks" are on earth plotting to take over the company while she's on the mission.[/u] [b]For one Weyland is not dead so the company is still his. Also, Vickers obviously has daddy issues. Her father prefers a replicant to her. Her father is dying. She expresses that in her opinion the mission is a joke and will not be successful therefore she believes her father is going to die on the mission. She looks at the mission as her last chance to redeem herself or win her father's love away from David.[/b] 7)[u]Why does Weyland take the voyage instead of sending a probe and funding further medical research?[/u] [b]What medical research is going to uncover immortality?[/b] 8)[u]Why does Weyland think he can appreciate or understand immortality or the Engineers reasoning and capabilities when he himself states that his creatioin, David, cannot appreciate the immortality he has been given because he has no soul?[/u] [b]Again, he's an eccentric, multi-quadrillionaire. He created another lifeform. He also obviously thinks he is on equal footing with the gods or Engineers. He is incredibly self rightious. And, unlike David, he has a soul.[/b] 9)[u]Why does the crew rush into the temple instead of waiting for the pups to finish mapping?[/u] [b]They never go into any area of the pyramid that has not been mapped.[/b] 10)[u]Why would the crew remove their helmets when they admit that, though breathable, it could still be dangerous?[/u] [b]Once they find out it's breathable they never say anything about a chance of it still being dangerous. In fact, someone states that the air is, in fact, cleaner than earth's air.[/b] 11)[u]Why does David shine a flashlight at a hologram?[/u] [b]He's in a very dark place and has a flashlight in his hand. When most people are in the dark and hear or see something moving they usually will shine said flashlight in that direction.[/b] 12)[u]How does Fifield and Milburn get lost when Fifield is in charge of the pups?[/u] [b]The pup readout was loading to the display on the ship, Fifield had a piece of the equipment that showed them the readout however when he and Millburn decided to leave rather near their point of entry he had to leave the equipment with the crew who were staying so they could continue to find their way. Fifield and Millburn being men both think they can find their own way and don't bother contacting Janek for directions. Then the storm hits knocking out contact.[/b] 13)[u]Why are geologist Fifield and biologist Millburn not interested in the uber-important descoveries that the team make in the pyramid?[/u] [b]It's possible that they are too frightened to care about their careers at that point. Or better yet they are interested but are smart enough to hang back until the pyramid is found to be safe and without threat.[/b] 14)[u]Why is Millburn stupid enough to try to pet the hammerpeede?[/u] [b]Perhaps his inquisitive, biologist nature that was talked about being absent in question #36 has finally got the better of him. Also, Fifield had just showed him that he had marajuana in his resperator. This could explain why Fifield is super paranoid as well as why Millburn wants to pet the hammerpeede. Fifield is paranoid because he's stoned and Millburn is trying to show off in order to impress Fifield so he'll share the marajuana.[/b] 15)[u]How is human dna and engineer dna a match yet there are differences between them?[/u] 16)[u]Why doesn't the crew ask David to translate Engineer writing when they find out there's a contagion loose?[/u] [b]When they find out Holloway's infected is the first sign of a contagion. At this point they are in the pyramid and find Millburn's body and see that Fifield is missing. They also see the hammerpeede scuttle off which scares them as well. The sh*t has hit the fan at this point.They don't think about or have time to ask David to translate anything as they are trying to hurry and get to the Prometheus to help Holloway. Besides, David is off on his own mission at the orrey in the Juggernaut.[/b] 17)[u]Why does Janek go to have sex with Vickers?[/u] [b]Seriously??? All joking aside, Janek is the captain of the ship. He's not responsible for anything scientific which is what the mapping of the pyramid is. Also, at this point he has told Fifield and Millburn to hunker down and not bugger each other and all is quiet. Finally, at this point, there has been no threat. Just what he believes to be glitches with the pups.[/b] 18)[u]Why does nobody get angry at Janek for dereliction of duty?[/u] [b]See above answer.[/b] 19)[u]Why does David infect Holloway for no reason?[/u] [b]Before David infects Holloway he has a conversation with Weyland who is in cryo. When David leaves he comes upon Vickers lurking in the corridors. She askes David what Weyland said. "He said to try harder" he tells her. Weyland wants to find out what the "black goo" is capable of without being the guinea pig. Could it make him immortal? Could it make him morph into an alien? Could it give him the runs? He tells David to infect someone. David picks the person he likes the least of the crew. [/b] 20)[u]Why does infected Holloway act ok and return to the temple putting his girlfriend and crew in danger?[/u] [b]Holloway has no idea he's infected. He dosn't know what David did. All that happened before they left for the pyramid was what he saw in his eye in the mirror. He could have been thinking he was seeing things due to cryo or space travel or whatever. He didn't display any pain until they were in the ampule room and at that point he asked Shaw if what was going on was bad.[/b] 21)[u]How does David know what 3 months pregnant looks like in terms of an alien?[/u] [b]David tells Shaw she's 3 months pregnant BEFORE he tells her it's not human. He's telling her she's 3 months pregnant in terms of the size of a human fetus at 3 months. He knows they haven't been there for 3 months and that the alien fetus couldn't be that old as they hadn't been there 3 months.[/b] 22)[u]Why does David put Shaw to sleep when she asks him to take the alien fetus out?[/u] [b]First, putting Shaw to sleep and in cryo is the most rational actions he could take as the med-pod only works on males and they don't have the personel to do the procedure.[/b] 23)[u]Why does Shaw not mention David's behavior to anyone after the c-section?[/u] [b]Because his behavior was totally rational.[/b] 24)[u]Why is nobody, especially David,curious about what happened to Shaw and her baby after the c-section?[/u] [b]David trumped Shaw's pregnancy with the surviving Engineer. After he was found, anything else was secondary - which includes Shaw's baby. And David was the only one who SAW the fetus. I doubt he said much, of if he did, he was deliberately vague. Weyland's only concern was meeting his "maker", and since Shaw was obviously alive and coherent, why would Weyland even care? He was on borrowed time, only days to live - if that. He's not going to give a crap about what Shaw was up to.[/b] 25)[u]Why does Janek assume that LV-233 is an "experimental weapons depot" located far away from the Engineer's home world?[/u] [b]Janek explains this himself to Shaw in the film.[/b] 26)[u]If LV-233 is in fact an "experimental weapons depot" why would the Engineers give humans a map to it?[/u] 27)[u]Why is the ships control system started by a flute and controlled with buttons instead of being contolled by a flute OR buttons exclusively?[/u] [b]Do cars start up when you push the gas pedal or stereo buttons? No. They start with keys. The flute is the key the Engineers chose.[/b] 28)[u]Why does the awakened Engineer attack instead of finding out what's going on?[/u] [b]He has just been awakened early from a long sleep by inferior beings who he and his kind created and now want to destroy. These inferior beings have somehow found them and the rest of his beings on the ship are dead. He sees them somewhat of a threat. He has no idea what they know or what they're capable of. Not physically, he knows he can handle them physically. He's worried about what they know about the Juggernauts on the planet and their plan to destroy mankind.[/b] 29)[u]Why do Janek's co-pilots offer up their lives so readily?[/u] [b]First ands foremost the fact that the lifeboat can only sustain life for 2 years means they are going to die before anyone can rescue them anyway. Also, Janek seems to be a boss that they definitely look up to and they obviously respect him to the utmost. Plus, how often do you get a chance to save the entire planet instead of running like a coward?[/b] 30)[u]Why doesn't Vickers run sideways to avoid crash?[/u] 31)[u]Why does the Juggernaut fall straight down during the crash instead of at an angle?[/u] 32)[u]How does a rock hold the crashing Juggernaut up, saving Shaw's life?[/u] [b]If you look you can see that the part of the Juggernaut that lands where Shaw is is sloped inward which means the part of the ship that hit the rock was also lower to the ground when the ship hits. If the ship is sitting flat on flat ground that part of the ship would not be touching the ground.[/b] 33)[u]Why does the Engineer go after Shaw with bare hands when there are more Juggernauts?[/u] [b]See question #28.[/b] 34)[u]How does Shaw's baby grow so big in a confined area with no food source?[/u] [b]The trilobite fetus grew at an alarming rate while inside with what would seem to be little nutrition from Shaw as from the time she had intercourse and was impregnated to the time of the c-section she had not eaten anything. The trilobite just continues this trend after the c-section. Or perhaps the trilobite ate some of the crew members we didn't see much of.[/b] 35)[u]Why does Shaw head for the Engineer's home when she knows they want to destroy humans?[/u] [b]To get answers. She states this at the end of the film. She doesn't care the cost. In her mind she will get answers from the Engineers or die and meet her maker and get answers that way.[/b] 36)[u]How did Shaw manage to acomplish all the feats of strength and daring after a very painful c-section?[/u] [b]Shaw gives herself painkilling shots during the c-section as well as after. The combination of future surgical tools and techniques, the ability of future drugs to kill pain as well as good ol' adrenaline could have easily helped her along.[/b] 37)[u]How did the Trilobite survive the sterilization process?[/u] [b]The Trilobite does have some human DNA and perhaps the Pauling Med-pod's sterilization process is not calibrated for human/alien hybrid parasite trilobite.[/b] 38)[u]Why is the Prometheus no equipped with weapons to blow the Juggernaut up instead of having to fly into it?[/u] [b]Scientific expedition. Not an attack ship.[/b]
363 Replies


MemberOvomorphJul-07-2012 6:09 AM
@osustudent20 David isn't actually an android, he's Ridley's son. She travelled back in time and got pregnant with Jason Statham's kid. She then travelled back forward in time and gave birth to it in time for the Prometheus timeline, then skipped back to her original timeline to be ready for the Alien films. ... Whatever you do with that, do it to the AvP films too.


MemberOvomorphJul-07-2012 6:11 AM
This movie sucked. The fact that there'a a thread on 38 stupid plot holes is a testament to that. I have been reading sci fi since 1970 and this is the worst, most poorly put together piece of garbage imaginable. Yes the whole concept of an engineer race is interesting but the 38 holes show what a bad job on delivery the movie did.


MemberOvomorphJul-07-2012 6:24 AM
Drakeequation nailed it with the 38 plot holes summarized.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJul-07-2012 8:29 AM
".....most poorly put together piece of garbage ..." Almost every movie,has plot holes..questionable acting..poor scene arrangement... After my viewing of this questions were not about plot holes..but more that I have seen only part of the story, The fact that movie fans take the time to analyze..discuss..and point out the flaws.shows the level of thinking that the movie has caused. If your statement was true(and I thought that way about a movie),,I wouldn't waste the time or energy to make a post..or seek out the site.. For me there has been ony a couple of films that have caused me to seek out more details and discuss...and Prometheus is the 3rd..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

Nuck Chorris

MemberOvomorphJul-08-2012 6:04 AM
So 17 pages later - are we now wiser then before? Yeah, dont know if we can call it "plotholes", "bad acting", "lazy writing" or whatever... But yeah, its maybe mostly a "frustrting missing of parts of the story". Example (i mentioned many times here): Imagine "The sixth sense" WIThOUT the conclusion at the end, that Bruce Willis has been shot . That CONCLUSION helps our brain to "fix it" and ENJOY, fell SATISFIED. Something strange happened before all the times, and our brain is fascinated, but confused. Whats going ON? But then there is the conclusion as some kind of "climax", and you go home with a feeling "WOW.. WHAT A MASTERPIECE". That was the same feeling i had with "The Others" with nicole kidman. Very good movie. This kind of movies WITHOUT a logical conclusion at the end, is just some timewasting riddle-ding-dong and your brain never gets it "done" as to many puzzle parts are missed or malformed. Cruel!

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJul-08-2012 8:36 AM
What would you thgink of a movie that comes to a that satifies the minds curiosity...and the final scene upsets it all telling you that the story really isn't over. This kind of movie really is upsetting! ....As far as Prometheus,,to the ending and the entire movie was not satisfying, There was thread somewhere at this site of man who after the show stood by his car thinking/smoking,,and started a discussion with others that sort of gathered around. After the the parking lot,,my son and i did exactly the same thing,,, That has not happenned to me after any other movie.. This 'discussion' looking back..really added to the movie experience..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphJul-08-2012 9:52 AM
To the haters:You will never catch me on a Battlefield Earth fanboy forum talkin ish ab Tavolta and the stupid plot. It doesnt deserve my time. So y do u take the time to become a member on PM and bash a movie u obviously dont like? Now there are complicated answers to this question, theories i could devise invoving ur psyche and motives but ima stick to Prometheus. BECAUSE ITS NOT WORTH MY TIME.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJul-08-2012 10:10 AM
..and using the Prometheus.board is worth yout time???? For me your posts make me think a bit..good or bad,,and adds perspective to a movie I had seen several weeks ago..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphJul-08-2012 11:38 AM
Yea it is worth my time bc i enjoyed the movie and enjoy discussing the mythos of the movie. What I dont enjoy is hating on things to the point that its overkill, which is why i don't understand ppl who go out of their way to hate on this/any movie via fan forums. If u must hate,passively hate, because you're one step away from handing out hate pamphlets outside the theaters.


MemberOvomorphJul-08-2012 11:45 AM
So anyway, can we get back to talking about why 17 crew members on a multi-billion dollar scientific mission to another planet have the interpersonal skills of a group of junior high students? Also, pot?! Seriously? That's your explanation as to why the dude decides to play gootchie-goo with a weird albino cobra that just popped up out of alien black goo creek? He's stoned? Really? First off, let me tell you something: If I'm stoned, poking at a f**ed-up looking cobra alien is the LAST thing I'm going to feel like doing. Matter of fact, if stuck in a spooky alien cave, getting stoned is the LAST thing I'm going to feel like doing. Talk about a paranoid trip. Secondly: Nobody searched these peoples' luggage before they got on board the most important and expensive space mission in humanity's history?

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJul-08-2012 11:53 AM
"...Nobody searched these peoples' luggage before they got on board the most important and expensive space mission in humanity's history?..." Yes and if was taking this jouney I might be packing a few 'personal protection items'...just in case,,especially if the TSA's are looking the other way..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphJul-08-2012 11:53 AM
Milburn wasnt high, Fifield was. Milburn was a biologist so i guess the contact could be explained as research/discovery? Stupid to touch it either way.


MemberOvomorphJul-08-2012 12:04 PM
Actually, a well-trained trained biologist would be the least inclined to poke at a newly-discovered life form. How does he know he's not going to damage it, or disturb its potentially delicate environment? Also, Fitfield! Oh man, don't get me started on Fitfield! HR lady: Okay, Mr. Fitfield, it says here you specialize in mapping caves and other large enclosed environments. Can you elaborate on how you accomplish this? Fitfield: Sure, bit**. Here's what I do: I have these steel f***ing balls. Big, round, hard balls. I toss 'em up in the air, and they fly around and map the sh**. Dumba**. HR lady: Okay, but please, Mr. Fitfield, there's no need to be so nasty about it. Fitfield: Whatever. HR lady: Okay, so the mission is going to send you out to this really cool planet light years away. You're going to be in space. It's really pretty awesome; I wish I could go. Fitfield: Pfft! Whatever! Space-shmace. Just show me the money, idiot. HR lady: Okay, last question. This one's a bit of a hypothetical. Fitfield: Shoot. Hr lady: Okay, say you've just been sprayed on your helmet by some alien acid, and it melts your helmet and infects you. What would you do in that situation. Fitfield: Two words: Berserker rage. HR lady: Berserker rage? Fitfield: Yeah. I would go absolutely apesh**. Kill everyone I can get my hands on. It's the only way to be sure. HR lady: Okay, Mr. Fitfield, it looks like everything's in order here. I'm going to go ahead and recommend we put you at the top of the candidate list. Fitfield: I don't give a sh** what you do, moron. I'm gonna go get a drink; you wanna come with? Maybe have a little roll in the hay afterwards? HR lady: Sure, sounds good.

Nuck Chorris

MemberOvomorphJul-08-2012 12:23 PM
Ms. Vickers: Mr. Fifield, welcome to our little conversation. I did choose you personally as i only accept employees who are dumber then me. And belive me - it was really HARD to find someone who meets this condition. So here we are. Do you want some coffee? water? tea? Fifield: Shut up, I love rocks! You dont give a shit about rocks! Ms. Vickers: Thats not true! As you can see as you watch the whole time my legs, i have a mini-skirt. In germany they call it mini-rock - did you know that? funny, isn*t it.. Haahaha.... So you can not say i dont like rocks! Fifield: You are completeley right. Ms. Vickers: Oh really? Thanks. Fifield: Yes, you are completely right when you said it is hard to find someone dumber then yourself -


MemberOvomorphJul-08-2012 12:31 PM
Old Man Weyland: Sweetie, come in here; I want to show you my latest creation. Vickers: Okay, daddy? What is it? OMW: It's an android. His name is David. David: Hello, Ms. Vickers. It's an absolute pleasure to meet you. Might I observe that your hair looks lovely? Vickers: I. HATE. YOU. I hate your STUPID face. OMW: Sweetie! That's no way to introduce yourself to a Vickers: SHUT UP, DAD! This android SUCKS. David: It's quite all right, Mr. Weyland. I expect many humans will be a bit put-off by the nature of what I am. Since I am a machine, I do not take offense to remarks of this nat- Vickers: Lawrence of Arabia was a sh**y movie, by the way. Peter O'Toole was a two bit hack who couldn't act his way out of a child's sandbox. David: OH NO YOU DIDN'T *fight music plays while the two square off*


MemberOvomorphJul-08-2012 6:31 PM
Oh, yeah, @osustudent20, another thing: AVP CAN'T be cannon to the main Alien franchise, because Prometheus basically shows us that the first queen xenomorph is born circa 2090 or whatever year the Prometheus mission takes place in, while the AVP franchise insists that Predators have been breeding xenomorphs for millenia.


MemberOvomorphJul-09-2012 4:33 PM
Firstly this is the worse film I’ve seen this year and it’s up there as an all-timer as well, AVP (both) is better than this Right I’m not going to read all the post so this is what I think from watching a dodgy copy glad I didn’t pay to see this The engineers gave us a sign to go to the planet in the film, right, but not there home planet……… But in fact to their planet where they make weapons of mass destruction .hmmmm……. Strange if you want to see your children they come home, you don’t meet them at someone else’s place? But I haven’t seen anyone mention this fact yet…… Everyone is more concerned with did they send jesus to us, was he an engineer all, just crape it’s all about religion crap. Maybe they did but maybe he was just sent to see if we were ready………. Ready for what u say hmmmmmmmmmm……….. Well from the murals we know that the engineers know about xeomorphs And there making canisters on a mass scale……….. Hmmmmm………. Mass piles of weapons……………… But they must also know that once infected there’s no normality of the infected left………. So you can make the perfect mindless solider BUT u need to turn your population or some of it into a monster…………….hmmmmmmmmmm………………….not a good plan So if you can make a solider but don’t want to lose your population, maybe you can find another source, and if not maybe make one…… So you can’t find any other life out there or maybe you have and used them up, maybe there the enemy , maybe they can genetic engineer as well……………….strange sort of sounds like predators to me. So you go off and find a planet that can support life but there is none there, so you give it some so after a while that population grows, giving you the recruits you need……………. Hmmmmmmmmm………so from one of your own you get a few million, that’s a pretty good ratio, and technically not your own kind. Pretty sure if any government done this to their citizens everyone would not want this but if they done it to let’s say clones trillions of light years away…………..who cares right. So humans make it to the planet yet all the engineers are dead, and as we know three run to the canister camber and one die’s in the door way, which turns out he was infected. The two scientists that get left in the ship overnight find a big pile of engineers with their chests ripped open …………..this seems to me that the engineers secret weapon base was found by their enemies, so the engineers use there weapon on them self’s, it seems they lost the fight.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJul-10-2012 5:17 AM
When I read your synopsis..I thought it made a pretty good story,,with many unanswered questions,,, All of the points you make are plotlines RS must answer to this sites satisfaction.. THe question I have is "Who has Ridley Scott trusted to comp[lete this stoyline that 'Prometheus' has started in the advent he is physically unable to make the follow up movies..leading to 'Alien'?
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJul-10-2012 9:25 AM
"...Firstly this is the worse film I’ve seen this year and it’s up there as an all-timer as well, .." This openning sets the tone of your note and Im sad for that. Makes me defensive..rather than that I would be curious about your thoughts...reaction to the movies' various points.. Every item listed may be right,,poor scenes..themes..details.. It reminds me of something the wife says like" You never,do.....".. Of course I have done some..but painting with such a broad(no pun intended) brush covers up some details..perspectives that readers might enjoy.. So is your opening line actually true?? Fo me ..based on the movies I have seen this year(inclkuding DVDs) is not the best...because I left the theater unsure of what I have seen. Since that time.many elements of the movie have been brought out by this site(yea..and your note) that I just didn't have time to consider,,while watching.the show. I can't think of any other movie this year that has caused me to give the attention to elements of the story.. Prometheus may be the best..or worst movie ever made..but including the notes here and other readings/ may be the most enjoyable movie experience in a long time.. I want to enjoy your notes...
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphJul-10-2012 1:30 PM
For folk wondering why someone would get close to a deadly looking animal.. There's nothing stupider than folk.. :D


MemberOvomorphJul-16-2012 6:20 AM
Here's a plot hole -or- a part of the film that is too clever to be deliberate: When David finds the ship's autopilot locked on to Earth, the holographic planet shows the earth as we know it today. If the Engineers only visited once, when life started, Earth would have looked very different (Gondwanaland and so forth in place of continental distributiomn we recognise today). So... either the engineers make periodic visits back to earth (vindicates the moss observation in scene 1) and their latest photo of Earth is modern, or they've got kick-ass telescopes that can see planets 35 LY distant, or the people who did the fx read "HOLOGRAM OF EARTH SPINS NEAR CHAIR" and popped in a holographic Google Earth. Given what I've seen of the pedigree of the film so far, my money's on the latter.


MemberOvomorphJul-16-2012 7:53 AM
It's widely thought to be the case the the Engineers sent an emissary to Earth around the time of Christ, 2000 years ago. I think RS backed this up in one of his statements. So the Engineers have up-to-date maps.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberOvomorphJul-16-2012 3:38 PM
I think I lost some brain cells just reading the forum post from "darknik". Seriously people, read your forum posts before you press the "Add Reply" button. Check for grammatical errors, spelling errors and punctuation. I'd respond to his post, but it isn't worth my time. It's just.... hmmmmm...... THAT BAD. /rolling eyes.


MemberOvomorphJul-16-2012 4:04 PM
I loved the over all idea and some parts were great but to pick one of the bad bits: "10)Why would the crew remove their helmets when they admit that, though breathable, it could still be dangerous? Once they find out it's breathable they never say anything about a chance of it still being dangerous. In fact, someone states that the air is, in fact, cleaner than earth's air." Cleaner than earth so what no pollution - they were talking about elements - but nothing said about microbes etc.! And even if you make the jump to microbes by making things up - they dont know whats round the corner or in a wall?! There might be acid spitting boobie traps or things we never even imagined before!! Either way it spoils the film turning seemingly clever people into idiots to get a reaction from the audience or merely for artistic choice! It was these 'stupid parts' that brought it down from a classic but I am holding on for some kind of save from future viral website sequels so its not totally over for me :P ...


MemberOvomorphJul-16-2012 4:54 PM
I think I know the answer to question 30 30)Why doesn't Vickers run sideways to avoid crash? There are a couple of answers. 1) By changing her course she might have gotten squished. The ship is so big it might have squished her when she was trying to go side ways. She might have not ran fast enough. 2) During times of distress people don't take the time to think. Their main objective is to get to safety. Vickers is to busy dealing with the ship that is going to crush than to think of ways to survive. You know how sometimes people cover there heads when something is about to hit them instead of running. 3) Remember those pointy rock structures? Maybe she thought they would get in the way?


MemberOvomorphJul-16-2012 4:57 PM
Or maybe she had some of Fifield's marijuana.


MemberOvomorphJul-16-2012 5:07 PM
I cant think how I would survive maan theres this rolling ship in a like a semi - circle it definitely going forwards but hey maybe just maybe if I go forwards as well I wont die yeeeeeer maaaaan :O


MemberOvomorphJul-17-2012 4:10 AM
@Space-Jockey: 30)Why doesn't Vickers run sideways to avoid crash? Vickers fell over and didn't have much opportunity to run anywhere in particular. The odd shape of the ship probably played a part. You have had the benefit of studying the weird geometry of the alien craft for donkey's years - she didn't. And we all know that women are rubbish at spacial awareness! (Well, [i]some[/i], anyway). But I think the main reason for things going to pot, having seen the movie again, is that the ground all around was being pummelled by massive thumping great bits of exploding debris from the collision and subsequent explosion. Look at that next time, instead of Vickers, and you will see what I mean. She literally was between a rock and a hard place.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberOvomorphJul-17-2012 8:17 AM
So, if you were going to visit Santa Claus, you'd take along a bazooka?
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberOvomorphJul-17-2012 8:32 AM
LOL you obviously havnt seen this : [url=]Santa :D[/url] heh but back to the seriousness: ok I am thinking about this like its real ok! I am travelling lightyears across space to an unknown planet nobody knows if there are hostiles or not hmmm. And they did bring armed guards remember with flame throwers and some kinds of guns on them so they weren't expecting santa either dont you think !
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This Alien Movie Universe community is part of the Scified network. Scified hosts a network of online fan-site communities containing 405,959 posts by 48,261 members (5 are online now). The Alien: Romulus Forum is the most recently active forum. The latest Forum topic added was: Alien: Romulus VFX breakdown by ILM
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Alien: Romulus Spoilers Updated 2024-08-18 08:33:57
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Everything we know about Alien: Romulus Updated 2024-06-15 10:35:44
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This website provides the latest information, news, rumors and scoops on the Alien: Romulus movie and Alien TV series for FX! Get the latest news on the Alien prequels, sequels, spin-offs and more. Alien movie, game and TV series news is provided and maintained by fans of the Alien film franchise. This site is not affiliated with 20th Century Studios, FX, Hulu, Disney or any of their respective owners.

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